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More guest book comments from December 27, 1999 to December 12, 2000

This data was submitted on: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 at 19:17:15
name = Mario Rios Pinot
Home page = http://NA
comments = Great website, please include photos and more
information. Where could one stay if one wanted
to go, what does it cost, is there a youth hostel,
how could one prepare for bird identification?
what books are suggested, etc. Thank you.

This data was submitted on: Sunday, December 10, 2000 at 12:29:45
name = Ger van de Ven
Home page = http://g.vd.ven.tripod.com
comments = Hope to visit The Gambia next year.
Information about The Gambia is welcome.
Ger van de Ven
Painter and builder

This data was submitted on: Saturday, December 9, 2000 at 18:52:33
name = J.OROURKE
Home page = http://NA

This data was submitted on: Wednesday, December 6, 2000 at 14:17:03
name = Manuela
Home page = http://NA
comments = It is a very good homepage. I wish I could do this as well as you did
it. I�m from Vienna. But my boyfriend is from The Gambia and I love to read
everything of this country. You give me a lot of news with your page. Best
regards from Manuela

This data was submitted on: Friday, December 1, 2000 at 11:52:16
name = beata
Home page = http://NA
comments = your wonderfull site reminds me my staying in the gambia. i will
visit gambia throuth your site till i again go there personaly

This data was submitted on: Friday, December 1, 2000 at 03:51:26
Home page = http://NA

This data was submitted on: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 13:51:45
name = Alejandro
Home page = http://NA
comments = I just want to say that Gambia is a cool country and that I really
like to live there

This data was submitted on: Monday, November 27, 2000 at 18:39:44
name = Henki van Bree
Home page = http://NA
comments = Salamalekum! Nakangadef. Henkila tuda, man Norwegian laa. Toubab deffa
bogga janga wolof. Hello African friend, great website! It`s very nice to see
pictures from Gambia. I have been 2 times in your country,it wace very nice and i
already miss the sun. I maried my beatyful African Women in Gambia on the 7
Juli. I waiting for my wife coming to Norway soon, then we can go in to Internet
and look for her home country and news of Gambia.

This data was submitted on: Monday, November 27, 2000 at 18:19:16
name = Henki van Bree
Home page = http://NA
comments = Salamalekum!Nakangadef. Henki la tuda, man Norwegian

This data was submitted on: Saturday, November 25, 2000 at 10:28:57
name = Ayo
Home page = http://www.gamton com
comments = nice site keep up the good work

This data was submitted on: Friday, November 24, 2000 at 11:03:15
name = Gabou Jatta
Home page = http://NA
comments = Great site. Brother, you have done a good work.
Check this site out - www.africana.com - and educate.
Jah Love and Guidance

This data was submitted on: Wednesday, November 22, 2000 at 20:52:44
name = henrik arboe jensen
Home page = http://www.danbbs.dk/~arboz
comments = hi nice site.
Do you know how (with travel arrager ) to get from gambia to copenhagen
at this time off year

This data was submitted on: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 at 11:43:02
name = Andy Palmer
email = A.Palmer@plymouth.ac.uk
Home page = http://NA
comments = What a superb site.
I miss The Gambia a lot and hope to return soon.
Incidentally, I heve lived in Bakoteh, and know Serekunda well.

This data was submitted on: Friday, November 17, 2000 at 00:08:34
name = Songhai Niani Sledge
Home page = http://NA
comments = Interested in researching the history of my name. Have found some
information about Songhai but very little about Niani.
Would appreciate any help.
Thank you

This data was submitted on: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 at 14:01:07
name = Karen Isenor
Home page = NA
comments = My class is doing a project on the Gambia and
i was wondering if we could chat so that you could
answer a few questions i have. I am assuming that
you are from the Gambia. well i look forward to
hearing from you! Thanks

This data was submitted on: Monday, November 13, 2000 at 23:19:08
name = jesuma
Home page = http://NA
comments = What's the deal family. I'm a Janneh too, i'm trying to locate my
people. Keep in touch!!!!!!

This data was submitted on: Wednesday, November 8, 2000 at 18:51:02
name = soun
Home page = http://NA
comments = I wish i found out about this site when i had to do all those
research papers on our country! I love all your detailed info and please contact
me if you have any more details on past history.
keep up the good work and inspire others to follow.
Ms Lowe.

This data was submitted on: Tuesday, November 7, 2000 at 21:13:19
name = Aboubacarr Bensouda-aka THE BLUE DRAGON
Home page = http://abou_bensouda.homestead.com
comments = hi this site is cool. greate job, i got your site from
gambiawebpros.gm if you don't mind adding my site to your site please do.

This data was submitted on: Tuesday, November 7, 2000 at 17:08:44
name = Wanda
Home page = http://NA
comments = Very informative, Thank you!

This data was submitted on: Tuesday, November 7, 2000 at 13:35:56
name = henrik vellier
Home page = http://NA
comments = hallo im a boy from Denmark and im going to Gambia
in december and i think this site is the best i found
goodbye from henrik

This data was submitted on: Friday, November 3, 2000 at 02:20:20
Home page = http://NA

This data was submitted on: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 at 15:23:01
name = Elin Hjelm
Home page = http://NA
comments = Hello!
Thank you for a very nice page.
I love Gambia very much, and I am going here for the second time in january.
Im going to stay in Bacau where im going to lurn to play the djembe more.
Im a hobby drummer and I've been playing for two years soon.
Thank you again.

This data was submitted on: Monday, October 30, 2000 at 11:47:55
name = Cherno Jaye
Home page = http://NA
comments = Great work, brother.The young Promotions Agencies like myself need such platforms and contacts in other to gain recognition in the Scene. Thanks and keep up this great Hobby!
Tchu�! Che.

This data was submitted on: Friday, October 27, 2000 at 19:28:04
name = ebrima njie
Home page = http://NA
comments = i wish is commend the maker of this site for the great work he
has done with this web page and wish him all the best for the future
This data was submitted on: Friday, October 27, 2000 at 15:33:36
name = Karl
Home page = http://NA
comments = Hello, nice to see a page about The Gambia, my old home land.
Best regards
This data was submitted on: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 at 15:03:51
name = Alan Fisk
Home page = http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/1869/
comments = My wife and I are leaving for our first visit to the Gambia on 3
November 2000. Your pages are very informative and interesting.
Alan Fisk
This data was submitted on: Sunday, October 22, 2000 at 04:15:39
name = nicholas coker
Home page = http://NA
comments = Hi, Salikene, im not a GAMBIAN,but i do belive i,m a GAMBIAN,i visit
your countries web site every day, i think you guys have done a great job not
only for your country ,but AFRICA as a whole, im in the Nerderlands, but i got
married in the Gambia, i love your country,
This data was submitted on: Saturday, October 21, 2000 at 22:48:40
name = Leif Persson
Home page = http://NA
comments = Hello
Good work with the homepage
We are a family from sweden who has been to Gambia 3 times.
We love the country and the people and hope to go back there in year 2001.
This data was submitted on: Friday, October 20, 2000 at 14:31:01
name = Doby Wright
Home page = http://NA
comments = I have friends serving on the mission field working with the
Mandinka. I am interested in learning more about this region.
This data was submitted on: Sunday, October 15, 2000 at 15:14:07
name = janet
Home page = http://NA
comments = I like your set up. After reading your posting of yesterday, I've
decided to start contributing instead of just reading. Keep the site going.
P.S. I enjoyed the pictures of Sere Kunda from different years
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 at 03:36:53
name = Wayne Pearson
Home page =
comments = I am American born,living in America with my wife who is Gambian.
She is from Banjul, and her relitives are still there. We hope to visit Banjul
in the future. I have enjoyed viewing your website.
This data was submitted on: Sunday, October 8, 2000 at 18:07:20
name = Henning Mortensen
Home page = http://www.paritas.dk
comments = Hello Gambia,
Best wishes to all of you.
Henning Mortensen
This data was submitted on: Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 22:48:49
name = Carol and Mahulay Dukuray
Home page = http:// NA
comments = It is a pleasure to be able to access places across the world. I am a US citizen and married a very good man from The Gambia. I am getting ready to access the information on the web
site. I notice that the rights reserved are by Mr. Camara. I have met a man and his wife here in Seattle, Washington USA with that same last name. Wonder if same family. Thank you very much.
This data was submitted on: Sunday, September 24, 2000 at 17:30:52
name = Steve Jones
Home page = http://www.waltonpriory.staffs.sch.uk
comments = I have revisited your site. It is very impressive. Best wishes,
This data was submitted on: Friday, September 22, 2000 at 10:26:30
name = brian hinrup
Home page = http://NA
comments = why isn�t there any thing about how many people there is in The Gambia
This data was submitted on: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 23:51:01
name = Mamadou S Jalloh
Home page = http://NA
comments = Hi fellow,
Bravo Bravo Bravo; You have done a great job by creating this site. We
Gambians outside can atleast feel a bit at home.
This data was submitted on: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 07:43:11
name = Ismaila
Home page = http://hometown.aol.com/isjobe/index.html
comments = Hi bro,
this is really a cool site I've learned something from it.
This data was submitted on: Friday, September 8, 2000 at 03:05:58
name = Cathy Snyder
Home page = http://NA
comments = I am looking for an old friend that I have lost track of. His name is Malanding Mal Bojang. He was born in the Gambia on May 5,1944, and graduated from the University of North Dakota at Grand Forks. He has a wife, Beverly, two children, Joe and a Sheena. Last known address in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
If anyone knows him, please let him know that I am trying to find him to see how everything is going in his life. We were very close.
Cathy Snyder
This data was submitted on: Sunday, September 3, 2000 at 00:41:14
name = Eleanor Joice
Home page = http://NA
comments = I very much enjoyed reading the information on this website. It has
brought back many memories of my stay in The Gambia 10 years ago in February.
I stayed near banjul, as part of a school fundraising trip. We had contact with
a school in The Gambia and raised money to provide them with much needed school
We were lucky enough to be invited to take part in a parade around the Gambia's
Stadium, infront of government people and royalty to celebrate 25 years of
We met so many wonderful people and I shall never forget the warmth and
hospitality that the Gambian's showed us. It really was an experience that I
remember with fond memories.
This data was submitted on: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 at 06:43:44
name = Is Jobe
Home page = http://hometown.aol.com/isjobe/
comments = This is really great keep it up
This data was submitted on: Monday, August 28, 2000 at 07:00:06
name = Michael C. Malone
Home page = http://NA
comments = I have been aware of Dr.Diop for many years and have attempted
to Read "Civilization or Barbarism ..." twice. This man has few equals, so
I expect to continue to struggle with his works. The evidence offered in
the above mentioned work is irrefutalbe.
This data was submitted on: Saturday, August 26, 2000 at 11:29:14
name = Edward Fletcher
Home page = http://none
comments = Hi Momodou,
With refernce to your excellent and informative web page, The stone circles of
The Gambia. I would like to introduce myself as a researcher of the Genus
Adansonia. This consists of compiling a comprehensive information and
slide/photograph library on all aspects of the magnificent Baobab. This enables
me to make talks to the various branches of the horticultural societies around
the country. All talks are given on a voluntary basis to increase the knowledge
of the various plants growing in the world. To enhance my talks I would like to
inquire if you would have available for purchase/loan pictures of Baobabs and
the stone circles at Wassu. If the pictures are available I would credit
yourself with the pictures. There would be no commercial use made of them and if
you require additional information I would be pleased to forward your
requirement with a copy of my summary The GEnsu Adansonia. My postal address
17 Winton Road,
Glos, Gl51 3AX,
I would appreciate your assistance on the above inquiry.
This data was submitted on: Saturday, August 19, 2000 at 00:50:08
name = Kim Rosendahl
Home page = http://NA
comments = Hello All Gambians
My name is Kim Rosendahl, and im from Greenland, i have been in Gambia for 4 times, but its 3 years ago last time, so i begin to missing it, i have hollyday
in Oktober 2000, so i hope to finde an airplane so i can wisit Gambia agin, but
my normally travelagent Spies in Denmark start first in November to travel to
Gambia, so i hope to find a way to get there how ? i don`t now, thats how i come
in to this page, to finde some informations, but im still looking around, But
good luck with this page, and a big hello til the personal in Hotel Bakuto,Sarjo
Fofana, Musa Camara, Sana Saidykhan, Pap Sue, and lot of anoder of my frends.
Regreats from
Kim Rosendahl
Qaqortoq, Greenland.
This data was submitted on: Friday, August 18, 2000 at 21:29:41
name = kinay
Home page = http://
comments = I love your guestbook and your site keep it up
This data was submitted on: Monday, August 14, 2000 at 14:56:11
name = Merja Barck
Home page = http://NA
comments = This site is great. I was in Gambia February 2000 and coming back soon.I lost part of my heart to Gambia. I love to read your comments.
It�s one way to me learn more about Gambian people and country.

This data was submitted on: Monday, August 14, 2000 at 13:43:20
name = Jarek
Home page = http://NA
comments = Hello,
Thanks a lot for informations about the Gambia. I'm going to visit this country in September this year. Please give me some advice, if you have some time.
Thanks a lot.
Best regards,
Jarek from Poland
This data was submitted on: Thursday, August 10, 2000 at 00:52:18
name = THE BLUE DRAGON copyrighted © 2000
Home page = http://www.abou_bensouda.homestead.com
comments = this site is the boom! but please visit my web site and sign the guest book. keep it up gambians.
This data was submitted on: Monday, July 31, 2000 at 09:44:40
name = Ous Ngum
Home page = http://NA
comments = Nice and neat site! Keep the spirit alive and good luck.
This data was submitted on: Friday, July 28, 2000 at 13:24:05
name = Steve & Elaine
Home page = http:// n/a
comments = Just loved it there. Wouldn't want to go on holiday anywhere else.
Such very friendly people. Hope to go again in 2001.
We stayed at the Palma Rima Hotel.
"Article Dave"...always outside the hotel trying to talk us in to going with him
on a tour......next time Dave.
This data was submitted on: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 at 20:43:58
name = Bjorn Munthe
Home page = http://NA
comments = nice find your webplace, stop by and see.
We visited the Gambia 5 months ago and are returning in December. A little hard to
find material on the Gambia. Thank you.
This data was submitted on: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 at 18:50:11
name = Fatou Kanyi Sallah
Home page = http://NA
comments = As a Niani origin, i am very proud to see my brother
and husband being so great in the net. i like you so much.
i am originally from Niani Kujew, near Yona, but born
in New yundum. I am also married to a Nianinka,
from Karantaba wollof, so you see why i menthion
husband. keep it up May god bless you.
Greetings to every Gambian abroad, We wish to wellcome
you all in peace and joy back to the Gambia.
This data was submitted on: Monday, July 17, 2000 at 16:35:18
name = Augustine (Suntu) Jatta
Home page = http:// no homepage
comments = Thank you very much for hosting a webpage so rich in Gambian culture
and historical sites. I was very happy to have found a colourful picture of the
the Gambian Stone Circles after being shown those found in Scotland by freinds
of mine in Britain. They were amzed that we in The Gambia have also our stone
circles who's origins remains a mistry. I am studying electrical & Electronics
Engineering at the University of Manchester Insttute of Science & Technology
This data was submitted on: Sunday, July 16, 2000 at 18:50:53
name = Cherno Kebbeh
Home page = http://www.homestead.com/cherno_omar_kebbeh/home1.html
comments = Hi Fellow Gambians,
I have recently launched the first page of my website. So if you want to interact with home, Africa or the rest of the world, please visit this website.
Also Ex students of Nusrat High School can also learn about the newly formed Nusrat Alumni.
This data was submitted on: Monday, July 10, 2000 at 22:04:00
name = Amy Lowe
Home page = http://NA
comments = I am an american student who just spent 5 weeks in Bakau,
Gambia. I fell in love with the people and the country and i would like to get invoved with any organizations that are actively working to assist the people of The Gambia. Please contact me by email - i would love to talk to someone who has experienced The Gambia.
This data was submitted on: Friday, July 7, 2000 at 15:09:35
name = alaji ndure
Home page = http://
comments = Momodou
It is a good site that really is detailed and informative, Recommendable to
This data was submitted on: Monday, July 3, 2000 at 03:30:37
name = Samantha Chandler
Home page = http://NA
comments = I just recently returned from the Gambia and this site helped me to explain to my family everything I saw. Thank you so much, keep up the good work. Mantha74 (Amie Coker)
This data was submitted on: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 at 21:21:47
name = Muhamed Baldeh
Home page = http://NA
comments = Great website!! Keep it up and God bless you.
This data was submitted on: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 at 16:21:43
name = Gambia River Excursion
Home page = http://www.gre.gm
comments = Your web site is very nice and hopefully it will bring more awareness to the area of wildlife preservation and cultural heritage and ecotourism.
This data was submitted on: Saturday, June 24, 2000 at 07:55:54
name = kunta mambouray
Home page = http://NA
comments = MR CAMARA,
This data was submitted on: Sunday, June 18, 2000 at 03:18:51
name = Cassandra Butler
Home page = http://NA
comments = I have a daughter that is visiting there now and I feel so close to
her when I keep in touch with your wonderful web site.
This data was submitted on: Sunday, June 18, 2000 at 01:17:54
name = Kris Koloszko
Home page = http://none available
comments = Your site is very nice.........informative. I would like to pass on
information about our childcare centre. FAJARA CHILDRENS CENTRE,offers a daily pre school service for young children between 1 and 5 years of age. We are
currently building a new under 5s resource room THE RAINBOW ROOM which will be available from September 2000.
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, June 7, 2000 at 15:18:00
name = Kirsi Linton
Home page = http://NA
comments = These pages are built nice. Not too much text, but still enough
information. I'm living in Finland and it's relly hard to find some good
internet-pages about African countries.
This data was submitted on: Monday, June 5, 2000 at 23:01:15
name = Ms Jaye
Home page = http://www.geocities.com/yamujaye
comments = This is a great site! keep it up.
This data was submitted on: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 16:59:23
name = Hamjatta Kanteh
Home page = http://NA
comments = very cool and impressive. keep it up.
This data was submitted on: Friday, May 12, 2000 at 21:57:18
name = Esther shortt
Home page = http://gambia.freeservers.com
comments = It was like going to The Gambia, a nice warm reminder of the
friendly warm place, we all miss so much
This data was submitted on: Thursday, May 11, 2000 at 15:36:43
name = Toniah Harris
Home page = http://NA
comments = This site very informative. Keep up the good work. I will
tell a lot of people about this site.I'm happy to see we in West are
taking advantage of the super Highway. At this time I want to personally thank you and The Gambian Government for being there for my people during
the Civil war {Liberia}. Thanks again-Peace!
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, May 10, 2000 at 22:26:51
name = Emma
Home page = http://NA
comments = This site has really helped me with my geography homework.
Thank-you sooo much! Keep up the great work and to Gemma and Lamin, I hope your marriage lasts forever!
love Emma 0:)
This data was submitted on: Monday, May 8, 2000 at 09:10:40
name = sariang marong
Home page = http://NA
comments = Great job, for the benefit of my friends and relatives you guys can
drop a mail for me anytime.
name = jiky
Home page = http://kalorn.freeservers.com
comments = hi there,
I have come to your page from the Gambianet cool links and it is great.
Infact i have another site as shown above and i would be greatful if you can
link it to your site too.
I am Gambian, form the Kombo central but currently living in Switzerland. The
page is about a kalorn society that is promoting the "Karonninka Tribe" in The
Gambia and Cassanmance.
I am considering of adding your page to our links, if this is ok for you.
Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.
Jiky Jarju
This data was submitted on: Saturday, May 6, 2000 at 04:29:30
name = Ramon Rasheed Williams
Home page = http://NA
comments = I am happy to sign your guest book. I have read about the stone
circles of Wassu. My grandfather is from the village of Wassu. One day I hope
to visit Wassu. My Ceesay relatives live in Wassu. I live in Atlanta, Georgia
- USA. Thank you for letting me sign your guestbook. My grandfather is Lamin
Ceesay (Bunja Ceesay and Kuda Ceesay of Wassu Village).
This data was submitted on: Friday, May 5, 2000 at 11:18:43
name = sofia
Home page = http://have no one
comments = hello!!I�m sofia and I�m come from sweden!!!we have a prodject
about gambia!!!I�s very fun!!!
This data was submitted on: Sunday, April 30, 2000 at 13:54:33
name = Wytze Visser
Home page = NA
comments = This really is a beautiful website.
Can please anyone give us some information about cultural or music events in
Gambia, august 2000.
From a dutch tourist who likes traditional West-African music.
This data was submitted on: Thursday, April 27, 2000 at 23:20:08
name = Boul Fale
Home page = http://NA
comments = Well done bro.
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, April 26, 2000 at 01:27:22
name = ibou fall
Home page = http://www.angelfire.com/mo2/project/index.html
comments = I am from senegal and I visited Gambia when I was younger. I came to these pages by doing some research on Cheickh Anta Diop, and I am really thankful that you wrote something about him. I am in the process of making my website and I will definately make a link to yours.
Your site is really nice and informative.
Waw Mboka kon niou def nonu
Congratulations on a job well done........
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, April 26, 2000 at 00:53:52
name = Yvonne Grante
Home page = http://NA
comments = It is nice to see fellow Gambians doing so good in modern
technology and at the same time making outsiders aware of there country
and backgrounds. Very impress, keep it going.
From a Gambian based in the UK
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, April 19, 2000 at 21:37:22
name = Moni
Home page = http://NA
comments = Hi Momodou!
I enjoyed reading the information on your side. Well done!
Hope you are doin fine!
This data was submitted on: Tuesday, April 18, 2000 at 18:32:54
name = Saija
Home page = http://NA
comments = I wish I would be over there instead of being on rainy and expensive London.
Anyway, it is better than freezing Finland.
This data was submitted on: Thursday, April 13, 2000 at 15:33:18
name = Monica Ceesay
Home page = http://NA
comments = Thanks a lot for a nice home page. I have not been to Gambia since 1997 because of lack of money. I hope to go next winter with my children. In the
meantime I will look at the wonderful photos of Serrekunda. Serrekunda is the
best town in Gambia!!!
Greetings from Monica Ceesay.
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, April 5, 2000 at 14:01:21
name = Badou Jobe
Home page = http://home3.inet.tele.dk/mcamara/bands/ifang.html
For all Gambian, Senegalese and other fans in Europe, who like to see
Ifang Bondi this summer, here are the tour dates as yet (more are to be
confirmed in the following weeks, check this guestbook!).
After Badou Jobe's major achievement - winning the prestigious Kora All
African Award - roots pioneers Ifang Bondi definitely live up to their
reputation as one of West Africa's leading and most innovative groups.
Ifang Bondi will take you on a break-neck drive along all your favourite
styles, Mandinka, Wolof, Fula, Jola.
The line-up features again kora virtuoso Jali Momodou Suso, riti player
Juldeh Camara - the wildest gypsy fiddler outside the Balkans - and the
dynamite voice of lead singer El Haj Samb. Aching sweet tunes by Lin 'Mr
Goldfinger' Diaw on guitar and Tafa Ndiaye on keyboards, and thunder
grooves by percussionist Bassirou Mbaye, drummer Mandiaye Diop and bass
giant Badou himself.
Don't miss them!
10.6 CH Winterthur - Afropfingsten Festival
16.6 UK Birmingham - MAC
21.6 UK Manchester - Band on the Wall
22.6 UK Kendal - The Brewery
23.6 UK Southampton - The Gantry
24.6 UK Gateshead - Cademon Hall
25.6 UK Glasgow - The Arches
30.6 UK Bristol - Fiddlers
1.7 UK Leicester - One World Festival
2.7 UK Exeter - Phoenix
5.6 UK Hull - Adelphi (tbc)
6.7 UK Hebden Bridge - Trades Club
7.7 UK Narbeth - Queen's Hall
27.7 UK Queen Elizabeth Hall - London
19.8 B Bredene - Afro-Carib.Festival Dahliade
(UK dates with funding of the Arts Council of England)
More dates - Germany, Scandinavia, Benelux - to be followed.
See you at the shows!
This data was submitted on: Sunday, April 2, 2000 at 14:52:05
name = Piet Dumez (Gent Belgium)
Home page = http://NA
comments = I was in The Gambia last December. It pleased me so much that I
decided, together with my father, to come over and live in your beautifull
country for at least one year.we will be arriving end of July 2000.
We will be coming by Jeep, travelling through Europe, Morrocco, mauritanie,
senegal to The Gambia.
Upon arrival we will be looking for a house for rent. If you have any usefull
advise, please feel free to mail to
This data was submitted on: Thursday, March 30, 2000 at 04:08:35
name = Latifa Shakoor
Home page = http://NA
comments = Enjoyed the site. Peace
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, March 29, 2000 at 23:21:29
name = momodou Lamin Jaiteh
Home page = http://NA
comments = You guys are doing nice job towards the development 0f the gambia and Africa in general.I appreciate it. Continue and maintain it.
This data was submitted on: Tuesday, March 28, 2000 at 12:45:11
Home page = http://NA
comments = HEJ this is great, i have been cruising the net for alongtime but this is the most wonderful thing that i came across. Keep it up.
i am sayig hello to my childhood friends
john gomez(ingermark). shiekh jagne(py)modou touray(mbaw)ukai, ngaline, samba
saye, emess, tunten, edi secka i heard that you are in town. finally my
family (njoben)
This data was submitted on: Saturday, March 25, 2000 at 19:12:57
name = sindre digernes
Home page = http://NA
comments = just vanted to say, that your last name is one of the greatest i`ve
ever none. Titi Camara is the king of new liverpool!!!!!!!!
This data was submitted on: Thursday, March 23, 2000 at 18:10:04
name = Bob Thompson
Home page = http://NA
comments = Momodou Camara, Yo. Sumoole? Kortanante? Greetings and best wishes.
Thank you for the resource and information. I lived in The Gambia from 1989-1991
and studied drumming and singing with Ebrima (Ndama) Keita. I'm not sure if you
are related to the Camaras I know who lived in Bundung, but I think you are. I
knew Yusupha Camara, as well as his mother and father and brothers and sisters.
Please reply when you get a chance. I would very much like to hear from you. I
nin baara bake. Sincerely, Baba Keita (Bob Thompson)
This data was submitted on: Friday, March 17, 2000 at 15:30:09
name = Karen Gaye
Home page = http://NA
comments = This is an excellent site - I have recommended it to the
people I know - keep up the good work. A big shout goes out to all that
know my husband Sulayman Gaye from Bakau. Love peace and respect and a
very happy Tobaski to all.
This data was submitted on: Tuesday, March 14, 2000 at 02:25:18
name = Patricia Hayden
Home page = n/a
comments = I am seeking to initiate a dialogue re: life, lifestyle,
thoughts, etc with someone other than a textbook description. I enjoyed
cruising your website. Very attractive.
My hope is that one day I will be able to visit and immerse myself in the
culture. For this, I would need to find a family with endless patience.
This data was submitted on: Thursday, March 9, 2000 at 13:24:27
name = Annette chow
Home page = NA
comments = I went to visit The Gambia last year, and I were so happy to
be there. This year I'll be back with my children and a friend. I wonder
if you could help me with some information about cheap airlines. I look
forward to hear from you.
Lot's of love from Annette and Annette.
We love your country.
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, February 23, 2000 at 19:18:58
name = Karen Gaye
Home page = http://NA
comments = This is to say hi to all that know my husband Saul Gaye originally from Bakau and now living in South East London.
If you would like to email him please do so at the above address and also
This data was submitted on: Sunday, February 20, 2000 at 20:49:49
name = Kathleen Henke
Home page = http://NA
comments = I've just been to the airport and noticed alot of package tours
to Gambia, so tonight I'm trying to find out more about it. Although these
kinds of tours can be somewhat confining (usually a week at a resort) this
is often the least expensive way to visit a new country particularly if
one uses a last minute option. When I go to Gambia I want to see alot of
the birdlife there and also the national parks; in addition I would like
to see real people as opposed to travel guides, but I don"t know if this
is possible. Perhaps I can find out more about Gambian culture thru this
great internet site!
This data was submitted on: Sunday, February 20, 2000 at 16:22:09
name = Noeline Ambrose
Home page = http://www.mbye.co.uk
comments = Women travelling to Gambia should check out www.mbye.co.uk
This data was submitted on: Saturday, February 19, 2000 at 21:50:39
name = Momodou Mbye Jabang
Home page = http://NA
comments = Assalaamu alaikum
Whoever is going to Gambia, you better try out Domori Deema restaurant in
Brikama (about 50-100m from the mosque). It is the sleeper of eateries in town.
The prorietor also has good lodging facilities.
Thank you all
Modou Mbye
This data was submitted on: Thursday, February 17, 2000 at 23:19:28
name = Ariana D'Oyen
Home page = http://NA
comments = Greetings of peace, I enjoyed surfing your site for hours. Was
trying to find any information on a person named Momodou Njie,who owns a
business called Studio One Records in Serrakunda, The Gambia. It is a
reggae music business. He is the father of my 11 year old daughter here in
the United States. Peace to all.
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, February 16, 2000 at 06:58:02
name = h k kinteh
Home page = http://NA
comments = i sincerelly thank you for the untiring service you providing
for us by bringing home, even nearer.
This data was submitted on: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 at 21:45:34
This data was submitted on: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 at 21:03:20
name = Famara Demba
Home page = http://NA
comments = Mambuna,
A lovely website and a fantastic piece of profile.
As a gambian and fellow countryboy for matter, I
am very proud of your accomplishment. you've being
blessed and I hope we can all share that with you.
I wish the little Omar well and I hope to see him
soon. He looks very well and happy on the
pictures. Thank you for the invitation.
This data was submitted on: Monday, February 14, 2000 at 23:54:38
name = Hajo Schuepferling
Home page = http://www.amweinfass55.de
comments = Hi all,
it's nice to see more from Gambia in the Internet.
I'm interested on this country and I like to visit it this year. I now
some people from Gambia and I like them. Next week I have a fly to south
africa and maybe in April-May to Banjul. Have a nice time all. Regards
This data was submitted on: Friday, February 4, 2000 at 16:12:43
name = Essau Peacock
Home page = http://NA
comments = Pretty imprssive, by chance I sat with a friend talking about Gambia and he then introduce me to your page and we where browsing through the Gambian football team and other pictures and I realy like it, I will defintely return back, keep the good job, yours sincerely Essau.
This data was submitted on: Thursday, February 3, 2000 at 15:41:53
name = Anja Baldeh
Home page = http://NA
comments = A really interesting site about the Gambia.
This data was submitted on: Thursday, February 3, 2000 at 02:11:01
name = SAM PROSSER (Fanta Bojang)
Home page = http://NA
comments = The Gambia is the most beautiful country with the most
beautiful people. I learnt so much from your people, thank you. I will be
back to stay as soon as i can. ONE LOVE-ONE HEART. AFRICA UNITE.
This data was submitted on: Thursday, February 3, 2000 at 02:05:15
name = Tony Cisse
Home page = http://NA
comments = Jaajef Modou
Just skimming the net with my wife and visited you. Jaambaar nga! But it
makes us homesick. Nungi nyaan Yallah ne sa dooley ci leggeybi di genn
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, February 2, 2000 at 17:29:13
name = Gilbert Huffman
Home page = http://NA
comments = Hi,
I enjoy the website, but it makes me homesick
for The Gambia. I spent the 92-93 school year as
a volunteer in the Teachers for Africa Program.
I still miss my students at Gambia College and
other friends from Banjul to Fatoto.
May 2000 be a year of peace, prosperity, and
happiness to all.
Greetings fron cold and snowy North Carolina (USA).
Dr. H
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, February 2, 2000 at 06:12:17
Home page = http://NA
comments = Thank you for the space in your guest book.
This data was submitted on: Monday, January 31, 2000 at 17:08:57
name = Tim Davis
Home page = http://NA
comments = Please forward or send me as much literture as possible so I may be able to properly educate my fellow man on what is truly real in history. Thank You.
P.S. O' how could I forget, Please send me information on the African Mystery System very powerful information that should be share by all.
This data was submitted on: Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 17:19:10
name = Tine
Home page = http://NA
comments = This was a great side!!
I got very much help from it, and it was interresting since I'm going to Gambia soon!
This data was submitted on: Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 00:35:56
name = Momodou Mboge
Home page = http://www.oxfam.org.uk
comments = Its great to see fellow Gambians making progress.I love all Gambians who Love the motherland.
God bless
This data was submitted on: Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 05:40:36
name = Dennis Temple
Home page = http://NA
comments = PLease help I'm seaching to find Aminata ceesay the younger sister of DR.S.A.L.Ceesay of Fajara Atlantic road I'm tring to find her to say thank you for all the help that she gave to me when I was seriously ill as a cancer patient. but thanks to her I'm living today.I will appriciate your help thank you.I was very pleased with the
costermer service and the hospitality I recieved in the hospital thanks to all the hospital staff. Thank you,
Dennis Temple
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 10:51:18
name = Ewa Urbaniec
Home page = http://NA
comments = Hello, please help me find my friend from Gambia! He is 32 years old
Mandinka man, his name is Lamin Tourray. He was studying in London 3 years ago.
Please, help me find him ! Thank you for any help and information!
This data was submitted on: Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 09:53:00
name = stefan van uffelen
Home page = http://www.resense.com
comments = I want to go to Gambia in March and i found some nice
information here.
greets Stefan
This data was submitted on: Monday, January 24, 2000 at 05:48:34
name = lawal Marafa
Home page = http://NA
comments = Nice and informative page.
I will certainly visit again.
This data was submitted on: Friday, January 21, 2000 at 01:15:50
name = Sheikh Tejan Nyang
Home page = http://NA
comments = Its an intresting site to visit. Keep it up .
This data was submitted on: Monday, January 17, 2000 at 13:45:02
name = Mamadi J F Jawara
Home page = http://www.Geocities.com/mamadijawara
comments = My name as above and a webDesigner.tel 0958 564 705 or 0171
732 9183 address: 20 Lancefield HOuse, nunhead Lane, Peckham Rye, London,
SE15 3UP. I'm a Gambia born at Serre Kunda, Bundung Ka Kunda. Contact can
be made for any possibilities for country promotional and economical
This data was submitted on: Sunday, January 16, 2000 at 21:58:43
name = Ingrid Lemmens
Home page = http://NA
comments = I write from Belgium , I have been in The Gambia
and I met nice people and also a beautiful country, I hope to go back
quickly. Thank you for this site it remember me a lot of good time.
This data was submitted on: Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 13:01:29
name = Alan Mason
Home page = http://NA
comments = This is a very nice site, and I can't understand why I haven't found it before!
This data was submitted on: Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 06:48:47
name = Fakebba Sabally
Home page = www.geocities.com/kumbads
comments = My name is Fakebba Sabally. From Sanjally Sara kunda,
The Gambia. I am currently residence in The Gambia
and work for GAMTEL (Gambia Telecoms)as a Switching
I got your web address from a friend and I got impress when
I visit it. Also I say AMEN to your prayers and I pray to ALLAH
all the best in life.
May The Lord bless us all. AMEN
This data was submitted on: Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 20:37:15
name = Kibily Jadama
Home page = http://NA
comments = Thank you for the good work you have done. It is a great site and a trilling one.
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 13:31:59
name = Haruna Farage
Home page = http://NA
comments = Keep up the good work. I only hope that this forum would be
interesting and educative.
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 04:34:08
name = Amie Drammeh
Home page = http://NA
comments = Dear Modou Camara:
Awa is introducing me to the internet and she was showing me around and we
stopped here so I could see your homepage. What a wonderful job.
This data was submitted on: Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 13:42:51
name = OB Silla
Home page = http://NA
comments = Mr. Camara, I made a very quick glance and perusal through the
Bantaba and some comments, debates and observations posted so far, I must
say without a dint of doubt that you have done a commendable job at it
all. I shall make this Bantaba a beaten track herefrom.
Verily, it is another milestone in ushering us into the New Year, New
Century and indeed a New Millenium with a freer voice/destiny than ever
On that optimistic note, Bravo!, Ajaraama. May God bless you, all
Gambians and indeed Mankind in the year 2000 and beyond.
Signed: OB Silla, Cincinnati, Ohio USA.
This data was submitted on: Sunday, January 9, 2000 at 05:10:22
name = Mama Sisay
Home page = http://NA
comments = Thank you for informing other people about the Gambia. This is the only way we can become recognize around the world. Keep it up!!!
This data was submitted on: Saturday, January 8, 2000 at 15:49:53
name = Pa Rene Njie
Home page = http://NA
comments = Hi Momodou,
It must have been my lucky day to come across your website. What a fantastic
site,very informative ect. Keep up the good Job.In fact i have already sent you
an email, and you have responded promptly, thank you
Rene Njie
This data was submitted on: Thursday, December 30, 1999 at 01:12:56
name = Chris Ballance
Home page = http://NA
comments = We're going to The Gambia tomorrow! So I was very interested
indeed by your pages, and particularly to see the Tanji village web
pages, as we were planning to visit there. Thank you very much for all
your work creating this site!
This data was submitted on: Monday, December 27, 1999 at 23:33:17
name = Sheikh Omar Janneh
Home page = http://sjanneh.hypermart.net
comments = Aight, I have to admit. I haven't enjoyed any other site as
much I did your site, since Gambianet. Keep it up. I will return again.
This data was submitted on: Monday, December 27, 1999 at 16:21:20
name = Modou Sow
Home page = http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/7198/index.html
comments = Just wanted to express my joy on seeing young Africans knowing
who they are, and not trying to be others they aren�t. Cheikh Anta Diop,
Kwameh K., J. Nierere (and many more) accomplished perfectly their
missions in so far as laying the economic, cultural, historical,
psychological basis for all Africans to make UNITY they lifetime struggle.
Now it is time for us young people of the Mother Land to do our part
in the crucial challenge history forces upon us.
We have to begin with the formation of a CONTINENTALWIDE GRASSROOT
MOVEMENT that will create among ordinary Senegalese, Gambians,
Ghanaians........ an African consciousness. Our survival depends on it.
Keep up the good work. Salam!!
Modou Sow

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