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My Guest book contents - January 2, 2003 to July 10, 2003

This data was submitted on: Thursday, July 10, 2003 at 17:39:08

This data was submitted on: Wednesday, July 9, 2003 at 22:33:02
name = Mr Joe Oremi Cole
comments = I am really impressed with your site.
Keep up the good work.

This data was submitted on: Monday, June 30, 2003 at 00:08:22
name = Deidre Bacote
comments = Please tell more about Bakota, Gambia. I am trying to research my
husband's ancestry. So far your website has been the most helpful. However, I
did not see information specifically about the city of Bakota. I look forward
to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

This data was submitted on: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 at 00:29:54
name = Mike Carrick
comments = Greetings! We are here in North Bromsgrove High School, having a
link with Armitage Senior Secondary School in Janjang-Bureh. Our latest piece
of good news is that former ASSS student Karamo Tambajang, now working in
America has just sent us $100 towards the library project which we are trying to
fund at Armitage from the UK. We have raised about £20,000 and need another
£5000 to complete the building. Lamin Bojang of GTTI is in charge of the
project on our behalf.
Send me a message some time!

This data was submitted on: Monday, May 12, 2003 at 16:46:00

This data was submitted on: Sunday, May 11, 2003 at 21:08:09
name = Mr.Graeme Gibson
m comments = Interesting but difficult to find URL

This data was submitted on: Wednesday, May 7, 2003 at 11:16:55
name = Birgitta Wijk
comments = I like to know about the country and cultur.Will sombody be a
penfrend with me.I plan later to go to Gambia in the summer.

This data was submitted on: Monday, April 28, 2003 at 19:21:29
name = Loui Hendrikx
comments = Salam alecum,
My name is loui,
I liked your site from The Gambia very much, it all comes back to me when I see it on the screen.
I visited The Gambia in 1998 and my live isn't be the same sinds then. I've been
to Serrakunda, Abuko Park to see the krocs, and the beautifull nature of your
country, I went to Jan Jang Boreh Town, I eaven swimmed in the Gambian river
with the boy's. We have visit a Marabu in Jan Jang Boreh, he was a verry wise and
smart man.I thank him for the rest of my live. He gave me some good advise. I also
whent to visit Ta ta Din Din and his father Malamini Jobarthe, a famous kora
player in Brikama Town Western Division.I have seen a lot of your country and
it's my second home, and I hope whenever I have the money again to visit that
small country where the people are nice warm and friendly. Thank you that you
have give me the opportunity to take a short peek of my homeland.
I thank you again,
Signed Loui Hendrikx,

This data was submitted on: Saturday, April 12, 2003 at 13:31:37
name = modou gaye
comments = to keep the fire blazin hahahahhahhahha

This data was submitted on: Tuesday, April 8, 2003 at 01:31:04
name = de grim ellen
comments = I visit the circles two weeks ago
i4ve pictures that i'm going to send like i prommised

This data was submitted on: Friday, March 28, 2003 at 13:52:12
name = hanna
comments = I just arrived home from Gambia and I'm still in heaven! Thank you
also for this nice web site with good information. Hope to get back some

This data was submitted on: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 at 10:12:37
name = Ansumana Kamara
comments = I am a Gambian living in Germany/München. I found this homegage very
interest, and i thank all.
Ansumana Kamara

This data was submitted on: Sunday, March 2, 2003 at 11:59:23
name = Sophia Mubarak
Home page = http://community.webtv.net/sofiakmubarak/
comments = Excellent presentation of Cheik Anta Diop
so happy to find this website and save it to my files.

This data was submitted on: Thursday, February 27, 2003 at 05:02:06
name = Christopher Lawson
comments = Dear Homepages of Gambians On the Net c/o Add Your Comments
I have seen your website it is excellent keep up the great work! I have some
information about jobs and volunteer opportunities in Wayne County, North
Carolina, USA that will be very helpful for the Gambian people and for US! If
there are any Gambians interested please e-mail me at:
Thanks and I wish all the Gambians the best of luck here in Wayne County, North
Carolina, USA!
Ciao for now
P.S. Write back when you get a chance too..

This data was submitted on: Thursday, February 20, 2003 at 02:28:08
name = gerlinde deix
email =
comments = ....compliments of the season. I never understanding
so many about gambia, gambian-music before I visit
your home-page. Infact it give me joy. With kind thougts Linda from Austria.

This data was submitted on: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 at 15:31:13
name = jonny
comments = i loved your page. it gav me lots of info that i needed to do my

This data was submitted on: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 at 00:01:24
name = Janice Clancey
comments = I was an English teacher at St. Theresa's Technical School in
Serrekunda during the summer of 1993. I would love to hear from any of my former
students or colleagues. My time in The Gambia was one of the true highlights of
my life.

This data was submitted on: Sunday, February 16, 2003 at 02:26:29
name = Margaret-Ann reilly
comments = I am just back from the Gambia last week, this is the best holiday i
have ever had. We stayed at the hotel palma rimma & our guide was called Assan
(who is coming to stay with us in scotland this year). We had a 40th birthday
party with over 100 of the local people who presented us all with full african
dress as a present, we provided food & drink for everyone and had the time of
our lives with the drums & african dancing.Having travelled all over the world i
have never met any one more freindly than the people of the Gambia. We have
telephoned and e-mailed everyday since we got back last week. I am proud to say
that some of the most important people in my life now are Gambian. I was even
given the honour of being the replacement mum of Patrick who fled from Sierra
Leon to the Gambia when his own mother was killed by rebels. Where else in the
world would you be given such an honour. I can't wait to go back anyone going
there in future should avoid the tour operator!
s trips and go with the people who know the land & can show you the real

This data was submitted on: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 at 02:36:48
name = Mustapha
Home page = http://www.freewebs.com/gambia
comments = Hi people check out my new gambia page and let me know what you
think, please make sure you sign on my guest book

This data was submitted on: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 at 15:52:35
name = sona
comments = you are the bedst dady in the world

This data was submitted on: Sunday, February 9, 2003 at 23:00:16
name = Carola Huber
comments = Congratulations !!! This is the best website i have found about
Gambia . Thank you very much for these complete informations ! By the way, I
know a good homepage from a gambian friend who lives in Hamburg - if your are
interested: www.abdoulie.de

This data was submitted on: Wednesday, February 5, 2003 at 21:44:19
comments = sa binda arfetna. god bless. takk for en kjempe jobb!! hilsen fra

This data was submitted on: Monday, February 3, 2003 at 18:04:35
name = Vic Smith
Home page = http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~tinvic/sherrifo.htm
comments = The pictures on the home page show "Kankuran" (is that how you spell
it?) dancing. It is something that I have seen several times on visits to The
Gambia. A person with mangrove leaves tied to them - leaves pointing downwards.
It struck me how similar it seemed to the British "Jack-In-The-Green" custom of
Hastings or "The Burry Man" of Queensferry near Edinburgh who are similarly
attired in green. Can anyone tell me any more it? It is exclusive to the Fulas?
It's always been Fulas when I have seen it.
Vic Smith

This data was submitted on: Sunday, January 5, 2003 at 20:26:50
name = eric nicholson
comments = I visited The Gambia over Christmas 2002 and enjoyed 2 weeks of bird
watching. However I do think that tourists should be warned about the continual
harassment from bumsters and official guides. I do not recommend that anyone
visits Lamin Lodge on their own as I was pestered by a crowd of these
entrepreneurs. One was drunk and one persuaded me to part with money.

This data was submitted on: Thursday, January 2, 2003 at 23:17:37
name = Meg Roberton
Home page = http://moussaweb.speedroad.net
comments = Really enjoyed finding your site today. I am married to Moussa
Kouyate a Senegalese Master Kora Artist who live in The Gambia. You will find
information on Moussa's website about his musical work and our community work in
The Gambia.
It would be good to be in correspondence with you in terms of how best to
encourage visitors to our land outside of Brikama wher they can enjoy a real
multi cultural experience. I also note that you are involved in the world of
music and would be very glad to discuss the ongoing promotion of Moussa's work
with you.
Wishing you and yours all the very best in 2003 with warm greetings,
Meg Roberton Kouyate

This data was submitted on: Thursday, January 2, 2003 at 18:02:51
name = Dida Halake
Home page = http://www.gambia2000.com
comments =
This is a really excellent site,the best I have seen on The Gambia. Exremely
useful. Very professional,must have taken lots of professional know-how and
dedication to put together. Well done - there a link to this excellent site from
my much simpler one at www.gambia2000.com
Happy New Year to all.

This data was submitted on: Thursday, January 2, 2003 at 08:58:56
name = Erik
comments = Good site about The Gambia. If you feel like it you could add to its
value by describing some customs of the Gambians - how we Danes/Europeans should
behave when we visit your country - the most common mistakes we make (from
Ignorance) that could offend our hosts in Africa. Also what shouls we be careful
about (driving a car, pickpockets, snakes?????!)
thank you.


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