Both methods cause skincancer and in the end what it comes to is that we are starting look like eachother....
why is it that we always want what we have not got? it is sad that so many people are damaging themselves in the name of beauty and totally not necessary. look at all the other painful, uncomfortable or dangerous things we do to our selves to look the way magazines show is we are supposed to.
surely being happy with who you are is more attractive?
When people shout it at you it feels intimidating and racist...
gambiabav - i have a very different view on this from yours. personally i don't find this offensive at all - i experienced many times less racism being the only toubab on the bus or in villages than i witnessed travelling in the uk and europe with a moroccan friend. those people have no shame that they can treat others as they would not want to be treated.
may I suggest that you think carefully before you post. It would be less irritating for all if you stopped comparing Gambia/Africa with the UK. Its clear to me that you have a lot of enthusiasm for The Gambia after visiting 4 times in 2 years but really you need to experience more of the "culture" yourself when you visit before you can comment knowledgeably. It would seem that you have an idealistic view of the world and seem to think that England/Great Britain still leads the way. Leave Africa to the Africans, Ive learned that having visited 3/4 times a year for the past 5 years. In particular Gambians (I know more Gambians than other West Africans) are the most friendly people on this planet but also fiercely proud (a bit like the Irish??????). They accept help but will not be dictated to other than by one of their own (dare i say Yayhha Jammeh). The key to future prosperity is with the Gambian people - all the West can do is encourage more transparency in Government in order to eliminate corruption. (Its a pity that NADD seems to be falling apart beacuse it would have, for the first time, provided a credible alternative). The last thing Gambia (and Africa) needs is for you or me or any other Caucasian from the West trying to stuff our opinions down their necks
Yes I am still an idealist............I like to think the best of people until proven otherwise.....sometimes you get hurt, but thats better than being bitter and cynical. Why I like Gambian people so much is that they are open and warm and I feel I can be myself.
It is the sociologist in me that is always comparing and contrasting!!! Its just the way I think. I am fascinated by the differences and similarities between different socities and different groups within socities.
I dont think UK has all the answers, far from it! We have our own problems.
I am very anti usa for their attempts to dominate world culture. I dont want Mc donalds in KOTU.......
Sister O....I had a wonderful trip as usual. Nothing much has changed in The Gambia and the mood seems to be cautious ahead of the forthcoming elections. Nonetheless I met wonderful smiles everywhere as I normally do-)Planning to go back in April