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 Is Marcus Garvey Still Relevant
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1051 Posts

Posted - 30 Nov 2006 :  20:02:58  Show Profile Send Cornelius a Private Message
In this "World Politics" ( & history section) here's something that should interest you:

( YOu do know that soon after Ngor Nelson Mandela was released he first flew to Stockholm to visit his second-in-command Oliver Thambo who was recuperating in Hospital here....,GGLJ:2006-46,GGLJ:en-GB&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=Nelson+Mandela+visits++Oliver+Tambo+in+Sweden&spell=1

Sure , Sweden's SPECIAL.....


Here’s a poem for you ( “The Canonisation”) if you’d only hold your fire and let me type the reply that I have already written!

Sister Omega in a serious search, one does not jest about serious matters – nor have I been seeking consolations … the way of God.,GGLJ:2006-46,GGLJ:en-GB&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=Orthodox+Christianity&spell=1

Even as I write the Pope is doing his duty:
trying to heal
breaches in the Jesus flock.,GGLJ:2006-46,GGLJ:en-GB&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=The+Ethiopian+Orthodox+Church&spell=1

When I say RASTAFARI I mean ALL the KNOWN RASTAFARI, not just Prophet Gad and the Twelve Tribes….

Similarly when I say Islam or Muslims, It would include the Imamia ( the Twelvers) many Shia groups, the Sunnis, the Sufis and all within the fold of Islam

You write “After all it was the Ethiopian Orthodox church which HIM was Head of who originally gave Prophet Mohammad permission to seek refuge in Ethiopia because his coming was already prophecised within the Ethiopian (Geeze) Bible.”
Well, the whole of 1985 I was with the Ethiopian Orthodox Church ( Services at Skeppsholmen next to the Modern Museum in Stockholm, the service in Gees, yes,) have met a few people who knew the Emperor….. I did a thorough study of Orthodox Christianity, associated with the Russian, Greek ( churches on the same street Birger Jarls gatan in Stockholm, also Estonia and Finland, was going to spend some time in Valamo after an invitation from the American monk there…. met the Bishop of Attica, had an appointment with the Pope of the Orthodox Church in Egypt, met the Bishop instead, was stunned by their Easter liturgies….read their essential texts like a hungry man – all after reading Seraphim Rose’s
“Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future”

I would not like to speculate about things that I do not know.... did HIM become a Muslim and exhort his subjects to follow HIM into Islam?
That the prophet of Islam addressed the Negus with the fraternal greeting of Asalamalaikum” ( reserved for Muslims only) does suggest that the Negus was indeed a brother to his guests w to whom he had extended asylum and friendship.
As a member of the Twelve Tribes I did faithfully read the autobiography of His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor Haile Selassie , in two volumes, translated by Edward Ullendorf……. His Majesty used to be up early in the Mornings to do his meditations and prayers.......,GGLJ:2006-46,GGLJ:en-GB&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=Edward+Ullendorff+translation+of+the+Autobiography+of+Haile+Selassie&spell=1

Edited by - Cornelius on 30 Nov 2006 20:29:09
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1051 Posts

Posted - 30 Nov 2006 :  21:55:18  Show Profile Send Cornelius a Private Message
Sister Omega,

Let me assure you that everybody is entitled to their own Messiahs and prophets. For some Malachi brings an end to the prophetic cycle long before the birth of Jesus and it is said that he ( Jesus, did quote the Jewish scriptures......

I do not have any personal problems with that......

Glanville ( one of our lecturers)once told me this joke when I asked him what kind of questions I should be expecting in the exams -

He asked me to follow this sequence

Is this a question
Yes if this is an answer

And I thought about this just now in connection with Mutabaruka’s Psalm 24 in Which King David also asks , “Who is the King of Glory? “ and answers:

"The LORD strong and mighty,
the LORD mighty in battle.

Lift up your heads, O ye gates;
even lift them up, ye everlasting doors;
and the King of glory shall come in.

Who is this King of glory?
The LORD of hosts,
HE is the King of glory. “

The King of Glory of course is the Almighty…..

Yes Martin Luther was a Jew too…..

I want to complete this before I lay me down to sleep – I will be sending two more postings after this, to clear the air before I explain what I meant by “I'll explain the significance of Rastafari as an anti-Islamic movement, when I have time....Babylon....” That will be in my third posting after this one.
Here’ I’d like to say that Mutabaruka and Luciano do King David’s Psalm 24 ( King James Version):

In their abbreviated version the emphasis and refrain is :
"Lift up your heads, O ye gates
That the King of Glory shall come in”
WHO is the King of Glory?”

Mutabaruka and Luciano chant:” Jah Rastafari!”
and the song ends with Zion, Zion.....

WE know that The KING OF GLORY refers to THE ALMIGHTY! – and we are not about to start arguing about that or when I say “ Long Live Marcus Garvey!

Tanach Audio in Hebrew
Bible in English

Now , dear Admin and dear Sister Omega, in Arabic the words is SABER( patience) just hold your fire until after my next three explanatory and non-theological postings …. s'il vous plaît et merci

trust me

Edited by - Cornelius on 30 Nov 2006 22:14:15
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1051 Posts

Posted - 30 Nov 2006 :  22:55:23  Show Profile Send Cornelius a Private Message
Muslims are free to be Muslims and rastas are free to be Rastas, as I will explain….

A little history should put Sister Omega’s heart at rest about any dubious agenda on my part, so let me quote from Norman Solomon’s essay “ Muhammad from a Jewish Perspective” which begins on page 132 of “Abraham’ Children ”

“ The simple answer to the question, “ What is the Jewish view of Muhammad?” is “ There is no Jewish view”. The question rests on an assumption that is demonstrably wrong, namely , that Muhammad figures in some way in Jewish theology.
For chronological reasons, it is obvious that neither the Bible nor the Talmud, the literary foundations of Judaism, contains any reference to Muhammad. The rise of Islam , indeed marks the close of the Talmudic period in Judaism. ;Muslim apologists, especially Jewish converts to Islam such as Samu’al ( Samuel) ben Judah ibn Abbas ( Ibn Yahya al-Maghribi c.1125-75), have sometimes read “ prophecies” of Muhammad into the Bible, just as Christians have claimed the foretelling of Jesus in Hebrew scriptures, but the claims do not bear serious scrutiny.”

Let me skip the next paragraph.

“ Presumably the Jews of Arabia in Muhammad’s own time formed some opinion of him. He had at least one Jewish wife, and some Jews were among his earliest followers. During his period in Medina following the hijra, Jews were numbered as allies of one of the eight clans who supported him. However, many were neutral or opposed him, and several instances are recorded of Muhammad and his followers fighting against them and punishing them; those who survived such treatment may well have regarded him as deluded , a violent and treacherous adventurer. But this is no more than speculation; information about this early period comes to us mainly from the Qur’an itself and other Muslim sources and there is no direct evidence as to what the Jews thought.”

I recommend that you read this chapter and the rest of the book.
I’d also recommend that you read Erwin Rosenthal: "Judaism and Islam" and Bernard Lewis’ " The Jews of Islam". Given Surah al-Kafirun,
there’s nothing in these books that a Muslim cannot stomach….

You could skip this

now indulge me for the next two postings which will contain absolutely nothing theological ( but a little history of course, and then the ball is in your court……for you and your Rastas and non-rastas to discuss…….

Edited by - Cornelius on 30 Nov 2006 23:15:10
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11644 Posts

Posted - 30 Nov 2006 :  23:29:15  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message
Cornelius, you have to start a new thread in the relion forum instead of going off topic as usual. We would have to split this topic if you can't keep to the "Is Marcus Garvey Still Relevant" topic. You have a tendency of poluting postings with your religious agenda.

A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone
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1051 Posts

Posted - 30 Nov 2006 :  23:42:25  Show Profile Send Cornelius a Private Message

I have my own blog.

if you asked me about MARCUS GARVEY in a Court of LAW, in an examination under political history or even the history of an idea, I should hope that you would give me the SPACE to THINK and express my own idea, even as the chief examiner, and NOT to tell me - what I should include or exclude in my answer.

You took the liberty of deleting one of my postings about our Marcus Garvey. Is there any relationship between him and Jamaica, or between him and Rastafari, or between him and Africa?

PLEASE don't limit me with your own mental boundaries, limitations or intolerance. As m y French friend once remarked - it could be bad philosophy, but it is philosophy nevertheless.

Just two postings more and you can have all the cyberspace you need to preserve your own or to exclude my few thoughts.

After that I'll QUIT your Bantaba so that you can decorate it with your own thoughts, wishes, communications or those of which you approve. And you may continue to preside over it – it is I know, a part /mental province of your earthly kingdom in cyberspace.

Didn't you understand my last sentence ? I said

"now indulge me for the next two postings which will contain absolutely nothing theological ( but a little history of course, and then the ball is in your court……for you and your Rastas and non-rastas to discuss……."

Long live Rastafari and long live Marcus Garvey.

Thank YOOU.

Edited by - Cornelius on 01 Dec 2006 01:09:17
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United Kingdom
7765 Posts

Posted - 01 Dec 2006 :  01:40:42  Show Profile Send kobo a Private Message
Originally posted by Babylon

Originally posted by kobo

Nation of Islam and Rastafari are politically motivated and created by systems and eras of supremacy against Blacks or between Whites and Blacks (RACISM!).

Nation of Islam is not un-islamic and contradicts ISLAM, injuctions and "sunna" of Prophet Muhamad (s.a.w). Its leaders are intellectuals from Black race and politicise on Islam and Rastafari as religions of Black roots. However Nation of Islam and Rastafari were good initiates and a good direction for the oppressed to count on spiritual power and hope (GOD!). Nation of Islam are with millions of muslims though, as testimonies to the belief of saying of the "Sahaada" i.e. "THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD CALLED ALLAH AND MUHAMD IS HIS PROPHET. They pay homage and chant IN THE NAME OF ALLAH; i.e "takbirr" = Allaahu akbarr; "Shikarr" = Praise singing of "Laa ill laaha ill lal laa", discipline themselves and they living decent life. Therefore followers of Nation of Islam are decent people. Its important to clarify and do justice to Islam and what it represents to MANKIND!
I repeat that Nation of Islam is UN-ISLAMIC and totally contradicts ISLAM (A UNIVERSAL RELIGION OF PEACE AND FOR ALL MANKIND!); with any perception of sagregation and RASCISM. The holy quran is a letter addressed to "Yaa banni Adam", not to the Arabs, Jews, Blacks or whites etc.

"Yaa banni Adam = You children of Adam"

I don´t agree with you on this one, I think it´s wrong to teach people that Islam is for black people only. Therefore I totally disagree with Nation of Islam. They teach the wrong teachings and I think it´s a disgrace against Islam and give non muslims the wrong picture of the religion, which already is misunderstood by so many.

Let me quote a few words from Urban dictionary: "2. nation of islam

Black nationalist movement that is as different from Islam as night is from day. These people are not true Muslims. For example, they don't believe that Muhammad (S) was the last prophet. In fact, their founder Louis Farrakhan is regarded by the NOI as a Prophet. Also, in Islam you are supposed to be tolerant. The NOI hate white people and want segregation. In short and are actually just racist ******s who are not Muslims. They only use the Islamic jargon.

Nation of Islam members should study actual Islam instead of the garbage that Louis Farrakhan introduced. They should follow Malcom X's example."

Babylon! Thanks fore your comments as am surprised not to see my views on "Sahaaha, takbirr and sikarr" not featured under the following link initially featured by yourself earlier when NOI is introduced into this topic; under

Evil is satanic and everything in that link is odd and total disparity with ISLAM. Other controversies are that its founder Elijah Muhamad is revered as kind of prophet (FALSE PROPHET THOUGH), Louis Farakhan is a political leader and their congregation is more churh like than meetings inside a proper mosque etc, etc.

However my views are based on the premises that the "Sahaada, takbirr and sikarr of LAA IL LAAHA ILLAL LAA are vital fundamentals inter alias for MUSLIMS! You can be a MUSLIM and found yourself mis-directed through the sunna of the Prophet Muhamad (s.a.w) and your own religion ISLAM.

May Allah help us follow through the RIGHT PATH ("Eih deena siraatal mus taheen")

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691 Posts

Posted - 01 Dec 2006 :  01:43:57  Show Profile Send Babylon a Private Message
Yep Cornelius, your very own blog -the Bantaba obviously...
Ever heard of keepin it short and sweet You really should try it sometimes
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3460 Posts

Posted - 01 Dec 2006 :  04:58:17  Show Profile  Visit Santanfara's Homepage Send Santanfara a Private Message

Surah- Ar-Rum 30-22
"And among His signs is the creation of heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge." Qu'ran
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1051 Posts

Posted - 01 Dec 2006 :  07:30:10  Show Profile Send Cornelius a Private Message


I know that MOMODOU is the Gambian form of the name Muhammad, and I have nothing against that name or religion.
MARCUS MOSAIH GARVEY and his absolute relevance today is very important to me and is one of my favourite themes. In my next two postings in this thread I will continue to lay the foundations, so that even you will understand what I am saying.

Who was it that posted this:


1633 Posts
Posted - 01 Dec 2006 : 01:40:42

Originally posted by Babylon

Originally posted by kobo

Nation of Islam and Rastafari are politically motivated and created by systems and eras of supremacy against Blacks or between Whites and Blacks (RACISM!).

Nation of Islam is not un-islamic and contradicts ISLAM, injuctions and "sunna" of Prophet Muhamad (s.a.w). Its leaders are intellectuals from Black race and politicise on Islam and Rastafari as religions of Black roots. However Nation of Islam and Rastafari were good initiates and a good direction for the oppressed to count on spiritual power and hope (GOD!). Nation of Islam are with millions of muslims though, as testimonies to the belief of saying of the "Sahaada" i.e. "THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD CALLED ALLAH AND MUHAMD IS HIS PROPHET. They pay homage and chant IN THE NAME OF ALLAH; i.e "takbirr" = Allaahu akbarr; "Shikarr" = Praise singing of "Laa ill laaha ill lal laa", discipline themselves and they living decent life. Therefore followers of Nation of Islam are decent people. Its important to clarify and do justice to Islam and what it represents to MANKIND!
I repeat that Nation of Islam is UN-ISLAMIC and totally contradicts ISLAM (A UNIVERSAL RELIGION OF PEACE AND FOR ALL MANKIND!); with any perception of sagregation and RASCISM. The holy quran is a letter addressed to "Yaa banni Adam", not to the Arabs, Jews, Blacks or whites etc.

"Yaa banni Adam = You children of Adam"


I don´t agree with you on this one, I think it´s wrong to teach people that Islam is for black people only. Therefore I totally disagree with Nation of Islam. They teach the wrong teachings and I think it´s a disgrace against Islam and give non muslims the wrong picture of the religion, which already is misunderstood by so many.

Let me quote a few words from Urban dictionary: "2. nation of islam

Black nationalist movement that is as different from Islam as night is from day. These people are not true Muslims. For example, they don't believe that Muhammad (S) was the last prophet. In fact, their founder Louis Farrakhan is regarded by the NOI as a Prophet. Also, in Islam you are supposed to be tolerant. The NOI hate white people and want segregation. In short and are actually just racist ******s who are not Muslims. They only use the Islamic jargon.

Nation of Islam members should study actual Islam instead of the garbage that Louis Farrakhan introduced. They should follow Malcom X's example."


Babylon! Thanks fore your comments as am surprised not to see my views on "Sahaaha, takbirr and sikarr" not featured under the following link initially featured by yourself earlier when NOI is introduced into this topic; under

Evil is satanic and everything in that link is odd and total disparity with ISLAM. Other controversies are that its founder Elijah Muhamad is revered as kind of prophet (FALSE PROPHET THOUGH), Louis Farakhan is a political leader and their congregation is more churh like than meetings inside a proper mosque etc, etc.

However my views are based on the premises that the "Sahaada, takbirr and sikarr of LAA IL LAAHA ILLAL LAA are vital fundamentals inter alias for MUSLIMS! You can be a MUSLIM and found yourself mis-directed through the sunna of the Prophet Muhamad (s.a.w) and your own religion ISLAM.

May Allah help us follow through the RIGHT PATH ("Eih deena siraatal mus taheen")


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United Kingdom
7765 Posts

Posted - 01 Dec 2006 :  10:25:30  Show Profile Send kobo a Private Message
Originally posted by Cornelius

Who was it that posted this:


1633 Posts
Posted - 01 Dec 2006 : 01:40:42

Originally posted by Babylon

Originally posted by kobo

Nation of Islam and Rastafari are politically motivated and created by systems and eras of supremacy against Blacks or between Whites and Blacks (RACISM!).

"Nation of Islam is not un-islamic and contradicts ISLAM",

Edit to above should have read: "Nation of Islam is not ISLAM, un-islamic and contradicts ISLAM."

Interventions and comments against Cornelius apperas to be untimely although I also have certain reservations on his manipulative ways and information being flooded confusingly and un-necessarily, in my opinion.

Satanfara, you also appear to be another CONTROVERSIAL FIGURE etc???? (like me to others) and may not have the appropriate word to describe your character through Bantaba; as am confused and concerned by your INCONSISTENCIES and CERTAIN PETTY REMARKS (INCLUDING THE EXPENSIVE JOKES).

Its just a bizairre, difficult and impossissible to integrate or interact properly with every reader.



Edited by - kobo on 01 Dec 2006 10:51:22
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1051 Posts

Posted - 01 Dec 2006 :  11:27:09  Show Profile Send Cornelius a Private Message
Because of what others like Kobo and Santanfara have said about ”religious propaganda” and “being flooded confusingly and un-necessarily”etc, let me modify the introduction to what I have to say about the ABSOLUTE relevance of Marcus Garvey today. First of all I am not confused and of course I hope that all who have not gone astray or been misled will arrive quite happily at their destination of paradise.
By way of introduction to what I’m going to say, ever so briefly, I may not be as unattached or unanchored as friend Denys Blell or as Creole as my late roommate Akintola Wyse who I gave the name CROMWELL, but let me state unequivocally that I am no racist.
My stepfather, the man who took me back to Sierra Leone on M.V..- Apapa (a ten day journey by sea) this man who was a good father to me till he passed away in 1981, a few weeks after my own biological father also passed away, was a Scot, born in Johannesburg, South Africa, brought up in Glasgow (decorated as a war hero by King George) and so loved throughout Sierra Leone, from Kabala to Sefadu, from Pujehun to the villages around Lumley Beach where we used to have our Sunday picnics. In Port Loko he was given the name “Johnson-Kamara – others called him Kamara –Johnson” ( there songs about him in the Themne language) and his relationship to black people was the opposite of what happened in South Africa and one of the first books that he gave me to read was Alan Paton’s “ Cry Beloved Country” I suspect that he, like some of the elite of the Southern States in the USA, must have had a black nanny, when he was a toddler in Jo’burg.

For the following Palestinians among many others that I do not now mention, I have nothing but the greatest respect and affection: even though our political views may be different – for the Almighty created the world for SHALOM): Fahd Ahmed, Mahmud Adebe, and Mustapha Gibril Yamani. For Egyptians Adel Hamza, Ashraf El-Khabiry, Dr. Mohamed El-Sayed (among many other Egyptians here, in Egypt and some now asleep in the dust.
When it comes to Iranians and Iraqis, they are too numerous to mention and although I do not want to be guilty of the crime of omission, I must mention in the order in which I did bayaat, Dr Javad Nurbaksh, Hazrat Agha Sultan Husayn Tabandeh Reza Ali Shah who accorded me the privilege of tying his shoe laces when he visited me at home in Stockholm – and who I got to understand much better on Ashura day of 1989… also Maboob Ali Shah, and Marja e- Taqleed Imam Khomeini( r.a) Ayatollah Khoei, and Ali Sistani, and all the good people of Ahl ul Bayt and the honourable Sahaba, my great Sheikh of Alexandria, Egypt ( a secret) and let me include all the rightly guided of all time, since the beginning of time till the end of time…
Today it is widely believed in Jamaica and in most of the Africa Diaspora West, that the Arabs started the slave trade in Africa. In “The Destruction of African Civilisation” by Chancellor Williams, says that black people arrived in America, the same way that they arrived in Saudi Arabia: through slavery… and may I add that in the same way some African people arrived in BASRA, where there was a slave revolt a few hundred years ago….
As the Bible history goes the brothers of Joseph sold Joseph to some Arab slave traders and we must understand that was an ancient capitalist commercial enterprise in both pre- and post Islamic times.
I would just like to add that His Majesty the Emperor of Ethiopia – the only country in Africa (along with Liberia?) that was never enslaved) is a central gestalt among certain brethren of the Rastafari. And that Rastafarianism is an alternative to Islam.

I intend to write a definitive essay on “MARCUS GARVEY TODAY2 for my bog “OUR CHALLENGE”
It will be copyrighted, and anyone who’s interested should be able to read it there, as it will be in simple straightforward English. Amin
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Sister Omega

United Kingdom
2085 Posts

Posted - 01 Dec 2006 :  12:01:31  Show Profile  Visit Sister Omega's Homepage Send Sister Omega a Private Message
Cornelius your statements are unfounded. Rastafarianism is not Anti-Islamic. Why are you painting the Nation of Islam and Rastafarism with the same brush?

As Momodou as highlighted that you have strayed of the point about Marcus Garvey's relevance. Yes Marcus has inspired many African people in different ways fundamentally he pointed out the contributions Africans have made to the world before the advent of racism. As a Africans were deemed completely powerless at the time of his writing he refuted that claim by referring to our presence and influence within the Bible and beyond as the first Human beings on the planet which is now scientifically proven. Therefore Africans have contributed to Arts and Sciences. He advocated for the empowerment of African race starting from the individual, family. community,nation, and continent. Highlighting the point of us getting to know who we are as a people who know where we come from so we know where we are going to. Everybody needs to know that unfortunately what other races may take for granted is what a lot of Africans have been denied.

Malcolm X's father was a follower of Garvey and he preached that Africans were human beings with human rights. He house was set alight and he was pinned down to a railway track by the KKK and killed by a train.As a result of this Malcolm mother went mad and her children were taken into care. Malcolm was indoctrined into thinking that he would only be capable of working with his hands and not his brains. When entering prison on a felony because he was dating a Caucasian Woman at the time he received a longer sentence. Within the time of being incarcerated he joined the Nation of Islam who taught him about being aware of his blackness. Malcolm was an inspired individual who was manipulated by certain members of the organisation which glorified Elijah Muhammed but it was Malcolm who inspired people to join the organisation in the 60's. The nation of Islam was defend itself against racial attacks it was a disciplined force at the height of Jimcrow and deep repression under the system of segregation. I suppose it was the backlash against christainity which was the philosophy used to enslave Africans too often being seen as oppressive yet expecting its victims to be pacifists. That turned a lot of African Americans to the Nation of Islam. But it was after the assassination of J>F kennedy and the latter revelations of Elijah Muhammad being an adulturer that Malcolm found out tjat the man he'd but his faith in was not infalliable,that he released that he'd been mislead. And that indeed his faith had been mislead into worshipping a man inside of worshipping Allah himself. Hence his trip to Egypt and Mecca and learning more Islam and not a pseudo christainity Islam.

Now I am not going to condemn the Nation of Islam for their beliefs for they are entitled to believe in who and what they want to. So are the rest of the world. I believe that there is only one Creator and different peoples call him/her by different names.And too often religious belief's are used as a political tool by unscrupulous people to manipulate people for selfish gains of power and greed using divide and rule tactics.


Sister Omega

Sister Omega
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1051 Posts

Posted - 01 Dec 2006 :  12:50:11  Show Profile Send Cornelius a Private Message
Sister Omega,

I used an expression” anti-Islamic” and I did not get around to defining it. In my opinion or example a definition of Anti-Christ (in a very Christian sense) would be one who denies that Jesus died on the cross (and of course the consequences, e.g. his resurrection etc….I honestly don’t KNOW about these things. I was going to explain what I meant by anti-Islamic, but it’s all over now….you to your own thoughts and me to mine.

I have no doubt that as a Jamaican you are better acquainted with Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X and the whole gamut of black, African, Caribbean and African-American Studies, and Liberation movements and their ideologies than I am, not to mention your Ethiopian Orthodox Church etc in theory and practice........
So please carry on with your enlightened discussion whilst I leave you with just one more person: Edward Wilmot Blyden 1

His descendants are still going strong. One (Edward Blyden 111) was Sierra Leone’s ambassador to the Soviet Union; another was the chairman of the Fraternity to which I belonged…..

There are many others, but I wash my hands off this discussion…. I have discussed this matter with others. I wish that I had done so with Roy Watts too at that early stage…..
I will write my article after talking to one of our Rastafarian brethren Noel. Till then… can go on correcting yourself and your others on Bantaba as you continue to develop the ideas of Marcus Mosiah Garvey. He has many disciples.



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1007 Posts

Posted - 01 Dec 2006 :  13:05:30  Show Profile Send mbay a Private Message
SIS. There are still some addicted people struggling day by day of making some one –something believes / manipulating
even if they knew that’s far from that fact!
Like the case of CORN. I believe he is just trying to be the best rebel in this web
Or even trying to ring the bell anger!

Originally posted by Sister Omega

Cornelius your statements are unfounded. Rastafarianism is not Anti-Islamic. Why are you painting the Nation of Islam and Rastafarism with the same brush?

As Momodou as highlighted that you have strayed of the point about Marcus Garvey's relevance. Yes Marcus has inspired many African people in different ways fundamentally he pointed out the contributions Africans have made to the world before the advent of racism. As a Africans were deemed completely powerless at the time of his writing he refuted that claim by referring to our presence and influence within the Bible and beyond as the first Human beings on the planet which is now scientifically proven. Therefore Africans have contributed to Arts and Sciences. He advocated for the empowerment of African race starting from the individual, family. community,nation, and continent. Highlighting the point of us getting to know who we are as a people who know where we come from so we know where we are going to. Everybody needs to know that unfortunately what other races may take for granted is what a lot of Africans have been denied.

Malcolm X's father was a follower of Garvey and he preached that Africans were human beings with human rights. He house was set alight and he was pinned down to a railway track by the KKK and killed by a train.As a result of this Malcolm mother went mad and her children were taken into care. Malcolm was indoctrined into thinking that he would only be capable of working with his hands and not his brains. When entering prison on a felony because he was dating a Caucasian Woman at the time he received a longer sentence. Within the time of being incarcerated he joined the Nation of Islam who taught him about being aware of his blackness. Malcolm was an inspired individual who was manipulated by certain members of the organisation which glorified Elijah Muhammed but it was Malcolm who inspired people to join the organisation in the 60's. The nation of Islam was defend itself against racial attacks it was a disciplined force at the height of Jimcrow and deep repression under the system of segregation. I suppose it was the backlash against christainity which was the philosophy used to enslave Africans too often being seen as oppressive yet expecting its victims to be pacifists. That turned a lot of African Americans to the Nation of Islam. But it was after the assassination of J>F kennedy and the latter revelations of Elijah Muhammad being an adulturer that Malcolm found out tjat the man he'd but his faith in was not infalliable,that he released that he'd been mislead. And that indeed his faith had been mislead into worshipping a man inside of worshipping Allah himself. Hence his trip to Egypt and Mecca and learning more Islam and not a pseudo christainity Islam.

Now I am not going to condemn the Nation of Islam for their beliefs for they are entitled to believe in who and what they want to. So are the rest of the world. I believe that there is only one Creator and different peoples call him/her by different names.And too often religious belief's are used as a political tool by unscrupulous people to manipulate people for selfish gains of power and greed using divide and rule tactics.


Sister Omega

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