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More guest book comments from January 10, 1998 to November 28, 1998
This data was submitted on: Saturday, November 28, 1998 at 04:38:17
name = Aisha Jobe
homepage = http://NA
comments = I am pleased to find your page. I am trying to learn of my
husbands country and culture. I am having difficulty, in that I am trying
to fing the educational requirements for being a teacher in The Gambia.
We are planning to move there in a a couple of years and I ant to be
able to teach there. Any suggestions?
This data was submitted on: Friday, November 27, 1998 at 16:18:40
name = Modou & Maschinka
homepage = http://NA
comments = Hi There,
In a few months time we hope to welcome our first child. We would like to
give it an Gambian name. A boys name is easy but could somebody please send me some girlsnames with the explanation? Thanks
Modou & Maschinka
This data was submitted on: Saturday, November 21, 1998 at 20:13:21
name = Mike Carrick
homepage = http://NA
comments = I am an ex teacher at Bromsgrove near Birmingham in the UK.
My school North Bromsgrove High School has a link with Armitage Senior
Secondary School, Janjang-Bureh, Central River Division. We invite small
numbers of students to visit us in July and we go to visit them in
December. They are keen to write to our students, but our students are
lazy! We are trying to get a computer for internet for Armitage. A
former student who is managing the Bird Safari Camp on Janjang-Bureh has
worked internet successfully using ISP Commit in Banjul so we hope it will
work, and we hope it will inspire our students to send messages more
often. We shall not manage a visit in Dec 99, but we hope to send a
basketball team in Dec 99. We are inviting Gambians here in July 99.
Money is always a problem but we keep going! (I am having trouble with
internet so you could copy any message to Pleased to
see your pages. I am using them for a girl who is doing a project about
the Gambia. Her name is Charlotte Green. She would be thrilled to have a
message from a real Gambian!! Best wishes, Mike Carrick.
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, November 25, 1998 at 06:40:32
name = AYO NELSON-HOMIAH ( sonko )
homepage = http://www.snafu.de/~ayo
comments = ASALA MUA LAKUM !!
This data was submitted on: Thursday, November 19, 1998 at 14:57:12
name = Sophia van Oostenbrugge
homepage = http://NA
comments = I am looking for paintings of mr. Jobe.
At his shop in bakau I saw that his paintings were on the internet but I
can't find them. Please help me. Further I want you to know that i like
all the information about the Gambia on the internet and I wish I had
known before I went to the Gambia. Maybe it is an idea to promote the site
more in Holland.
This data was submitted on: Thursday, November 19, 1998 at 04:40:21
name = Jim Conyers
homepage = http://NA
comments = I enjoyed visiting your website. I was a Peace Corps Volunteer
in The Gambia from 1967-69 stationed at Abuko Veterinary Headquarters
working in cattle marketing. My Gambian name is Samba Jallow. I appreciate
all the good information about The Gambia.
This data was submitted on: Tuesday, November 17, 1998 at 15:25:09
homepage = http://NA
comments = I am living in Maastrcht for over two months now. I am astudent at the Maastricht university. Your website keeps me well informed of
events in The Gambia. Thank you
This data was submitted on: Sunday, November 15, 1998 at 07:35:53
name = Judy Wilson
homepage = http://NA
comments = Dear Sir,
I have certainly enjoyed all the information on Africa and especially The
Gambia which is one of my favorite Countries. I was fortunate enough to
be able to visit Gambia twice and today feeling a bit homesick for the
wonderful people ,through your homepage I was able to visit oncemore.
Thank You, Judy
This data was submitted on: Friday, November 13, 1998 at 06:08:29
homepage = http://NA
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, November 11, 1998 at 20:42:13
name = Ismail Rashid
homepage = http://NA
comments = thanks for your informative page about the Gambia. One half of
my family is from the Gambia. My siblings have visited but I have not yet
had the opportunity to come back home. Hope I will be able to do it one of
these days. Thanks for the info. on the Gambia
This data was submitted on: Friday, November 6, 1998 at 14:59:19
name = Miss Awa Faal
homepage = http://none
This data was submitted on: Thursday, November 5, 1998 at 03:01:11
name = Emmy Albrecht
homepage = http://NA
comments = Thanks for all the information that you have supplied us with on your web page. I am representing The Gambia in a model United Nations Conference at my university and this has helped me a lot in understanding
more about this most interesting country! Well done!
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, November 4, 1998 at 23:07:19
name = Paige Henney
homepage = http://NA
comments = Hello. I somehow stumbled upon this website and have no idea
what kind of comments you're looking for. Have a nice day:-)
This data was submitted on: Saturday, October 31, 1998 at 12:51:32
name = Gudrun og Svend M Christensen
homepage = http://NA
comments = Dejligt at se dine sider. Vi holder meget af the Gambia og
glæder os meget til at besøge dit land igen m.v.h. Svend og Gudrun
This data was submitted on: Friday, October 30, 1998 at 22:27:29
name = MUSA M. BAYO
homepage = http://na
comments = I'm very much gratified to come across your web site. Please keep the good work.
I'll apprerciate if you can get me the imformations
how to get in touch with the president of
The Gambia. Agric. students send abroad to
different countries, namely, USA, Uk, and Nigeria are
facing horrible conditions, because of lack of the
government's continue funding.
Please respond.
Thanks indeed
Musa M.Bayo
Fort valley State University
Georgia, USA.
This data was submitted on: Friday, October 30, 1998 at 10:52:57
name = Mette v. mikkelsen
homepage = http://NA
comments = Hello!
I'm a danish student who's been travelling in Gambia three times and I already feel half Gambian, I just love that country!!!!!!! I'm writing a
big essay next year about the history of gambia, so this web-site is a very big help to me, but I would like if there could be more information about the ancient history of the Gambia, so if anybody could help me I would be really pleased.
Mette v. Mikkelsen (Denmark)
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, October 28, 1998 at 14:06:43
homepage = http://NA
comments = thanks, it's nice to see so much info about THE GAMBIA on the web.
may i add that your presentation was very impressive and the colours are wicked!
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, October 28, 1998 at 04:07:49
name = Madame Drammeh-Camara-Sidibeh
homepage = http://NA
comments = Who else, but your Jombaajoh, would have such a long last name!!
This data was submitted on: Saturday, October 24, 1998 at 12:16:19
name = Ronald Taylor-Lewis
homepage = http://www.manovision.mcmail.com
comments = Hi,
There does not seem to be regular coverage of
The Gambia on the website. The last posting was
dated 16 October 1998.
I am sure things are happening there.
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, October 21, 1998 at 19:19:53
homepage = http://NA
comments = I concider myself a student of the truth, I think what you are
doing is a good thing.
This data was submitted on: Monday, October 19, 1998 at 02:46:02
name = Musa M. Bayo
homepage = http://N/A
comments = Thank you so much for your Informative website,
I hope you'll continue up-dating us with the latest
news from home. Please keep it up.
Fort Valley State University,
Fort Valley,Ga.31030
This data was submitted on: Friday, October 16, 1998 at 11:50:39
name = peter dunne
homepage = http://NA
comments = good site very informative i would like some more ancient
history of the gambia though
This data was submitted on: Thursday, October 15, 1998 at 09:31:38
homepage = http://NA
This data was submitted on: Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 01:07:47
name = Paul
homepage = http://NA
comments = Great site, lots of links and good information about the
Gambia. Thanks (Paul, Sweden)
This data was submitted on: Thursday, October 8, 1998 at 17:05:07
name = Lamin, Sowe
homepage = http://NA
comments = I would like to thank you for allowing me to
surf into your Homepage.
This data was submitted on: Thursday, October 8, 1998 at 14:21:17
name = maimuna/coker
homepage = http://na
comments = hi everyone this is a sister calling from danmark.
I�will like to say thank you to momodou for taking
his time to do a grate job about our homeland,
��jollof�� Boy we are proud of you keep it up.
may the almighty-ALLAH guide us all.
This data was submitted on: Saturday, October 3, 1998 at 17:31:49
name = Aisha Jobe
homepage = http://NA
comments = My husband & I are new to the internet. Would like info on
home, The Gambia and Gambian news. Appreciate your help and your site.
This data was submitted on: Monday, September 28, 1998 at 16:17:22
name = Paul Matthews
homepage = http://NA
comments = Wonderful pages on a wonderful country
This data was submitted on: Thursday, September 24, 1998 at 00:00:31
name = Ebrima Benny EK
homepage = http://NA
comments = Hello!!!
Nice to have the chance to check out Gambian news and so forth. Please
send me an E-mail with some addresses which migth be good to have.
Unfortunately I have not got a homepage yet but will soon. My name is Benny
because of a swedish origin, but I�ve been living in The Gambia since 79.
Rigth now I�m back in Sweden for studies and will be so for many years to
RASpect. Greetings, Jahman.
This data was submitted on: Monday, September 21, 1998 at 19:51:18
name = Smart Gooskens
homepage = http://NA
comments = december 1998 I hope to spend my anniversary with my husband
in Koti; my husband works for a NGO in Liberia and I work in Holland; can
we dance with theb local people somewhere nearby and are there any
interesting big drumcollectives in the neighbourhood during our visit ??
we only spend two weeks, lovely to see all this information on internet.
bye bye
This data was submitted on: Thursday, September 10, 1998 at 17:28:23
name = Fatima Darbo
homepage = http://NA
comments = I must applaud you for the wonderful job and creativity in exposing our beloved country.
This data was submitted on: Saturday, September 5, 1998 at 22:25:51
name = kofi mahoney
homepage = http://www.sovereignbank.com
comments = good job keep it up!!!!
This data was submitted on: Friday, August 28, 1998 at 21:02:06
name = Maria Gaye
homepage = http://NA
comments = I do really enjoy reading about The Gambia, about the country, the economy and so on....
Thanks to you I know soo much more about The Gambia than I ever thought I would learn!
Once again - thanks!
/ Maria
This data was submitted on: Friday, August 21, 1998 at 13:15:13
name = Isatou Sanyang Jaiteh (ida)
homepage = http://NA
comments = Pleased to see your home page, Mine still under construction.
I will get in touch as Denmark is a country I definitely want to know about and visit one day.
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 19:38:59
name = Bettina Kjær Jensen
homepage = http://NA
comments = Me and my family are going to Gambia in November 1998, and we
are looking forward to this. We expect it to be very different from what
we are used to. In our everyday life we work very hard because my husband
is an indepented plumber and I am helping him with his office work in my
sparetime. I am very interested in art, and would like to know if there
are any possibilities for buying lokal paintings i Gambia.
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 16:41:40
name = Debbie
homepage = http://NA
comments = I was looking for information on a Gambian Festival, which I was told was being held on Sunday 23 August a London Fields. London,
England. But know one seems to know anything about it.
I might go there anyway. I found your page most interesting, I am going to look round a bit more.
This data was submitted on: Monday, August 17, 1998 at 11:14:52
name = Africa One, the big mother!
(Mrs P.G. Mpofu)
homepage = http://NA
comments = It hurts to know there is not even one African to take consideration and voice for our community in this country. Girls and boys, stop chewing bones of your heads, its never too late.
Quite interesting to take a trip on your homepage, I wish all other countries can be there also, I just love it! Africa is only one.
This data was submitted on: Monday, August 17, 1998 at 09:35:51
name = Stella (Germany)
homepage = http://NA
comments = Hello,
me and my friend we go next year to The Gambia. We are very interested
about all what is new in Gambia and we have also interest for a job ther
(any kind of job) Maybe someone has an idea. Many greetings to all Stella
This data was submitted on: Sunday, August 16, 1998 at 17:54:52
name = Davog & Cal
homepage = http://NA
comments = My girlfriend and I are visiting Gambia next week 28th August and are really looking forward to it but we are a bit worried about the rains. How much sunshine is there usually on a daily basis? Excellent
website, By the way
This data was submitted on: Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 04:40:43
name = LittleAfrica
homepage = http://www.LittleAfrica.com
comments = Great information on African culture! Please add a link to LittleAfrica ( http://www.LittleAfrica.com) LittleAfrica - Building
Community...Expanding Markets...Creating Value!
This data was submitted on: Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 00:40:39
name = irie price ceesay
homepage = http://NA
comments = Hello Gambia Guest Book, greetings from Irie Price Ceesay,
Lamin Ceesay, Barbukarr N'Jie from Atlanta, Georgia. You have my e-mail address, so let me hear from you from time to time, OK?
This data was submitted on: Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 17:19:44
name = Dirk & Mary Willemsen
homepage = http://NA
comments = Hello dear Gambian Friend,
We are a people who visited the Gambia for three times already and we feel like home with the Gambian people. We have already made a lot of friends
out there. We will be going back there in March 1999. We miss the Gambia
every day and long for our friends. We like to correspond with you through
e-mail, so we are anqious to here frome you.
This data was submitted on: Thursday, August 6, 1998 at 21:18:27
name = gloria wiggins
homepage = http://NA
comments = August 6, 1998
Dear Sir/Madam
Fantastik! I have been viewing the various African websites for hours. It is impressive. Gloria Wiggins
This data was submitted on: Thursday, August 6, 1998 at 18:26:46
homepage = http://NA
comments = What a beatuful homepage. Nice to get informations about The
Gambia and Africa. Keep up the good work Momodou, lots of people
enjoing the page! ADI
This data was submitted on: Thursday, August 6, 1998 at 12:03:09
name = Mounir Alami
homepage = http:// None
comments =
The useful may be trusted to further itself, for
many produce it and no one can do without it; but the beautiful must be specially encouraged, for few can present it, while yet all have need of it.
Thank you for picking up the pieces.
This data was submitted on: Sunday, August 2, 1998 at 14:28:50
name = Mel Hiley
homepage = NA
comments = Hello There,
I found your page by accident,there dosnt seem to be
much internet activity in the Gambia, have you
thought of setting up a server? I liked the pics.
very much, and I have visited The Gambia many
times,fantastic place, if anyone wants to chat about
The Gambia, drop me an e mail,I dont have a www
page, sorry,
Best Regards
This data was submitted on: Sunday, August 2, 1998 at 08:17:09
name = Siraaj Rashada
homepage = NA
comments = As an independent researcher of African history I congratulate you for
your page. Here is a tactic that I as worker cannot afford to pursue.
Hopefully someone with similar outlooks can check into it. When I was in a
bookstore in Ireland about five years ago, I was reading a book printed
around 1820-1840 wherein the author stated that is was well-known that
Egypt was a Negro civilization. He went on to say that this proved how the
cycle of history rises and falls. He stated how today (early 1800s) the
Negroes were on the bottom rung of civilization even though a few thousand
years earlier they were on top. My point is many European scholars,
especially those with deep knowledge of the hidden Celtic and Ethiopian
connections, during this period knew Egypt was Black. Good luck!
This data was submitted on: Thursday, July 23, 1998 at 13:03:11
homepage = http://NA
This data was submitted on: Monday, July 20, 1998 at 21:33:27
name = Binta Njie
homepage = http://NA
comments = Momodou, I enjoyed looking at the bright, colorful pictures of
Gambian ladies that were used to promote the upcoming cultural event.
Good job!!!
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, July 15, 1998 at 05:54:04
name = Matarr Sajaw
homepage =http://member.aol.com/mabsaj/
comments = Hi Momodou!
To sum up what everyone had said about your work on putting Gambia in it's
rightful place I will say "Never, Never, Never Give up."
You have inspired hundreds and you will continue to inspire more through
your relentless efford to put The Gambia in cyberspace. Because of your
efford you have inspired me to join in the campaign to bring information
to the many Gambians who need it. Please include me in your list. My page
is under construction and can use any resource that is out there.
Success is not free. Neither is Failure. There is room for improvement so
continue to use the engines of your ingenuity to create more of the
infomation we all love to surf.
Keep up the good work.
Best wishes From Matarr Sajaw
This data was submitted on: Monday, July 13, 1998 at 22:17:15
name = Haddijatou Mbachu Kah (Nancy Jawo)
homepage = http://NA
comments = In three years, this is my first ever detailed source of information on The Gambia. I am impressed and I had never thought of getting some source of info. about The Gambia On-Line . Like I said I'm impressed and also proud to be a Gambian Abroad.
please keep up the good work, it is indeed a JOB
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, July 8, 1998 at 10:39:57
name = Sahir Drammeh
homepage =http://linuxpc.jakgym.se/~sahir
comments = I was very impress with your home page and I hope that you will
continue to up date it. Any how i have not got time to make my site but
there is a little one that i made when I was in school, so you can get the
adress. http://linuxpc.jakgym.se/~sahir I have seen the stone circles and they did impress me. Hope to see you next week.
This data was submitted on: Friday, June 26, 1998 at 20:47:19
name = Modou Baldeh
homepage = http:// in progress
comments = Tooma,
Thanks lot. Wonderful source of infos.
This data was submitted on: Monday, June 22, 1998 at 23:08:59
name = Mariama Darboe Diop
homepage = http://NA
comments = impressive and inspiring job! bravo.look forward to hearing more about your cultual
This data was submitted on: Saturday, June 13, 1998 at 22:59:48
name = Habib Diab Ghanim
homepage = http://NA
comments = Good site
please have a brief update of news from the Gambia on a weekly or daily basis
This data was submitted on: Thursday, June 4, 1998 at 08:52:13
name = Doris
homepage = http://NA
comments = Just to say hi!!
This data was submitted on: Monday, June 1, 1998 at 01:36:10
name = Paul Batty
homepage = http://NA
comments = Nangadef! I enjoyed your pages. I have many friends in The Gambia and dearly miss
them when I'm not there. Your pages help me feel not so far away.
This data was submitted on: Friday, May 29, 1998 at 02:26:32
name = Ron Taylor-Lewis
homepage = http://www.manovision.mcmail.com
comments = Very impressed with your Website.
Can we establish a reciprocal link with ours?
This data was submitted on: Thursday, May 28, 1998 at 14:17:16
name = Assan Jallow
homepage = http://NA
comments = Keep up the great job!
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, May 27, 1998 at 22:36:34
name = Hadi Ousmane Sall
homepage =http://www.angelfire.com/ak/hadisall
comments =
Ta Page electronique est tres magnifique, et
tres instructive. Keep the good work!
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, May 13, 1998 at 02:57:35
homepage = http://NA
comments = Great site, can't resist visiting every day. Keep up the great work. I am sure all
Gambians are proud of your work and everyone else that is helping to keep this site up and
running. The gambia Daily News is a great source of info. Thanks for the great job.
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, April 29, 1998 at 07:35:48
homepage = NA
comments = GREAT SITE! KEEP IT UP.
This data was submitted on: Monday, April 27, 1998 at 02:09:41
name = Ebrima Sall
homepage = N/A
comments = Mamadi,
Great! This is a good job. Keep it up.
Cheers and take care!
This data was submitted on: Friday, April 24, 1998 at 00:10:55
name = sheikh
homepage = NA
comments = i'm a gambia currently living in canada. It's nice to know that there is a site on
the web about current gambian news. keep up the good work.
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, April 22, 1998 at 20:20:16
name = Noah Jatta
homepage = None
comments =
What a nice site you have. I was surfing round looking for links to Gambians on the net,
fortunately I found yours in the mail that was to G-list. It is really wonderful
This data was submitted on: Sunday, April 12, 1998 at 22:08:23
name = mickael marman
homepage = not yet!!
comments = hello !!
i think your homepage is great because people can learn about the gambia !!
keep up the good work!!
This data was submitted on: Sunday, April 12, 1998 at 21:21:59
name = Annie Bittaye
homepage = N\A
comments = Momodou, this is very thoughtful of you. It is a great sight and you won't believe how much I
enjoy browsing through it, especially when I am
homesick. Well, just keep up the good work.
Annie Bittaye
Kentucky State University
Frankfort, KY.
This data was submitted on: Friday, April 10, 1998 at 11:31:18
name = Lamin Jaiteh
homepage = n/a
comments = thank you very much my brother u hav done a great a job keep it up, i hav never
taught i will ever find anything good on the gambia until i stumble on your page it was very
informative... once again bravo for a job well done.......
This data was submitted on: Thursday, April 9, 1998 at 23:37:58
homepage = http://MEMBERS.AOL.COM/JEFJEL/
comments = Two thumbs up for you MODOU!
Your homepage is just the right source of information
for INFO Gambia and Gambians. Keep it up!
Please add in my link when you get the chance.
This data was submitted on: Monday, April 6, 1998 at 04:49:26
name = BassAwa (Illa Manyoo) Sey
homepage = None
comments = Momodou,
I am quite impressed with the organization of your page, accompanied by your creativity.
I was also very thrilled to view your picture.
Love Always,
Your Manyoo
This data was submitted on: Thursday, March 5, 1998 at 16:20:34
name = Edward J. Boyer
homepage = http://none
comments = I am a former peace corps volunteer who served in T/G from 1/84 to 6/86. Since
returning home I have visited T/G nearly every year. I was last there from 11/14/97 to 2/15/98
and stayed with a friend in Kartong, while making visits to other friends in various villages.
I would appreciate receiving any information on the current goings on from time to time, from
your site. Thank you. Feel free to send me any E-mail if you choose to want any information
from me. Thank you, Demba Badjie (gambian name).
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, March 4, 1998 at 04:16:57
name = Momodou Njai
homepage =http://www.niica.on.ca/
comments = I have just been in your site, the pics are beautiful.
It shows the true colours of The Gambia.
Peace, Love and Happiness to all............see ya!
This data was submitted on: Tuesday, March 3, 1998 at 03:41:47
name = Momodou Baldeh
homepage = none
comments = Momodou you are the best.I have lived in the united states for three years, but never did i come across such an informative page about the gambia. I guess no one will do it for us but ourselve. Therefore i'm glad that you are among the first to initiate the journey of a thousand miles. Yes indeed, a journey of thousand miles. Gambia as well as the whole Africa has
a long ways to go and we need more people like Momodou camara inorder to get there.
Momodou's page is a clear example of what i call taking matters into our own hands. If like most of us, Momodou just simply sat and wait to see who, maybe a foreingner, will establish the gambia webpage we wouldn't be here today. Instead,this brother used the resources available to him to create such a marvelous page for Gambians and all those interested. And i love him for that.
Reading through these pages and many other Gambia related pages, i came across a great number of Gambians. Must i say, i was truely impressed. According to their self profiles, most of them are in the fields that Gambia, and Africa for that matter, is in need of. Areas like, medicine, engineering, law, politics, mass communication computer: science technician, engineer, the list just goes on. Can you imagine what it would be like if each on of those individuals take those ideas back home. Think about it, it would be a blast!
Once again thanks Momodou (tom), much love.
Momodou O.S. Baldeh
This data was submitted on: Sunday, February 22, 1998 at 15:00:19
name = Flemming Stockfleth Staf
homepage = NA
This data was submitted on: Saturday, February 21, 1998 at 21:47:02
name = Hagar Drammeh
homepage = NA
comments = Hello Momodou!
I was looking for my son on Internet and found you. I have been married to a Gambian and we have
two sons together, both grown up today. Yours, Hagar.
This data was submitted on: Sunday, February 15, 1998 at 08:25:40
name = Jimmy Frålund Kristensen
homepage = NA
comments = Hi my Wife is a gambian and your page gives me a lot of informasion about her country and that is
very importent because we have a son who will have easy acces to information
This data was submitted on: Friday, February 13, 1998 at 16:00:21
name = Hertz Nazaire
homepage =http://defiers.com/
comments = great page... I loved the info... hope you can check our Sickle Cell Site
defiers.com ]
This data was submitted on: Sunday, February 8, 1998 at 13:54:50
name = Rickman Jammeh Harriet
homepage = http://members.tripod.com/~Jammeh/
comments = I think your page is very informative.
if you would like to inklude my homepage
in your link list i would bee greatful.
I took some of your lovely pictures to use in my
advirtisment i hope that i ok for you if not send me a note.
Thanks for now from me H Rickman Jammeh
This data was submitted on: Monday, February 2, 1998 at 22:01:39
name = Stephen Michael Hricik
homepage = NA
comments = please e-mail me and keep me up to date on upcoming events that unite the black community. I am very interested in what is going on in the African-American world of today. A-salam-a-lanka my brother
This data was submitted on: Sunday, January 18, 1998 at 20:39:25
name = Ed Blaas
homepage =http://www.xs4all.nl/~eblaas/gambia.html
comments = Nice informative page! I've been to The Gambia last october to have a holiday and go
birdwatching I loved it en will certainly return there soon. Not long ago I put my homepage on
the web and used part of it trying to get birdwatchers to go to The Gambia Greetings, Ed Blaas
Amsterdam Holland
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, January 14, 1998 at 00:18:49
name = Cindy Crooks
homepage = NA
comments = This was very interesting to me and I learned
a lot thanks for the time you put into this.
This data was submitted on: Monday, January 12, 1998 at 18:10:42
homepage = NA
comments = Great job Momodou! I have your page bookmarked and opens it up whenever friends ask me about The Gambia.
This data was submitted on: Saturday, January 10, 1998 at 00:15:55
name = +se-Lill Marman
homepage = NA
comments = Hello Camara!
I was really positively surprised by seeing your extraorinary webpage. The information about the
political history and the situation today is very informative. Especially for all the youths who
has a Gambian parent that is absent in their daily life. I look forward to show my kids this
page, and for shure they will appreciate and learn. Now,I am looking for African storybooks for
children, written in a scandinavian language for the children to identify themeselves with.
Would`nt that be great?!!
Thank you very much, you are a great rolemodell for your country!
Take care!
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