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More guest book comments from November 18, 1996 to December 28, 1997
This data was submitted on: Sunday, December 28, 1997 at 00:56:47
name = Frederic Morteau
email =f.morteau@oz.sita.nce.int
homepage = NA
comments =
First of all there was a long time ago I've looked
for a web site speaking about this facet of black history,
so well done and carry on to give us informations.
Concerning Cheick Anta Diop I'had already heard about
him but I had never got the opportunity to find something
on him. Now it's the beginning, and I will be able to
investigate on the good way, the way of truth, that which
will repair deep injustices.
So, please e-mail me book, web, ref about black egyptology
history and locations where I can find all that (rather in french).
Thanks again for that, Fred.
This data was submitted on: Sunday, December 7, 1997 at 19:04:14
name = Marjorie Mabrey
email =chockiss1@aol.com
homepage = NA
comments = My distant brother,
I happened upon this site during my search for
knowledge about Diop. I am just beginning my journey through your website.
I have this hunger for knowledge about my brothers and sisters and have found that websites,
such as yours and many others, are feeding this hunger.
Thank you for taking the time to share a piece of yourself with me and the countless others that
have this hunger.
Marjorie Mabrey, LaGrange, GA USA
This data was submitted on: Monday, December 1, 1997 at 19:49:37
name = Philip Drammeh
email =philip.d@boden.mail.telia.com
homepage = NA
comments = Thank you for a very good and interesting homepage.
This data was submitted on: Saturday, November 29, 1997 at 17:49:09
name = Rev. Dr. James V. Montgomery, Esq.
email = colmonte@pantehon.cis.yale.edu
homepage = http://www.pantheon.cis.yale.edu/~colmonte
comments = Dear Sir: I previously endeavored to reach you but there were transmission problems.
Therefore, I am attempting again. I fully concur with the Olympian works of Master Diop. We
must bring his findings into the discourse on civilization of the 21st century. It never ceases
to amaze me how arrives such as Martin Bernal and other European Africanists can actually piggie
back on the works of African scholars, as he does in his work Black Athena, and yet fail to give
credence to the work of Professor Diop. Here again, this is just another form of purloining
from blacks as is habitually the case with the Europeans and Americans. However, I remain
vehemently committed to seeing that Master Diop have his rightful place in the world of
recognition. Please e-mail me all books in English translation that Master Diop has written.
Being in New York City I can probably find most of them. I am currently authoring companion
treatises and have reserved a substantial portion for the discourse on the origin of
civilization. I have a copy of Mercer Cook's translation of The African Origins of Civilization,
but I thiry for more of Diop's works. Please stay in touch. Also, any texts or articles of
Professor Obenga would be greatly be appreciated. Is he in Africa, Europe or the United States
at this time? Thank You brother!
The Rev. Dr. James V. Montgomery,Esq.
First Governor, World Federation for Uniracial Activism (WORFED)
This data was submitted on: Friday, November 21, 1997 at 22:31:51
name = Stan Oberg
email = Soberg@aol.com
homepage = None, sorry
comments = I stumbled across your homepage while searching for information on Cheikh Anta Diop.
In July 1997, I was at University Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar, Senegal. I am a French teacher at
a high school in California, and I find your page very interesting, and perhaps of some help to
my students as we study West Africa.
Stan Oberg
Acalanes High School
This data was submitted on: Saturday, November 15, 1997 at 13:08:11
name = Jimmy Anderson
email = janderso@online.no
homepage = NA
comments =
I am a guy from Narvik in Norway. Just want to
say your pages are interesting. I will make my
first visit to Gambia on 19 november. Will meet
a gambian friend over there. I really look forward
to it.
This data was submitted on: Friday, October 31, 1997 at 18:19:14
name = MOUDIO Jean-Pierre
email = moudio@hotmail.com
homepage =http://www.angelfire.com/fl/lacipede
comments = Brilliant !
This data was submitted on: Sunday, October 26, 1997 at 22:36:39
homepage = NA
comments = GREAT SITE!!!!
This data was submitted on: Sunday, October 26, 1997 at 20:24:33
name = Mr. Sven Trus
email = SvenTrus@aol.com
homepage = none, sorry
comments = We (my lovely Miss Petra Laussat and me) are coming soon!
Be prepared.
This data was submitted on: Saturday, October 25, 1997 at 17:06:19
name = Amadou Yorro Leigh
email = Mailto:NA
homepage = http://NA
comments = det er en god side du har
mange hilsner
This data was submitted on: Saturday, October 25, 1997 at 08:02:35
name = Baboucar Sallah
email = Lamtoro@aol.com
homepage = NA
comments = Thank you for such an imformative site.To all Gambians who sign this book, if you
can please sponsor a student in The Gambia it will be the best thing you have ever done.
This data was submitted on: Thursday, October 23, 1997 at 12:54:40
name = Yamundow Jamba
email = Mailto:NA
homepage = NA
comments = My name is Yamundow Jamba and am from The Gambia, but I live in Sweden.I love The Gambia. I hope you do too.
This data was submitted on: Thursday, October 9, 1997 at 16:01:35
name = Sanyade Robbin-Coker
email = Sanyade.Robbin-Coker
homepage = NA
comments =Your homepage has been very informative. It is also very well written which is quite refreshing.
Unfortunately some of the Sierra Leonean links I have visited have left a lot to be desired.
My father, grandmother and aunt are now refugees in The Gambia. I thank you and your nation for
your hospitality. We do appreciate that Gambia itself has it's own difficulties and does not
need to be disstabilised further by the influx of refugees.
I was thinking of going over in December but the general situation in Sierra Leone has
distabilised one financially. Never mind, I will go there some day God willing.
I wish you well in every thing that you do.
God Bless!
This data was submitted on: Thursday, September 18, 1997 at 01:54:19
name = Adama Faye email =Teranga@door.com
homepage = NA
comments = Just wanted to say hello and keep in touch with fellow Gambians.Born and raised in
Banjul, lived in The U.S since 1983. Now I own an African restaurant called Teranga, featuring
Gambian dishes such as yassa, fufu, acara, dibi and etc. Lets keep in touch and share
experiences and ideas.Hope to hear from you soon.
This data was submitted on: Tuesday, September 16, 1997 at 16:21:24
email = Sompo.Sinyan@udac.se
homepage = NA
comments = Well, i've just visited your homepage ,it's very
intresting with lot's of info on our motherland.
Keep it up, it's just great and i'm proud of you.
This data was submitted on: Thursday, September 11, 1997 at 16:02:52
name = Irie Jean Ceesay
email = Ceesay@Bellsouth.net
homepage = http://N/A
comments = I love your website. I plan to visit The Gambia next year, and your website has
familiarized me with the country. My husband gets very homesick for his country when he visits
your website. We're both new on the Internet and we're so happy to know that you have this
website so we can visit The Gambia. Thanks a lot!
This data was submitted on: Friday, August 29, 1997 at 22:00:51
name = Isatou Secka
email = isatou@glue.umd.edu
homepage =http://www.isr.umd.edu/~isatou/
comments = Every time I visit your homepage, it just keeps
getting better and better. Thanks for spending so
much time and effort to keep us all more informed
about our beautiful motherland. As Bass Drammeh
would say, "keep up the good work down there!!!!!!"
This data was submitted on: Friday, August 29, 1997 at 01:57:16
name = Peter Burtt
email = peter@worldmusic.com
homepage = N/A
comments = I have enjoyed your page on many occasions. Thanks for your fine work. I spent a
year in the Gambia as part of a 2 year mission to study various musical traditions. My time in
the Gambia was the high point of my life so far. I baptized as a muslim to join the people at
prayer being so moved by their devotion, and eventually married a beautiful woman who later
returned with me to America where she and her Aunt have a braiding shop. We will join the other
Gambians for a wedding this Saturday, which promises to be a wonderful day. I trained with
Sheriffo Jobarteh in the Kombo, and I would say he is among the top young yeyengo styllists
there on kora, along with his cousins Jaliba Kouyate and Tata Din Din. I am trying to put out a
cassette of some field recordings that we did at the Radio Gambia. It is very difficult to
market traditionally based musics here for a broad audience (though we have an enthusiastic, but
small group of fans of these arts,) and I plan!
to send copies for sale to Sheriffo himself to sell to his patrons as well as to folks in the
market. Any advice you could offer me would be greatly appreciated.
Abaraka, alhamdoulila,
Mohammed Peter
This data was submitted on: Monday, August 11, 1997 at 00:09:09
name = Tjipke Lootsma
email =t.lootsma@pi.net
homepage =NA
comments = Gambia is a GREAT country!!
I have been there for 2 weeks. I'l never forget it.
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, July 30, 1997 at 12:34:44
name = Peer
email =litmania@hotmail.com
homepage = http://www.dra.nl/~peer
comments = Very nice page, I'm planning to visit Gambia in the near future
This data was submitted on: Saturday, July 26, 1997 at 04:15:23
name = Lynn Bente
email = labente@bright.net
homepage =NA
comments = Recently on a trip to the University of Washington in Seattle Washington it was
my pleasure to meet a young man from Gambia named Pa. He so interested us in Gambia
that I wanted to investigate for myself.
The pictures are great. Thanks for the brief tour!
This data was submitted on: Friday, July 25, 1997 at 17:04:47
name = Alan Tauber
email =tauber@radcliffe.edu
homepage =http://members.tripod.com/~HotDrums/home
comments = Hello. I happened upon your site. I play and teach
hand drums from around the world; I've been drumming
for over thirty years. I teach conga but mostly now
djembe technique and dun-dun. Maybe someday we will
play together. If you're in the states, come by and
you will be welcomed.
This data was submitted on: Thursday, July 24, 1997 at 17:21:09
name = Omar Gassama
email =kassama@hotmail.com
homepage = NA
comments = Very glad to discorver DAILY OBSERVER on your homepage & some imfo.. about our
This data was submitted on: Thursday, July 24, 1997 at 14:52:55
name = Momodou Njie
email =njie.m@mbox301.swipnet.se
homepage =NA
comments = Way to go, Momodou!!!!
I think you did a hell of a great job. Well, I am also
working on my webpage and would be thrilled
to include a link to your page. If okay.
I am also from The Gambia and residing in Stockholm where I
work as a Computer Networks engineer.
Thanks for your time.
This data was submitted on: Monday, July 21, 1997 at 13:01:52
name =Momodou Baldeh
homepage = NA
Comments= For the last few months I have been occasionally visiting your web site,
and I have finally come to the following conclusions:
- the design of your site shows great zeal and talent;
- it is informative;
- and, above all, it serves as a reliable network between Gambians, indeed
Africans, living abroad.
I would therefore like to say: "keep it up!"
Momodou Baldeh
McCord Travel Management
New York
This data was submitted on: Sunday, July 20, 1997 at 23:59:35
name = Momodou and Cherno Sidibeh
email = momodou.sidibeh@stockholm.mail.telia.com
homepage = http://none
comments = I simply had no time to visit your site. It is great, so keep up the good work down there!!!
This data was submitted on: Sunday, July 20, 1997 at 16:27:15
name = Claes P. Refsgaard
email =cprdk@post4.tele.dk
homepage = http://home4.inet.tele.dk/cprdk
comments = I have been there. If you have not tried it do it.
You will never forget it for the rest of your life.
This data was submitted on: Friday, July 11, 1997 at 02:05:16
name = Ebrima Ceesay
email =NA
homepage =http://www.sjdccd.cc.ca.us
comments = let's try to develop our homeland.
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, June 25, 1997 at 07:48:58
name = latjor ndow
email = ndukuman@avana.net
homepage = http://NA
comments = great site. enjoyed the tour. well done.
you have inspired me to finally develop my own
web page so i could be included in your list
of 'gambians on the web'.
This data was submitted on: Sunday, June 22, 1997 at 00:49:23
name = IJahman..?
email =IJahman_africa@hotmail.com
homepage =http://members.wbs.net/homepages/i/j/a/ijahman1.html
comments = As-saalam-aleikum Momodou!!!
This is a great page!!! It's not so usual with
Gambians, making their own homepage on the net..!
So you gotta keep the good work up!!!
I am living in Stockholm, Sweden but are planing
to move back to the Gambia within 5-6 years...
I'm looking for a land in Lamin or Abouko but I
would also like to live near near the beach...Kouto,
Manjai, Bakote etc.
Take care!!!
IJahman says; **********OUT**********
This data was submitted on: Saturday, June 21, 1997 at 05:18:25
name = mbye mo
email = mbye@ast.lmco.com
homepage = http://NA
comments = Will visit your site often. Hope a lot of surprises will surface. Will pass on the
word that you are here. I am sure your country men and women in the US will be enthused. I am!
This data was submitted on: Friday, June 20, 1997 at 15:44:39
name = Julian Stern
email =106702.2170@compuserve.com
homepage = http://NA
comments = very interesting. I am a journalist due to be
going to live in The Gambia from Nov 97 and am
interested in any contact with anyone/site who can
give me information on jobs and contacts etc.
keep up the good work
This data was submitted on: Friday, June20, 1997 at 15:25:19
name = David McKeand
comments= I am from Glasgow in Scotland and am visiting
The Gambia next week and was looking for some advise on places to visit
things to do and not to do etc.
If you could help me I would be much appreciative
David McKeand
This data was submitted on: Friday, June 13, 1997 at 18:46:50
name = Nicholas Sambou
email = Nicholas.Sambou@Akh-Wien.ac.at
homepage = http://On progress
comments = I am very much impressed as a Gambian,about your great information on Mamaland.
Thanks: Nicholas Sambou, Vienna Medical University
This data was submitted on: Monday, June 9, 1997 at 03:59:38
name = Francis Njie
email =c3p0@xsite.net
homepage =http://www.xsite.net/~c3p0
comments = Momodou, this is a great site!
This data was submitted on: Thursday, May 29, 1997 at 11:00:50
name = Reinhilde Christis
email =rein@tornado.be
homepage = NA
comments = We will visit the gambia in july. See you soon !!!
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, May 28, 1997 at 15:54:57
name = Abou Bakarr Cidique Dyfan
email =abcd@post6.tele.dk
homepage = http://on progress
comments = I found it inspiring. Good to keep track of home affairs. Keep up the good work. God
bless you and your family. Salaam, Abou Bakarr.
This data was submitted on: Tuesday, May 27, 1997 at 15:54:57
name = Badara (Cham) Joof
email =Joof@winhlp.no
homepage =NA
comments = It was really nice to visit yor site, keep up the good
work. I am very impressed with the info provided in your page. Keep it
This data was submitted on: Sunday, May 25, 1997 at 11:13:18
name = Joachim Bönisch
email =Joachim Boenisch@t-online.de
homepage = NA
comments = Ich wünsche Ihnen für die weitere Arbeit viel Er-
folg und hoffe da_ die afrikanischen Staaten das Internet
zu ihrem Vorteil nutzen
Joachim Bönisch,
Irsee / Germany
This data was submitted on: Saturday, May 17, 1997 at 22:50:40
name = Hakeem Johnson
email =hakeemj@post6.tele.dk
homepage =NA
comments = I visited your homepage as promised.
I like the organisation and layout of the
homepage. Good work.
Salam alaykum,
This data was submitted on: Friday, May 16, 1997 at 14:45:41
name = David Gadd
email = gadd@virgin.net
homepage = http://www.argyle.org.uk
comments = Hello THE GAMBIA. You might suddenly find your site
getting a bit of interest from the UK as the
Gambian National Side are playing our team:
on Sunday. Any fans you know going to the match
who can give us a match report?
This data was submitted on: Thursday, May 15, 1997 at 17:24:28
name = Stanley Sebja Adams
email = sadams@geog.ac.uk
homepage = http://www.geog.gla.ac.uk/
comments = I am student studying at Glasgow University and have your page quite interesting.
Keep up the good job. Possibly frequently updating the Daily news. Thanks. Sebja.
This data was submitted on: Saturday, May 10, 1997 at 16:01:44
name = Eva Laufey Stefansdottir
email =els@rhi.hi.is
comments = always pleasure to visit Gambian sites.
This data was submitted on: Friday, May 9, 1997 at 00:25:23
name = Ria Bolink
email =sunyatta@worldonline.nl
comments = hello momodou,
great to find an other west-african on the web. Am also very much interested in the political
system in the gambia. Saw many good things going on there. We're trying to establish a
think-tank on African future (idea started by a Nigerian in the US). Hope to see and hear more
from you. A lot of succes !
This data was submitted on: Tuesday, May 6, 1997 at 13:06:49
name = Tomi Ousman Bojang
email = NA
homepage = NA
This data was submitted on: Monday, May 5, 1997 at 17:32:24
name = Asbjørn N.
email =asbjorn.nordam@dif.dk
comments = Modou, dine gambia og afrika-sider bliver mere og mere fantastiske. Der er så mange
informationer at jeg kunne bruge timer til at surfe omkring. Vi ses ved lejlighed. Din ven
This data was submitted on: Sunday, May 4, 1997 at 12:44:21
name = Hamedou Drammeh
email =h.e.drammee@habo.mail.telia.com
comments = It was very intresting to visit your home page.
I would extend this information to other Gambians, who may be intrested to visit it.
Thank you.
This data was submitted on: Sunday, May 4, 1997 at 12:09:32
name = Sean O'Leary
email =oleary@arminco.com
comments = Mr. Camara,
This is a very excellent home page and interesting.
I am really impressed..
Keep up the good work...
This data was submitted on: Sunday, May 4, 1997 at 08:48:58
This data was submitted on: Saturday, May 3, 1997 at 19:59:38
name = Ole H. Nielsen
email =Mailto:ole.nielsen@skynet.be
comments = Det har været en udsøgt fornøjelse at se dine sider om The Gambia.
Tusind tak.
This data was submitted on: Saturday, May 3, 1997 at 01:59:42
name = Malanding Jaiteh
email =msjaiteh@mtu.edu
comments = Impressive. Keep the good work!
This data was submitted on: Friday, May 2, 1997 at 03:52:40
name = Mishell Nutter
email =wdws@wwnet.com
comments = Hello. Thank you very much for your page , I am doing a report on Gambia for
school and this was very helpful. I think my 6th grade friends will like it very much. Thank
you again. Mishell
This data was submitted on: Friday, April 25, 1997 at 22:22:09
name = Jonna Vorting
email = bcc18790@vip.cibercity.dk
comments = We know a lot about Southern Africa, but nothing about West Africa. Would very much
like to visit one day.
Nice to get some information from your homepage.
This data was submitted on: Monday, April 14, 1997 at 18:55:44
This data was submitted on: Tuesday, April 8, 1997 at 10:21:39
name = Abdou Oujimai Gibba
email = Abdou.Gibba@smr.uib.no
comments = Momodou!
Hello again! Great page of yours - impressed. Just fell
like dropping a few words. It's been a long time on Gambia-l.
Caught up with work, have a deadline to summit a paper to my
boss. I am following what is going on however.
Hello to the family and have a nice day.
Abdou Oujimai.
This data was submitted on: Tuesday, April 1, 1997 at 17:43:21
name = Angela Murden
email =1000.1425@compuserve.co.uk
comments = Interesting material. Well done.
This data was submitted on: Monday, March 31, 1997 at 22:38:24
name = Arianne Ngah
email =
comments = I thought that your homepage was very interesting, I came upon it trying to do some
research on crop circles and had to stay awhile.
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, March 26, 1997 at 23:36:58
name = Mats Utbult
email = utbult@bahnhof.se
comments = hyggelig og mangfoldelig netplads, som jeg kommer at tage tilbage til.
This data was submitted on: Thursday, March 13, 1997 at 14:57:24
name = Alieu Bah
email =alieu@hotmail.com
comments = I am a Gambian studying in Finland. I have lived here for two years now,and I am
doing an engineering program in telecommunication. I have been very impressed with the amount of
info. you provided in your page. Keep up the nice job. Long live the Gambia. I am available for
any comments. Alieu!
This data was submitted on: Thursday, March 13, 1997 at 02:41:32
name = Jack Donen
email =Jack_Donen@inform-bbs.dk
homepage = http://www.inform.dk/numen/
comments = Great service to all!!!
This data was submitted on: Monday, March 10, 1997 at 16:40:02
name = Christian Tiedt
email =tiedt@udd.fredersem.dk
homepage =http://members.wbs.net/homepages/t/y/t/tytte.html
comments = Hello! Just surfing by! Nice place!
*Vinke Vinke* Chr
This data was submitted on: Friday, March 7, 1997 at 20:21:29
name = Silvano Galli
email =sma@split.it
homepage =http://www.split.it/noprofit/sma
comments = A few words from our magazine AFRICHE:
"Our challenge is to appreciate african art and culture, to acknowledge both equally, without the
prejudices and stereotypes that have been set into our minds through decades of distortion. To
view African art, Westerners must go through an evolution of sorts, pealing away attitude of
superiority, ethnocentric snobbery, and theoretical biases. We must try to confront the objects
in their fullness, as representation of culture, civilization, and the human experience.
Silvano Galli
This data was submitted on: Thursday, February 27, 1997 at 00:22:59
name = Abdoulie Dibba
email =adibba@online.no
comments = Hey, As you can see, am also from the Gambia, living in Norway for the past 9 years.
Am from Banjul and my parents from Badibu Salikene. I am Electro-Automation and Computer
Engineer. Working as computer system engineer at Royal Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture.
Studying part time at University of Oslo at computer science dept. Among general interest in
technical things. I love to communicate with Gambians on the NET.
This data was submitted on: Tuesday, February 18, 1997 at 20:51:28
name = Fatou N'Jie
email = fanjie@gsu.edu
homepage =http://www.gsu.edu/~gs01fnn/index.html
comments = I am very impressed with your homepage. Could you suggest where I could find all
those neat little gadgets to put on a web page. As you can see when you visit it, it is just
the beginning. Hope to hear from you soon.
This data was submitted on: Monday, February 17, 1997 at 14:41:43
name = Centra Jeng
email = mmjeng@image.dk
comments = I visited your home page today and it is very interesting.
Proud of you. Keep it up.
This data was submitted on: Saturday, February 15, 1997 at 14:27:08
name = Momodou Gaye
email =njie@online.no
comments = I & my wife A. Njie just acquired your homepage and
wanted to see whats on it. Its very interesting! Will send you an
e-mail hoping for a reply.
This data was submitted on: Tuesday, February 11, 1997 at 13:00:08
name = Anna Dahl
email = anna.dahl@bibks.uu.se
comments = Very nice to find so much info on Africa on one single homepage.
Interesting links, I don't know where to start. Great for someone into African culture,
I found some interesting things.
Thanx, and see you again!
This data was submitted on: Wednesday, February 5, 1997 at 06:03:18
name = Syl Johnson
email = toni@baste.magibox.net
homepage = Planet Reggae web page
comments = Very impressive web site I am just starting to learn HTML and CGI scripting but I am
not quite there yet. Please visit my "learning" site and email comments/suggestions.
This data was submitted on: Monday, February 3, 1997 at 14:56:02
name = Matarr .M. Jeng
homepage=Homepage of Matarr .M. Jeng and family
comments = Please keep up the good work. Wish you the best. Greetings: The Jeng Family.
This data was submitted on: Monday, February 3, 1997 at 12:35:35 +0100
name = Dorthe Guldager
email =dgn@csc.dk
comments = I have visited Gambia twice - last time was 1 year ago. I went to Gambia together
with my husband and my family. My father and his wife have been visiting Gambia 16 times, and
they see Gambia as their second home. Therefore they know a lot of people down there. My husband
and I are planning on going back to Gambia next December for 3 weeks. We got to know a lot of
very nice people and also got to see a lot of Gambia. I strongly recommend Gambia to all of our
friends and colleagues.
This data was submitted on: Thursday, January 9, 1997 at 19:03:37 +0100
name = Omar Gaye
email =omar3@afrodite.hibu.no
Comments = Very informative, magnificent and well structured. I really over browse it.
This data was submitted on: Saturday, January 4, 1997 at 20:19:01 +0000
name = Uthman Abdus-Salaam
email =fadjukai@pond.com
Comments = I pray for your success. There is much to say. I am just writing to make contact. Im in the process of repatriating by the will of Allah. Peace be with you.
This data was submitted on: Saturday, December 30, 1996 at 22:38:11 +0300
name=Bass Kolleh Drammeh
email =kolls567@qatar.net.qa
Comments =Modou, your homepage is simply great. Keep the good work.
Regards Bass
This data was submitted on: Monday, November 18, 1996 at 12:57:22 +0100 name =Mik Aidt
email = aid@dr.dk
Comments =I really like the style of your homepage. And the comment area which I am using right now. Yours Mik
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