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 Jolas as first settlers of Gambia: Observer
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United Kingdom
3820 Posts

Posted - 13 Feb 2008 :  01:41:05  Show Profile Send Karamba a Private Message
In what stormed the wider Gambian readership, Daily Observer emerged with a new version of Gambian history casting the Jola ethnic group as first settlers of Gambia. Some readers disagree. What do you think?



94 Posts

Posted - 13 Feb 2008 :  02:00:25  Show Profile Send mavaric a Private Message
well.. since the DO said it.. it must be true :) . I mean, its not like the writer is trying to please or get a pat on the back..
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United Kingdom
3820 Posts

Posted - 13 Feb 2008 :  02:44:16  Show Profile Send Karamba a Private Message

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4380 Posts

Posted - 13 Feb 2008 :  19:36:20  Show Profile Send kondorong a Private Message

The author is not mentioned.

Unless I miss a little bit of history, the Jola are believed to have come from Zimbabwe and very similar to the Xhosa people of South Eastern Africa. I think Mandela is from this tribe.

If you listen and watch their dance which i was privileged to see, its danced just like the BUKARABU. Even the rhythm is very similar. I once reminded my Gambian counterpart in Harare that we were being treated to music from Gambia.

Outside of Foni, Cassamance and western Guinea Bissau, the language is not spoken anywhere. Migration is a complex thing.

In the travels of Mungo Park, he did mention about the Jola but again Mungo Park also mentioned the Fulani and the Mandinka and Wolof in 1795. In fact the Fulani were the interprepters for the Jola who traded in bee wax and honey and even explained in detail how the transanctions were conducted and how the Fulani would deliberately not tell the Jola the offer price and then get away with the difference in addition to the fee the Fulani charge the Jola for interpretation. In 1795, it was commonly known in commerce as "cheat money"

No wonder the Fulani and Jola tease each other. It was a long history of co-existence.

Its quite a dangerous statement to make without proof that a particular tribe arrrived first. They arrived from where? We do know that the Jola are one of the few tribes that did not have structured social institutions like kings, chiefs etc. They are loosely connected and decision making was arrived at open village meetings where every one including women participated.

The author may be right. But we need proof. Howver, it is possible that since such types of existence only makes it difficult for them to leave their marks in history in the form of empires and chiefdoms.

In fact early European arrivals in the mid 1400s, mentioned other tribes in the area.

The questions that come to mind are

1. What is Gambia (geographical location?)
2. From what date is that area of Gambia in existence?
3. What language is the word Gambia?
4. Who gave it the name Gambia?

Historically, unless we have concrete answers to all the above questions, then i hold my brief regarding who came first.

Do you know that Kaolack is believed to be part of Gambia? But at what point in history? I am not sure if in 1400s, if there was a place called gambia yet people still populated the area in Nuimi.

One interesting history for us all. The name St. Andrews Island was named after a Portuguese sailor who died and was buried there. His name was Andrew. He came with cadamosco. It was believed to be one of our earliest documented contacts with Europeans. It was well later that the Corlanders made us into a colony that never actually took place. The deal was signed on paper, but i recently read that the expedition never sailed to Gambia and the captain ran away with his money into another country and never came back.

Subsequently, the courlanders founded a colony in the West Indies.

Traditionally, the area west of trans-Gambia up to Kalagi Bridge was considered part of Kaabu Empire. In fact the survival of Brikama was owed to the Kaabunkas who came to defend their brethren (the Sanneh and Bojangs) when the Bainunkas invaded them.

Its only now, but years passed, people of Kaabu descent enjoyed privileges in the whole of Kombo, where they settled freely in compensation for the war they fought for them.

As far as i know, there never was a another empire or kingdom in the area covering foni to Cassamance to Guinea Bissau. You need to listen to one of jaliba Kuyateh's recent songs in which he takes his listeners on a tour of empires and kingdoms. Foni was not in the song.

If the Jola are indeed the first settlers, they could only have settled on lands with permission from the King of Kaabu who collected taxes in the area. Nuimi kings, the sonkos, are korings. Koring is any one of the royal kaabu kingdom, who traces his lineage through his or her paternal side. They never became kings. The Nyanchos, who trace through their mother, were made kings. Howver, Korings can be made sub-kings in vassal states like Nuimi but still answerable to the paramount King like in the Asanti Kingdom.

Nuimi was paying taxes to the Mandng Empire well before Mansa Musa. Infact in one the districts of foni, the Chiefs were the Jobarteh's who are by all accounts are mandinkas and of the Griot family. That in itself is a historical accident because Jobarteh's were never rulers in Manding but entertainers in the royal courts and custodians of history and culture. This is one reason why Mori Keita was not initially accepted in his role as a musician in Mali. He comes from the royal court and as such tradition forbids it.

If you need more on the Jobarteh’s, found mainly in Bansang, McCarthy and Boa baa, talk to the family of Jali Amadu Bansang Jobarteh. The then Senior Protocol Officer to Isatou Njie Saidy hails from that family.

Any way, I await more evidence from the author.

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.”
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United Kingdom
3820 Posts

Posted - 13 Feb 2008 :  23:14:31  Show Profile Send Karamba a Private Message

It emerged that the author of this piece is none other than Dida Halake current managing editor of Daily Observer. He is hired to rebuild the jig-saw pieces of his president's broken image. Lot of money is involved. No wonder Mr Halake is casting raw insults on cyberspace aimed at Gambian onlines. Halake, it was revealed actually splashes this rubbish of editorials from his council flat in Leeds UK. He is known as an Ethiopian refugee whose adopted home is Kenya. How he moved to UK with a second status is outside my scope of information. By his looks, he poses as Fula man and is pleased calling himself with second name Jallow. It is said he has a Gambian Fula wife after a spell of time living in Gambia. Keen observers believe that Halake wants to fan tribal war in Gambia banking on his background from Ethiopia and Kenya. I am not sure how much Gambians realise the ball game.

The reason for choosing Jolas as his maiden issue on people of Gambia is known. He likes to inflate the ego of the Jola self imposed chief of state. One easier way of making money in Gambia today is to stand tall in laying the crafty pieces of jigsaw casting an image that is never and will never be. But living in a fool's paradise is simple as that. The Emperor's New Clothes. What more?


Edited by - Karamba on 13 Feb 2008 23:23:27
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United Kingdom
1169 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2008 :  00:33:23  Show Profile Send kaanibaa a Private Message
I am a jola by ethnic description and the aforesaid claim bewildered me to the extreme. Looking at the demographic layout of the country one questions which area of the land is the author claiming to first be settled by us . Going to North bank one would find it settled by either the serereh /fula or mandinka from Barra to kerewan. The evidence of Jola settlements is none existent as far as the current settlers can depict. If it is the Kombos that the author is laying claims to, it hardly covers the whole geographic outlay of the current Gambian Territorial boundaries to warrant a justifiable claim as it were ,that the Jola were the first settlers of The Gambia. The foregoing notwithstanding ,what significance has that in our political set up?We are all Gambians never mind who first settled there or who last settled there.In my view what matters is the mutual respect we have for each other and the shared values of humanity in general .
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4380 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2008 :  00:51:34  Show Profile Send kondorong a Private Message

That is why i raised those questions above. If the author can answer them correctly then i am ready to accept his version of history.

But like you said, it does not matter who came first. We are all Gambians and as a democracry, it matters less. My take on this is that it is meant to stirr tribal patronage which is not helpful.

We have peacefully existed without trouble. In fact one part of the author's story that Jolas became maids in the Gambia is not true. Maids have been from many Gambian tribes and recorded history indicates that the Jolas were not the first.

There was a particular ward in Banjul which was mainly populated by maids. I do know that they were not of the Jala tribe.

Infact, after that tribe finally "progressed", it was nationals of Mali who later took on domestic work. Its natural that foreigners in trying to settle down usually start small and climb their way up just like immigrants in Europe do. The Board of Health, locally called BODOFEL was mainly filled in the junior ranks like sanitary night workers by these people.

Every tribe did houseld work for money and infact its safe to say that the Jola who do it are 95% non Gambian just like the strange Farmers of the 1970s who came to weed farms in the Gambia from Gunea Bissau.

Infact in the 1960s, majority of labourers at the ports and along Wellington street were from the North bank. That was how BABA NATA came about.

One thing i like the Jola for is their honesty in dealings and very hard working people. They are very sincere and trusthworthy. My experience in dealing with them is of a pleasant memory. I visited my friend's family in Cassamance and i was touched that they slaughtered a goat for me. A sign of appreciating my friendship.

It is this friendhisp that attracted the HAIDARA's in Foni and Cassamance.

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.”
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12306 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2008 :  01:16:33  Show Profile Send toubab1020 a Private Message
Originally posted by kaanibaa

We are all Gambians never mind who first settled there or who last settled there.In my view what matters is the mutual respect we have for each other and the shared values of humanity in general .

"Mutual respect" ?

Sorry to have to remind you of the piece you posted yesterday on Bantaba, a copy is below.


United Kingdom
119 Posts
Posted - 13 Feb 2008 : 15:18:02

Halake in mandinka means cursed .I do believe that the man bearing that name should be avoided by all in case that names meaning follows him . If he thinks sitting in the cozy armchair and firing insults to critics of the the government would earn him more dollars i mean Dalasis let him carry on .We wait to read about his dismissal in the not too distant future .In fact i shall be reciting the black fathiha daily to add more curses to his already cursed status . Like the allgambian just stated 'strangers do not untether goats' .That is an act associated to criminality ask your D.O. staff to explain the meaning of that wollof proverb and thanks for reading our lies as it is evident that you do read them on the Internet I bet that you do enjoy doing so slimy Halake

"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.

Edited by - toubab1020 on 14 Feb 2008 01:22:14
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4380 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2008 :  01:56:22  Show Profile Send kondorong a Private Message
Are you halake

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.”
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United Kingdom
3820 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2008 :  02:29:49  Show Profile Send Karamba a Private Message

Not to point thick fingers at current Gambian president's tribal instincts is to dodge the truth. Out of all persons in Gambia one person who is hellbent on trading on tribal grounds is none other than our current chief of state. He is doing everything unbecoming in a bid to showcase that Jolas have been marginalised and now Jolas are ruling. By what he does and says, he implies that it is time for Jolas to feel proud that a president emerged from them. That is what we see in his manner of appointments without merit, allocation of scholarships, cleaners jobs, etc. That is no secret. There are still some very clear headed Jolas who know that what the man is doing runs counter to good sense. To let a man like Halake jump in with stuff like this is more than dangerous. Such acts deserve total condemnation even by the Jolas themselves. People are clear about what the whole show is being played on. After all this man posing as chief of state be he Jola or what is not why he sits where he sits. He robbed a whole system in his coup. That is sad enough. No decent person will take pride in a stolen possession. This is crude robbery.

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United Kingdom
1169 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2008 :  02:33:52  Show Profile Send kaanibaa a Private Message
Where did i go wrong in the domain of respecting my fellow human being . Halake insulted online writers calling them Damned liars and i reposted that he is cursed if you are taking his side am cool with that. I still maintain my claim that it is of no great importance who first settled Gambia period.That is my opinion. If Halake can call others names he is calling for replies such as I gave and that is my right. I stand by my views and you cannot change that thanks a lot .If He or any person choses to trade insults the www is open to all even in the Gambia. the language of communication is English and my point is clear .As they say in french ce luis que n'est pas content ons sans fous.

Edited by - kaanibaa on 14 Feb 2008 02:37:27
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2326 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2008 :  02:50:48  Show Profile Send Moe a Private Message
Karamba the same could be said about Jawara simply because he had illeterates serving as ministers, when there was capable and educated elites amongst the population. It seems the Mandinka's did the same thing too. How do you explain that...................Peace

I am Jebel Musa better yet rock of Gibraltar,either or,still a stronghold and a Pillar commanding direction

The GPU wants Me Hunted Down for what I don't know .....
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2326 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2008 :  02:52:55  Show Profile Send Moe a Private Message
Kaaniba if you are not a liar ,you definetly have nothing to worry about,How can one be offended when the shoe doesn't fit unless it fits.............................Peace
Originally posted by kaanibaa

Where did i go wrong in the domain of respecting my fellow human being . Halake insulted online writers calling them Damned liars and i reposted that he is cursed if you are taking his side am cool with that. I still maintain my claim that it is of no great importance who first settled Gambia period.That is my opinion. If Halake can call others names he is calling for replies such as I gave and that is my right. I stand by my views and you cannot change that thanks a lot .If He or any person choses to trade insults the www is open to all even in the Gambia. the language of communication is English and my point is clear .As they say in french ce luis que n'est pas content ons sans fous.

I am Jebel Musa better yet rock of Gibraltar,either or,still a stronghold and a Pillar commanding direction

The GPU wants Me Hunted Down for what I don't know .....
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2326 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2008 :  02:59:40  Show Profile Send Moe a Private Message
Am no Jola but i can assure you that historically they were believed to be the first settlers in Gambia. They were also well known pagans and in 93 i was told by a Jola that they will take back the country that once belonged to them. I laughed my ass off that day not knowing any better but in 94 it was no longer a laughing matter but a true prophecy by a Rebel who sold Kukoi and the rest of the 1981 coupist.............................Peace

I am Jebel Musa better yet rock of Gibraltar,either or,still a stronghold and a Pillar commanding direction

The GPU wants Me Hunted Down for what I don't know .....
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United Kingdom
1169 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2008 :  03:09:46  Show Profile Send kaanibaa a Private Message
Amazing your sense of feeling my bro moe keep insulting and do not expect any in return. It is not only those who are insulted that can feel hurt,but those who hear the abuse are assaulted too .That is if they feel the abuse is not justified if you think the abuse is just that is your opinion and it is your right to believe so. Let me have my own opinion. Its a free world and so I have the liberty to air my views you cannot stop me man
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12306 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2008 :  13:17:25  Show Profile Send toubab1020 a Private Message
Originally posted by kondorong

Are you halake

KONS where is LEEDS? and what is a "Council Flat" ?

"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.
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