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United Kingdom
119 Posts

Posted - 04 Jan 2006 :  00:53:42  Show Profile Send BornAfrican a Private Message
Like many other young Gambians, i grew up without a faint idea of what racism is. I treated every one from all races as i would treat my siblings. When i was about 14 years, we had a US Peace corp volunteer staying in our compound and i remember our mother always warning us to treat him good because if we treat someone's child bad, when we also go out oneday, our acts will boomerang on us. This is the mentality of every Gambian mother (a great mentality for that matter). I continued growing without knowing the deadly sickness of racism that exists elsewhere in the world.
Our televisions were innondated with negative images of our black brothers in America. They were shown as the devils to such an extent that no mother wanted her child to emulate Tupac Shakur.
All this life of ignorance was about to change when i got to England. Here i see how much hatred awaits black people far away from home. The most "two-faced" people i ever know are English. Majority of them smile for you but behind you, they want to constrict your life out of you. I am not saying all English are like this, but thats what the majority is like. Infact this year, there is a very great probablity that England's racist party, BNP dubbed "Ban *****s and Pakis" will win the council election here in Swindon where i live. When this happen, the level of race hate crimes will surge. I can see many black people and other ethnic minorities leaving this town. All this makes me sick and think of black people as the most disorganised race that ever existed.
This evening, i was watching ITV(a television channel here in England), and they were showing New Orleans. Seeing how racist white America is and how useless Black American leaders are, i got sick to my stomach. George Bush is a "*******" racist. He is worst than Hitler. I cannot imagine that America blatantly started reconstructing areas where white people live and neglected black areas. Sometimes, i just see no reason me living as a black man.
As a warning to all my Gambian brothers and sisters who want to venture the Western circuit, be warned. I know that the "grass may be greener" out here, but there is a lot of hatred awaiting you here. To the white man, me and you as black people worth nothing. Coming to the West, i cannot assure you that you will bread to eat every day, but surely, you will be discrimated because of your color. THIS IS A BLACK TRAGEDY!!!



United Kingdom
3091 Posts

Posted - 04 Jan 2006 :  08:46:55  Show Profile Send gambiabev a Private Message
I was also bought up to believe in treating others how I would like to be treated. I believe what goes around comes around, you reap what you sow etc....

I am white and English. MOST English people have NO time for racist political parties, they only get the vote of a tiny minority of ignorant people.

Racism is a fact of life SADLY. People like to make differences between them. It exists in Africa, but between tribes rather than because of colour. Also in Africa there is extreme sexism.

NO country is perfect and no person is perfect. I try to explain to my Gambian friends about racism in the west. It is difficult to comprehend. But it is a high price to pay for being better off financially. As you say , the grass isnt always greener.

I agree completely about George Bush and New oreleans. I am sure the response would have been different if the people had been middle class white people!!! Racism in the deep south of America is just like south Africa, accepted and institutionalised.

One day I hope we will live in a world where people will be accepted for WHAT they are inside. NOT who they are, what they look like, or what they have! This seems very idealistic, but we have to TRY.

Finally, can I ask what bought you to Swindon? Family? Studying? Job?
Have you considered returning to Gambia and working for Gambias future??? Gambia NEEDS educated, intelligent people to be its doctors, teachers, business managers etc...... It would be great if more and more of these people were Gambian rather than from other nations.

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United Kingdom
190 Posts

Posted - 04 Jan 2006 :  17:03:34  Show Profile Send twinkly a Private Message
Hi Bornafrican

I am very curious about what you said in your posting, as I am not from the UK originally, but what I experienced in the rest of Europe(or rather my husband)is MUCH worse than what you describe here.
I decided to come to the UK because I don't want my hubby and children to live in such racist countries(good economy or not, I don't care).I believe that the UK is veeeeeeery accepting and openminded compared to other european countries.

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United Kingdom
3091 Posts

Posted - 04 Jan 2006 :  18:18:23  Show Profile Send gambiabev a Private Message
I think uk is a tolerant country comapared to many. It gives equal rights that are not given to migrant workers in many european countries. Also uk fought AGAINST Hitler........FOR basic human freedoms.
Its not a perfect country....... some individuals will always be racist......but I hope we are moving forwards.
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Sister Omega

United Kingdom
2085 Posts

Posted - 04 Jan 2006 :  19:58:52  Show Profile  Visit Sister Omega's Homepage Send Sister Omega a Private Message
The UK maybe one of the most tolerant countries in Europe that is why the majority of the white population deserted the inner city areas for the suburbs taking with them jobs etc. That is also there is higher unemployment amongst Africans even though they are well educated, and their mobidity rate is higher than Europeans. More African men graduate from school to the streets and into the prisons as the university of life. Well if that's a progressive tolerant European country it still has a long way to go!

The perks in the UK are free health care, education and social security etc. Unemployment rates a highest amongst Africans & Ethnic Minorities. Now, if you tap into education and get your degrees up to a PHD as an African male you maybe lucky working as a civil servant, police man, army officer, bus driver, doctor or more than likely end up driving a taxi driver, or working as a road sweeper or dustbin man or alternatively set up your own business.

But trying opening up your own African schools that is strictly taboo heaven forbid Africans teaching their own children. Whereas Europeans can Asians can but for an African this tests British tolerance to the core and makes them more paranoid and xyenphobic than they already are!

After all Britain is the mother of racism. More Gambian youths need to know the reality of living in Babylon, and be educated about what racism is all about to survive in this system. So young blood hold your head high, and don't let the system drag you down for you come from a mighty race united we stand divided we fall.


Sister Omega

Sister Omega
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United Kingdom
3091 Posts

Posted - 04 Jan 2006 :  22:32:15  Show Profile Send gambiabev a Private Message
Britain is the mother of racism? Hows that?!

What about USA, South Africa. or Germany...... all much higher up my list!
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Sister Omega

United Kingdom
2085 Posts

Posted - 04 Jan 2006 :  23:19:37  Show Profile  Visit Sister Omega's Homepage Send Sister Omega a Private Message
Gambianbev, Wasn't it Queen Elizabeth I who made a decree to vanish all Blackamoors from her Country? Didn't she also set up the Royal Africa Company to conduct the imfamous transatlantic slave trade because she knew that under the magna carta and haebeus Corps slave was illegal as cited by Lords Chief Justice Mansfield in 1795.
So let me ask you a question who had the most colonies in the Americas? Who brought African slaves to America? Isn't it true that King Edward VII was a Nazi and that Hitler perceived Britain as his allie and Chambelin went as far as to appease him until he was forced to relunctantly to intervene when churchill came to the helm, at the time most of the world was conquered by Britain.

When African migrants came from the West Indies and West Africa during reconstruction after World War II after the British begged them to come and construct the so-called motherland weren't they greeted with No blacks and No Dogs on English peoples doors? Even the buses in Bristol were segragrated not surprising really beings as the whole city was constructed on the blood sweat and tears of slavery. Hence we have the old British imperial coinage called the Guinea made out of Gold from Africa of course.

Wasn't it also the British who handed South Africa over to the Boers instead of the African majority? And they did the same in Sudan by handing over the country to the Arabs? Didn't Maragret Thatcher who defended Aparthied until she was kicked out of power describing Nelson Mandela as a terrorist. Britain is still in denial of its crimes against humanity because it won't still recognise to this day that its participation in the transatlantic slave trade was the corner stone to its imperialist might. I am not against the white race but I am against white lies.

Still to this day we have a bunch of excuses for no universial fair trade if Britain was serious, it would of abolished its farmers subsidises at the G8 conference what is equitable about a British cow earning two dollars a day when a Ugandan farmer earns two dollars a week and cannot afford a mosquitoe net to save his family's life. During Blairs Presidency of the EU, he could of also went further to place a limit on the amount of professional workers coming into the Uk through an ethical immigration policy to assist the capacity building of Africa's primary sector services i.e health and education etc. And stop supplying arms which has done for the last six centuries to monopolise the world resources how else can it balance its books.Hasn't Iraq helped to get the US out of its recession?

I put it to you that Britain likes the world order the way that it is and Blair will make his high sounding platitudes and talk targets that will not be met to be seen to be doing the rightthing knowing full well his American buddies and its kin nations in the Eu will maintain the status quo by the institutional racist world order as it is to maintain the so called Developed world's way of life!


Sister Omega

Sister Omega
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United Kingdom
3091 Posts

Posted - 04 Jan 2006 :  23:26:07  Show Profile Send gambiabev a Private Message
This is all History. We need to move forward..... I am not responsible for what Elisabeth the ist did. I can only live my life the best way I know how.

WHy do you sign off 'peace' when what you say is so full of venom?
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Sister Omega

United Kingdom
2085 Posts

Posted - 05 Jan 2006 :  00:20:44  Show Profile  Visit Sister Omega's Homepage Send Sister Omega a Private Message
"Racism is a fact of life SADLY." cited Gambianbev

No you're right you are not responsible for what Queen Elizabeth I did but Great Britain developed its economic foundation from what she did its called inheritance. "Full of venom eh",I put it to you that as one Britain to another I'm just sharing British history from an African Diaspora point of view remember history is written by the victor for propaganda purposes. If these facts were taught correctly in British schools if British people actually came to the realisation that the reason why so much crimes against humanity were inflicted on people because of their skin colour. And how Britain is one of the richest developed nations in the world? And why Africa is so poor? It is simply because of power, greed or the Bible, guns and thieving. Now if a person had worked hard to furnish their house or even if they had inherited all its contents and had no insurance would it be easer for their family to forget their lose of equity or for thief's family to remember how they obtained their gain?

Just imagine, if more people knew what were the essential seeds of racism and implication of the actions of the past and its ramification now in the present then we all stand a better chance of making the world a better place in the future. Racism is the tool used to underpin power and greed no one is born racist it is a trait which is learnt and it also can be unlearnt.


Sister Omega

Sister Omega
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United Kingdom
119 Posts

Posted - 05 Jan 2006 :  04:21:46  Show Profile Send BornAfrican a Private Message
Originally posted by gambiabev

I was also bought up to believe in treating others how I would like to be treated. I believe what goes around comes around, you reap what you sow etc....

gambiabev, i read your response with an open mind. We all beleive that what goes around comes around. I have always been good to all Europeans and other races that i ever came across. I have never done anything bad to anyone for it to come back and get me.

I am white and English. MOST English people have NO time for racist political parties, they only get the vote of a tiny minority of ignorant people.

I don't think thats the case. I never meant to disrespect you. Unfortunately, this is the fact. You and i know how anti foreigner sentiments are rising in the whole of Europe including UK. Its a matter of time, what happened in Zimbabwe WILL happen here in England someday soon. I see and talk to very angry english youth both at my university and where i work. They all have a problem with immigrants "coming to England only to claim benefits". Sometimes at work, some cannot hide their emotions only to turn back and say to me: "sorry, we are not talking about you, but we mean assylum seekers". I only laugh.

Racism is a fact of life SADLY. People like to make differences between them. It exists in Africa, but between tribes rather than because of colour. Also in Africa there is extreme sexism.

There is tribalism in Africa everyone knows that and its one of our major setbacks. Africans have always lived as tribes. The modern tribal sentiments all began to show up after Europeans came to Africa. I won't go deep in to that but its the fact. A good example is Belgium's role in Rwanda between the Hutus and Tutsis.

NO country is perfect and no person is perfect. I try to explain to my Gambian friends about racism in the west. It is difficult to comprehend. But it is a high price to pay for being better off financially. As you say , the grass isnt always greener.

Gambians will not understand what racism is. They may hear about it, but they won't understand it. The fact is that Gambians are too emotional. We easily fall in love with other people especially when they come from other countries. There is never a price to pay for being better off financially. It is the world racist grudge that subjected some living in penury while others don't know what hunger is.

I agree completely about George Bush and New oreleans. I am sure the response would have been different if the people had been middle class white people!!! Racism in the deep south of America is just like south Africa, accepted and institutionalised.

Well, everyone knows the how sick American political elites are. There is a major conspiracy going on at the moment. An American form of ethnic cleansing. They are trying to get rid of blacks in New Orleans. While they rebuild white areas and leave black suburbs to rot, blacks won't want to come back and big cooperations will come and grab all the land. This is American sickness.

One day I hope we will live in a world where people will be accepted for WHAT they are inside. NOT who they are, what they look like, or what they have! This seems very idealistic, but we have to TRY.

I think that hope is too farfetched.

Finally, can I ask what bought you to Swindon? Family? Studying? Job?
Have you considered returning to Gambia and working for Gambias future??? Gambia NEEDS educated, intelligent people to be its doctors, teachers, business managers etc...... It would be great if more and more of these people were Gambian rather than from other nations.

I am studying at one of the Universities. I travel to my uni from Swindon. Have i considered going back to Gambia? I am going home once i finish. Infact for anonymity reasons, i cannot link you to some websites that show projects i take part in the Gambia. I am an IT professional so i want to go home and invest in that area. I know what the Gambia NEEDS. I am not going to remain here only to do dead-end jobs and worst of all, jobs that are not related to my profession.[/quote]

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United Kingdom
3091 Posts

Posted - 05 Jan 2006 :  09:09:57  Show Profile Send gambiabev a Private Message
The anti foriegn feeling in England that i hear about is to do with us being swamped by people from Eastern Europe. In Leicester there are lots of Poles...for example. It is a fear that is legitimate about schooling, housing, hospitals etc..and wether they can cope.
Asian people and black people in Leicester are considered part of the established 'home' population and arent included in the THEM that are being discussed. Hence your work mates aying...oh we didnt mean you!

You could say this is racism. But I think it is born out of a genuine fear of the local population being able to cope with the numbers that are coming. Perhaps the government should invest more in resources? Perhaps there should be a restriction on the amount of people coming in? I dont know the answer.

We have to have HOPE that the future will be better. We HAVE to work towards that. The alternative is TOO bleak. Rwanda is a terrible example of the alternative and I hope that we never see that again.
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United Kingdom
3091 Posts

Posted - 05 Jan 2006 :  09:14:52  Show Profile Send gambiabev a Private Message
I would LOVE to hear more about the projects you are involved with. Your skills will be greatly needed in your country and it is fantastic you are going to go home. Can I ask where you are from in Gambia? Do you get to go home very often? I would like to talk to you 1:1. Can we pass our info to each other without disclosing it to everyone else?

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United Kingdom
246 Posts

Posted - 11 Jan 2006 :  15:03:57  Show Profile Send Formby a Private Message
Re the BNP, I am white and campaign against the BNP actively whenever they are trying for an electoral seat. This is because (a), I find them digusting, uneducated and insecure and am horrified that they claim to 'represent me', (b) because they can only win by spreading lies, which are easy to refute and (c)because the concept of superiority/inferiority based on how people have evolved to function best in a particular climate offends my intellect. Actually, I could reach 'Z' twice over with reasons against the BNP but I won't. I'm saying this merely to illustrate that the BNP does NOT represent the vast majority. If they did, they'd have more success.

But as for general low level racism, the UK is full of it. Ironically, it's people who live in white monocultural enclaves who seem to be the worst proponents of these views. I don't know why this should be. But these are the same people who might say, for example, that they 'hate' the Welsh, or the French, or the it seems t be a general fear of 'the other'.

But consider this. A friend and I were walking up the Senegambia strip the other night. We were both similarly dressed (ie up to the nines) as we were going on a girls night out. A man (a Gambian) whom I can only think was some kind of plain clothed police came up to us as we entered the senegambia area and snarled at my mate 'what are you doing here? You can't come down here'. Why? because he thought she was a prostitute. Why didn't he think I was? We were dressed the same, we were walking up together, we're of a similar age. So he, a black man, was making assumptions against a black women that he wasn't making about a white woman. Furthermore, he spoke to her, in front of other people, without the slightest trace of respect. I hardly need to say how offensive the episode was. Respect engenders respect.
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United Kingdom
3091 Posts

Posted - 11 Jan 2006 :  17:12:33  Show Profile Send gambiabev a Private Message
The plain clothed police/security are getting heavy.... against their own people. Who is giving them this new power?

Terrible to be spoken to that way JUST because of colour.
WHat happened to innocent until proved guilty?
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24 Posts

Posted - 17 Jan 2006 :  15:28:22  Show Profile Send Tairema a Private Message
the only difference in the world is poor vs rich.
As long as the poor masses focus on racism they will not stand up against the rich few, so it is in the best interest for the rich in this world that racism is cultivated and incouraged as a decoy so they can keep on getting richer while the poor fight amoung themselves. Stop following the path they set out and unite to tackle the real difference and injustice!
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334 Posts

Posted - 10 Feb 2006 :  08:29:42  Show Profile Send kassma a Private Message
Originally posted by BornAfrican

Originally posted by gambiabev

I was also bought up to believe in treating others how I would like to be treated. I believe what goes around comes around, you reap what you sow etc....

gambiabev, i read your response with an open mind. We all beleive that what goes around comes around. I have always been good to all Europeans and other races that i ever came across. I have never done anything bad to anyone for it to come back and get me.

I am white and English. MOST English people have NO time for racist political parties, they only get the vote of a tiny minority of ignorant people.

I don't think thats the case. I never meant to disrespect you. Unfortunately, this is the fact. You and i know how anti foreigner sentiments are rising in the whole of Europe including UK. Its a matter of time, what happened in Zimbabwe WILL happen here in England someday soon. I see and talk to very angry english youth both at my university and where i work. They all have a problem with immigrants "coming to England only to claim benefits". Sometimes at work, some cannot hide their emotions only to turn back and say to me: "sorry, we are not talking about you, but we mean assylum seekers". I only laugh.

Racism is a fact of life SADLY. People like to make differences between them. It exists in Africa, but between tribes rather than because of colour. Also in Africa there is extreme sexism.

There is tribalism in Africa everyone knows that and its one of our major setbacks. Africans have always lived as tribes. The modern tribal sentiments all began to show up after Europeans came to Africa. I won't go deep in to that but its the fact. A good example is Belgium's role in Rwanda between the Hutus and Tutsis.

NO country is perfect and no person is perfect. I try to explain to my Gambian friends about racism in the west. It is difficult to comprehend. But it is a high price to pay for being better off financially. As you say , the grass isnt always greener.

Gambians will not understand what racism is. They may hear about it, but they won't understand it. The fact is that Gambians are too emotional. We easily fall in love with other people especially when they come from other countries. There is never a price to pay for being better off financially. It is the world racist grudge that subjected some living in penury while others don't know what hunger is.

I agree completely about George Bush and New oreleans. I am sure the response would have been different if the people had been middle class white people!!! Racism in the deep south of America is just like south Africa, accepted and institutionalised.

Well, everyone knows the how sick American political elites are. There is a major conspiracy going on at the moment. An American form of ethnic cleansing. They are trying to get rid of blacks in New Orleans. While they rebuild white areas and leave black suburbs to rot, blacks won't want to come back and big cooperations will come and grab all the land. This is American sickness.

One day I hope we will live in a world where people will be accepted for WHAT they are inside. NOT who they are, what they look like, or what they have! This seems very idealistic, but we have to TRY.

I think that hope is too farfetched.

Finally, can I ask what bought you to Swindon? Family? Studying? Job?
Have you considered returning to Gambia and working for Gambias future??? Gambia NEEDS educated, intelligent people to be its doctors, teachers, business managers etc...... It would be great if more and more of these people were Gambian rather than from other nations.

I am studying at one of the Universities. I travel to my uni from Swindon. Have i considered going back to Gambia? I am going home once i finish. Infact for anonymity reasons, i cannot link you to some websites that show projects i take part in the Gambia. I am an IT professional so i want to go home and invest in that area. I know what the Gambia NEEDS. I am not going to remain here only to do dead-end jobs and worst of all, jobs that are not related to my profession.


i for one i'm glad that there are Gambian youths out there who see the truth for what it is. BornAfrican, you are right for your outrage and disgust. when i say that i can never stay in america because i refuse to get used to or accept racism, its mostly africans who just can't imagine why i would want to go back. the thing is, if educated africans won't go back and help their own countries, we'll forever be at the mercy of white people, and that is something i can't do. i don't know why, but so many africans are content to just stay in these racist, cruel, inhumane societies filled with people who hate us. i'm glad there's someone out there who is fully aware of what's really going on.
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