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1400 Posts

Posted - 14 Aug 2006 :  16:34:36  Show Profile Send serenata a Private Message
Does it make any difference if terrorists are trained by religious fanatics or killer squads/torture specialists are trained by a superpower, like, e.g., in Central America?

I refuse to take anyone's side. We are eating what our governments cook for us, and if we don't like it, it is our duty to change it.
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Western Samoa
462 Posts

Posted - 15 Aug 2006 :  04:36:09  Show Profile Send Newfy a Private Message
What is happening to the youth?
Im not for killing anyone of any group or creed. But I see that its always the youth, or young adult implicated in these plots. What motivates them? I saw a film once on a story by Hannah Kurdish, about a young East Indian youth who left his family to join his religious brotherhood which was Muslim. This was a story based in London. The dad was a taxi cab driver who ended up chauffeuring an escort who was involved in some sordid activity. The mom wanted a bourgeosie life and was not satisfied with what the dad could provide. It was as if the whole family was falling apart.

I don't understand the violence, but I do understand many times the alienation in a Western based world. Some groups assimilate in public and continue to practice their believe and ways in private.

The law an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Mohandas Gandhi
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3300 Posts

Posted - 15 Aug 2006 :  13:46:42  Show Profile Send jambo a Private Message
Let us put it this way, once you become an adult in the west you can make informed decisions. sister omega,I refuse to take anyone's side. We are eating what our governments cook for us, and if we don't like it, it is our duty to change it". are what the youths are thinking, but some might change it bying voting out the bad governments and politicals others buy using the bombs. It depends on your state of mind.
I am worried because some of them are well educated and are making informed choices, they are studying to be professional people, what happened at home to make them disallusioned with life. If they were from a poo background and struggling it woul dhave a different effect but look at them, they are middle england.
violence is no reply for change, secondly becareful what you change it, if the majority do not like it you will be lost.
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813 Posts

Posted - 15 Aug 2006 :  15:14:47  Show Profile Send Alhassan a Private Message
The way the west is helping is the worst way. Are you satisfied with the situation Irak? You must be be one of these people who are out to war against muslims. The way the Eu and US deals are a treat to world peace. Remember Muslims are human beings too. The fact is you westerners must lears to differenciate Religion and Culture. If the countries were Christians it would not be as it is today. Remember in both Lebanon and Palistine both Muslims and Christians are engaged in the fight for freedom.
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1400 Posts

Posted - 15 Aug 2006 :  16:36:08  Show Profile Send serenata a Private Message
Jambo, for me violence is out of the question. But we must not forget that we live in a world where young people are fed with violence from morning to night. (Faked) violence of the most brutal kind is our every day media entertainment. It is hypocritical to tolerate this, and wail 'How could they???' when this constant desensitisation proves to be effective. After the Columbine and Erfurt school massacres we learned that the U.S. Army trains - and desensitizes their soldiers with violent PC games. They just know it works.

I think the young British terrorists are not all, but also a product of our (media) society. Young people are getting accustomed to violence, and to the simple images of 'good' and 'bad' in films, games, etc. Middle class youths have better access to societal rewards than poor ones, which could prevent them from becoming terrorists. But they also have better access to informations, they are able to analyze the reasons for the current bias in the world. And I think nobody would deny that since Khomeini took over in Iran 1979, Muslims became the Enemy No. One of the West.

Now, if someone 'shows' them where the 'real' enemy is, all the preparations made by OUR societies work on the young immigrants, and voilą - here is your young, urban, educated terrorist!
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3300 Posts

Posted - 15 Aug 2006 :  19:25:42  Show Profile Send jambo a Private Message
alhassan, i take offence at your words Jambo,
The way the west is helping is the worst way. Are you satisfied with the situation Irak? You must be be one of these people who are out to war against muslims. 2
you are not in the UK dealing with issues that are the result of Blair's plicicy, which one of my postings make you think I am ant' muslim.
You in Sweden are not affected, we in the UK are. Tell me how is the atmosphere on the streets there.

sister omega " I think the young British terrorists are not all, but also a product of our (media) society. Young people are getting accustomed to violence, and to the simple images of 'good' and 'bad' in films, games, etc. Middle class youths have better access to societal rewards than poor ones, which could prevent them from becoming terrorists. But they also have better access to informations, they are able to analyze the reasons for the current bias in the world". I still think they are being used, also look at my examples, little things are creeping inthat before were never there.
Example do you remember the young muslim school girl who took her school to court because she was not allowed to wear full muslim dress, what nonsense. Anyway did yu hear, see or read what she hadto say when she lost the case.
"She stated that she was doing this as a point, and she was not some "with long dreadlocked hair, smoking cannabis" if I could find the full words I would post them on hear. What has got to do with anything. but they are using things that appeal to the youth and it is crossing barriers.
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92 Posts

Posted - 15 Aug 2006 :  20:15:16  Show Profile Send toubab a Private Message
My husband was born in Jamaica, his siblngs were all born in the Uk after his parents moved there in the early 50s. He had a very different upbringing to his brother and sisters. His parents could not apply the same rules to them as it was a different culture and children need to identify with their contemporaries and integrate with them to become well rounded human beings. This does not mean that they forget their parents culture, but learn to respect the differences. I would imagine integrating into a western lifestyle, can be a major problem for the parents and children from some countries, where do the children fit, if they cannot fully parttake of the usual things, ie having friends to sleepover, being allowed to sleepover, school discos, saturday morning shopping with your pocket money. Sometimes these kids can get left on the outside looking in and then perhaps the few grow into angry teenagers, ripe for the picking. And you know what, my husband turned out to be sooooooooo great.
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1400 Posts

Posted - 15 Aug 2006 :  20:38:27  Show Profile Send serenata a Private Message
Jambo, I am Serenata, not Sister Omega.
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3300 Posts

Posted - 16 Aug 2006 :  13:34:46  Show Profile Send jambo a Private Message
oops, sorry
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813 Posts

Posted - 16 Aug 2006 :  13:59:52  Show Profile Send Alhassan a Private Message
I am sorry if you feel so offended. Was your country colonised? I am from a former British colony and see and feel how I was affected. That is why I have stated the statement. It is a pity that you are among us here, but accepting the truth does notcost you anything.
I think the young British resistant movement have suffered in Britain that is why they act in these ways. Foreigners have been living in Britain for more than 100 years, why all the problem now? I think Britain should revew her foreign polices so as to eas the confrontation. If my femily and friends and neighbours in the Gambia were put in the same position, I would not hesitate to act as these youngerstars. We are not so affected in Sweden because Sweden does not act like Britain and the US in the international affairs. You must remember Olof Palme. I adore his feelings and his human rights ideas. If you mix your drink and do not invite people, then do not ask people to wipe you vomits. You should be able to take care of things.
I am not against any race or religion. But as we see the happnings of today, I am sorry Jambo that most of us (not people on the forum)
draw the same conclusion. When it comes to the Jamicans, I have found them too voilent and griddy. Many of my friends who've been there have only bad memories. I do put them on the right rtack here in Stockholm when ever they want to cross the line. They do not seem to have respect for us Africans, because they red very negetive things about Africa. Some even think our way of living in Africa is too primitive. I have met Bob in Kobenhavn when he played there in the 80s. LKJ is a good friend of my senior brother in London. I know a few who are ok, but most Jamicans think otherwise of Africans.
What would you have done if the same things prctised in Abugraib prison were done to British people. The UN resulution is not in favour of neighter Palistine nor Lebanon. They have no other forces to help in the security council. What cannot be helped must be enjoyed.

Edited by - Alhassan on 16 Aug 2006 14:12:55
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1400 Posts

Posted - 16 Aug 2006 :  15:09:22  Show Profile Send serenata a Private Message
Originally posted by jambo

oops, sorry
No problem, being mistaken for Sister Omega is a compliment.
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92 Posts

Posted - 16 Aug 2006 :  15:12:45  Show Profile Send toubab a Private Message
Alhassan, I myself firmly believe all British forces should be pulled out of the middle east and anywhere else they are not wanted - enough lives have been lost. Do you think that if Britain did this and cut ties with the USA that it would be the end of terrorism? Much as I would like to believe it would,I don't think it would, there seems to be a deep seated and on going hatred perpetrated by a few - to what ends!
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813 Posts

Posted - 16 Aug 2006 :  15:22:15  Show Profile Send Alhassan a Private Message
I think Britain could have been more frank and deciaded. The way they manover is what people encounter. We here it and see it every day. That is why I have such opinions. I know you are out for the world to be fair, but we who do not decide have a little say. In any case we are the same as humans. I dont put the blame on the ordinary citizens. it is the decission makers that have different opinions sometimes. I saw the protests from Britain before and during the Irak war. I hope we understand eachother now.
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92 Posts

Posted - 16 Aug 2006 :  15:40:45  Show Profile Send toubab a Private Message
Tony Blair should have listened to his people - thats what hes paid to do.I was fortunate to grow up with freedom of choice and opportunity, which I believe is a basic right, ALOT of citizens of the world do not have that right. It is not up to the western world to decide how the middle east should be governed.In the Gulf War I believe the Saudis requested the US go in and protect them from Saddams army collecting along the border - was this the begining of the horrors perpetrated since.I do appreciate your input Alhassan, as this is the only way we learn, by understanding other peoples points of view, and not dismissing them out of hand. Living here in the Gambia has been one huge learning curve, and makes me realize just how much other countries intervention can impact on the daily lives of people.
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3300 Posts

Posted - 16 Aug 2006 :  21:20:54  Show Profile Send jambo a Private Message
alhassan, explain"It is a pity that you are among us here, but accepting the truth does notcost you anything". why is it a pity that i am among you.
I am not against muslims. which postings gave you that impression.
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