we are not tribes. it is the 21st century and that word should be obselete. tribe is a word that the western world used to try and cheapen our culture and people. so refrain from using it. we are ethnic groups
Ok I am sorry for any offence. Gambian people use the term so I thought it was ok. I dont want to cheapne Gambian culture. I just want to understadn it in more detail to help me when I visit.
I dont think gambiabev's questions are racist. This is someone trying to know more about the gambia. I dont understand why some people took it so serious and think she is racist. All gambians know we have jokes about every tribe like other tribes say we Mandinkas are self centered, come on, my friends in the house here in England tell me this everytime.
That was the type of thing I was meaning...light hearted..you know like Woolof like BLING and is it fula that like to be disappointed in life?
They ARE generalisations and stereotypes, but as part of lighthearted banter. I loved that in Gambia all sat round together getting along, but lightly teasing....... its fun