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 How can there be World Peace?
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3300 Posts

Posted - 22 Jul 2006 :  11:44:38  Show Profile Send jambo a Private Message
sister omega,
A quote from Israel’s former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon,
“Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it. says it all. Pressure on israel, not this time, before they had listened to usa when they attacked iraq in exchange for favours. This is not about oil but land, if israel gives in the land belongs to the arabs. that is what is scaring USA, that piece of land called Israel.
Where is the pressure on the hezbollah to release the prisoners.
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United Kingdom
912 Posts

Posted - 22 Jul 2006 :  17:07:54  Show Profile Send sab a Private Message
Greetings Janyanfara, You may or may not have interest in the British/UN below:
In 1947, unwilling and perhaps by then unable to solve the problem it had done most to create by failing to control Jewish immigration to Palestine, Britain gave up trying to reconcile the conflicting but far from equal claims of the Palestinians and the Jews to the same piece of land. In short, Britain washed it hands of the problem of Palestine and asked the UNTIED NATIONS to deal with it. November 1947 the UN General Assembly approved of a plan for the partition of Palestine. As you most probably know, it allotted fifty-seven per cent of the country to the Jews, despite the fact that they were less than one-third of the population and owned less than six per cent of the land.

A quote (1976) from Henry Cattan a Palestinian and a jurist of international repute: “The legal position is quite clear in this regard. The UN is an ORGANISATION OF STATES, which was formed for certain purposes defined in the Charter. At no time did this organisation possess any sovereignty or any other right over Palestine. Accordingly, the UN posses no power to decide the partition of Palestine, or to assign any part of its territory to a religious minority of alien immigrants in order that they might establish a state of their own.
Neither individually, nor collectively, could the members of the UN alienate, reduce or impair the sovereignty of the people of Palestine, or dispose of their territory or destroy by partition the terrorial integrity of their country.”

The Partition Plan would not have been approved if a number of smaller nations who were members of the UN had been allowed to VOTE FREELY. It was approved only because the US, with the tacit support of the Soviet Union, intimidated a number of small states shoes votes were needed for the necessary majority. The Jewish lobby in turn influenced the US.

On this subject the US Secretary of Defence, James Forrestal, was later to write; “I thought it was a most disastrous and regrettable fact that the foreign policy of this country was determined by the contributions a particular bloc of special interests might make to party funds.”

When the Palestinians and their Arab people rejected partition, war in Palestine was inevitable. One Palestinian student who threw himself into the struggle was Yasser Arafat. He was nineteen. We know the rest…. The leader of the Jews in Palestine was David Ben-Gurion, delighted that the Arabs had rejected partition wand were going to fight. If partition had been implemented, the Jews, at least to start with, would have been obliged to settle for only fifty-seven per cent of Palestine.
In war, and as Ben-Gurion said, THEY WOULD TAKE WHAT THEY COULD GET. From here on the borders of the State of Israel would be DETERMINED BY FORCE AND WITHOUT REGARD FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE PALESTINIANS or the wishes of the international community.

I have taken this from a previous posting of mine on this bantaba, under’ interesting (please read & comment) UN/Palestine/Israel Sept & Oct 2004 – but some are missing, due to mishap in technology on bantaba at that time…

The world would be a poorer place if it was peopled by children whose parents risked nothing in the cause of social justice, for fear of personal loss. (Joe Slovo - African revolutionary)
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334 Posts

Posted - 22 Jul 2006 :  21:41:03  Show Profile Send kassma a Private Message
Originally posted by Cornelius Hamelberg

In a nutshell you do not mention those who founded Hezbullah ( “The Party of Allah”) weaponizes the party , finances it and pulls the strings all the way – they say – from Iran whose president dreams of “wiping out” ……..

How would you as a Gambia react if some such organisation like Hezbullah , say operating from Mauritania where they are part of Government, were to enter the Gambia, kill eight Gambian youth men soldiers, kidnap two and make some ridiculous demands?
Would you return the other cheek, or create a new precedent by satisfying their demands?
The story of course is not that simple.
Israel has not known a day of peace since Independence day, on 14th may 1947.

Surely, you do not think that Hezbullah is doing right, entering Israel, six years after Israel pulled out of Southern Lebanon, killing eight Israeli soldiers, kidnapping two, more all of whom were on a routine patrol within the Israeli side of the border, firing 700 missiles into the Galilee, and killing four more Israeli citizens on a peaceful Sabbath evening?
The problem is that many people believe their own lives to be much more precious than other people’s lives, and yet, each of us, has only one life.

Look you here:

This is our Bantaba and there is enough of unoccupied free space for us to discuss this matter if you are up to it.

Here’s something about the AU conference in Banjul:

Madiba, that was a fair question: How can there be World Peace, with people like Sheikh Nasrallah boasting that he is prepared to wage war on Israel “on all levels” even as the IDF is systematically taking out his teeth, one at a time?

The 2nd item in Shia usul is Adl ( Justice). There are 22 Arab states that belong to the Ishmael’s descendants of Abraham, and Mecca is their Qibbla. Is it ok that beloved Abraham’s son Isaac and Isaac’s descendants have Israel?

Now you be fair. No bloodshed please. The Almighty does not demand human sacrifice.
Tell your boys to release the soldiers they have kidnapped. That would be a good beginning for a world of peace, if indeed you believe in salaam …….


israel will never know peace period with the way things are going. israel in fact, has no right to be where it is, only in an unjust world, like the one we live in, where there are greedy superpowers with allies and motives, can israel exist. the west like to talk about the continued unrest in the middle east, however, they refuse to acknowledge that their actions are what escalated the unrest in the middle east, without the creation of israel (and the maltreatment of the Palestinian) there wouldn't be unrest in the middle east.
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334 Posts

Posted - 22 Jul 2006 :  21:50:57  Show Profile Send kassma a Private Message
Originally posted by MADIBA

All these are cooked theories. The Fact remains that Britain instituted divide and rule strategy by conniving with British Jews in 1947/48 and UNFAIRLY GAVE 55% OF Plaestinian Lands(best lands) to Israel and 45% of aride , barren land to Palestianians. American helped Israel further steal more lands from Arab contries in 1967. Israel steal occupies golan heights of syria.

UNLESS AMERICA AND BRITAIN STOP THEIR BIAS IN THE GULF. MUSLIMS VS JEWS all our lives are in a mess. When activists strike, it won't spare non-american and non-british. 7/7 in London and 9/11 had international dimensions. Innocent lives were lost because of the BIAS policies of Washington abatted by London. We will continue to live in perpectual fear because of MANIACS AND MAD MEN WHO WIELD POWER IN washington and london.

thank you Madiba, the west likes to forget these facts which are the most important points to be made in discussing israel/Palestinian conflict.
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334 Posts

Posted - 22 Jul 2006 :  22:03:50  Show Profile Send kassma a Private Message
Originally posted by gambiabev

How about if Gambia bombed Senegal and captured Senegals soliders? Wouldnt you expect a reaction?

I am on neither side. I am actually AGAINST ALL WARS. I wish people could live in peace and enjoy their differences. This is one of the reasons I like the Gambia, because it is a peaceful country.

The Jewish people suffered terrible persecution across europe during the 2nd world war. They deserve to live in peace. But likewise I cant understand people who have been treated so badly turning round and treating others badly.

It is hard to see where a solution lies. But it isnt through bombs it is through TALKING.


It makes me so sad.

Gambev, its not that simple, in this situation you have to look at history, Israel, has no right to even exist, and that's why they will never be peace as long as they exist, the Palentinian and other countries that want to destroy it, you really can't blame them. as far as i'm concerned, america and britain, if britain is on the israeli's side, both are responsible for this bloodshed that's going on. this situation discusses me because it shows how even man can be, especially man that claims superiority.
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334 Posts

Posted - 22 Jul 2006 :  22:10:04  Show Profile Send kassma a Private Message
Originally posted by njucks

[quote]Originally posted by gambiabev

How about if Gambia bombed Senegal and captured Senegals soliders? Wouldnt you expect a reaction?

Actually it is not Lebanon that has bombed Israel, its Hezbollah. however we shouldn't forget the thousands of people abducted and kidnapped, and detained by Israel currently in prison. should we expect a reaction?

The Jewish people suffered terrible persecution across europe during the 2nd world war. They deserve to live in peace. But likewise I cant understand people who have been treated so badly turning round and treating others badly.

perhaps its important to tell us where they deserve to live in peace, Europe perhaps. or maybe it is the guilt of the Holocaust why the West will not publicly criticise Israel.

this is not the first time. in 1982, Sharon entered a refugee camp with his soldiers in Lebanon and killed innocent people.

you are right talking is the key. how many times did Ghaddafi sponsor terrorist to bomb other nations.Liberian Civil war,The Gambia 1981 (about 1000 people died, Kobo was almost killed),West Germany, Lockerbie,even a British Police officer was killed in London by a bullet fired from the Libyan embassy, etc. but talking and sanctions have worked.

even North Korea has captured US and Japanese soldiers before. did we see such reaction.

at school i hated Literature, but one of the books we were forced to read was Animal the end i liked it. now it reminds me of the security council, the similarity is that the world has been taken over by Donkeys and Horses making stupid decisions.

All animals are equal but some are more equal than others

njucks, what happened in 1981?
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334 Posts

Posted - 22 Jul 2006 :  22:22:47  Show Profile Send kassma a Private Message
Originally posted by sab

Gambiabev – take a look at the ‘Jewish Lobby’ in America on a web site.

A quote from Israel’s former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon,
“Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it”

this is soooo true, i was shocked to find out how many corporations jews own in america, and remember, america is all about corporations, they would rather take care of the corporations than the people. if you look up "jew and american media" you will be stunned
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United Kingdom
7765 Posts

Posted - 23 Jul 2006 :  00:05:37  Show Profile Send kobo a Private Message
Thanks all posts, missed a lot as had other engagements. Shame on Israel for creating an unjusrifiable war and vicyory for Lebanon for maintaing restraint and referung to the international community for immediate cease fire and avoid disproportionate destructions and losses of lives, properties, national assets, humanitarian and evironmental hazards.


NO MORE WARS Good night and now would be missing Bantaba for certain personal reasons. Wishing everybody the best!
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1131 Posts

Posted - 23 Jul 2006 :  14:04:55  Show Profile Send njucks a Private Message
Originally posted by kassma

njucks, what happened in 1981?

What happened was that the Gambia Government was clever enough not to ask/rely on or request the United Nations or the Security Council for help when hundreds of ordinary gambian civilians were killed on a daily basis for no reason.

You would be reading this in Russian or Arabic if they did.

Edited by - njucks on 23 Jul 2006 14:05:21
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334 Posts

Posted - 23 Jul 2006 :  20:05:24  Show Profile Send kassma a Private Message
Originally posted by njucks

Originally posted by kassma

njucks, what happened in 1981?

What happened was that the Gambia Government was clever enough not to ask/rely on or request the United Nations or the Security Council for help when hundreds of ordinary gambian civilians were killed on a daily basis for no reason.

You would be reading this in Russian or Arabic if they did.

please, more detail!!!
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1350 Posts

Posted - 23 Jul 2006 :  20:13:31  Show Profile Send Janyanfara a Private Message
Originally posted by sab

Greetings Janyanfara, You may or may not have interest in the British/UN below:
In 1947, unwilling and perhaps by then unable to solve the problem it had done most to create by failing to control Jewish immigration to Palestine, Britain gave up trying to reconcile the conflicting but far from equal claims of the Palestinians and the Jews to the same piece of land. In short, Britain washed it hands of the problem of Palestine and asked the UNTIED NATIONS to deal with it. November 1947 the UN General Assembly approved of a plan for the partition of Palestine. As you most probably know, it allotted fifty-seven per cent of the country to the Jews, despite the fact that they were less than one-third of the population and owned less than six per cent of the land.

A quote (1976) from Henry Cattan a Palestinian and a jurist of international repute: “The legal position is quite clear in this regard. The UN is an ORGANISATION OF STATES, which was formed for certain purposes defined in the Charter. At no time did this organisation possess any sovereignty or any other right over Palestine. Accordingly, the UN posses no power to decide the partition of Palestine, or to assign any part of its territory to a religious minority of alien immigrants in order that they might establish a state of their own.
Neither individually, nor collectively, could the members of the UN alienate, reduce or impair the sovereignty of the people of Palestine, or dispose of their territory or destroy by partition the terrorial integrity of their country.”

The Partition Plan would not have been approved if a number of smaller nations who were members of the UN had been allowed to VOTE FREELY. It was approved only because the US, with the tacit support of the Soviet Union, intimidated a number of small states shoes votes were needed for the necessary majority. The Jewish lobby in turn influenced the US.

On this subject the US Secretary of Defence, James Forrestal, was later to write; “I thought it was a most disastrous and regrettable fact that the foreign policy of this country was determined by the contributions a particular bloc of special interests might make to party funds.”

When the Palestinians and their Arab people rejected partition, war in Palestine was inevitable. One Palestinian student who threw himself into the struggle was Yasser Arafat. He was nineteen. We know the rest…. The leader of the Jews in Palestine was David Ben-Gurion, delighted that the Arabs had rejected partition wand were going to fight. If partition had been implemented, the Jews, at least to start with, would have been obliged to settle for only fifty-seven per cent of Palestine.
In war, and as Ben-Gurion said, THEY WOULD TAKE WHAT THEY COULD GET. From here on the borders of the State of Israel would be DETERMINED BY FORCE AND WITHOUT REGARD FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE PALESTINIANS or the wishes of the international community.

I have taken this from a previous posting of mine on this bantaba, under’ interesting (please read & comment) UN/Palestine/Israel Sept & Oct 2004 – but some are missing, due to mishap in technology on bantaba at that time…

Bro sab,
All the facts have been stated above by you.No need to go any further on elaborations.

All I want to put accross is that:


No one seems to care much enough about their plight not even their Arab brothers[Infact in my honest opinion most of these Arab states are dictatorial and they knew that once they dare side anywhere other than with the US,there would be tentions in their own backyards as they continue to inflict terror on their own people...SADAM IS SIMPLY THEIR EXAMPLE].The fact is,it seems all eyes are now on Hezbollah/Israel conflict and even the media seems to forget what Israelis/Palestinian militia are doing right now.

For the UN,
well the truth is [as shining as the moon ] who pulls the strings here and there?If you cut off the HEAD that has the tongue to speak,the eyes to see,and the brain to control the movements of the rest of the body,the body becomes deadYou all know what country am talking about here as the HEAD.The whole world including You and I,have this belief that the world cannot afford to do without America even if everybody is right and America is wrong,we must all be with America with its wrong and thus make wrong right and right wrong

My friend the UN is just but a name.There isn't a balanced approaches made therein.If the Mighty US says this and the rest of the world says another thing,which one eventually overcomes the other?This is not about Israel or Lebanon.This is about the US foreign policy.

America will go at any length to persue its interest even it means supporting oppressive/dictatorial regimes anywhere in the world.And no other nation dares do that without America's backing.

I don't want to persue waiting my time on this topic.All the civilised world needs to do is be human and allow the palestinians to atleast have somewhere they can call their own independant state.


Edited by - Janyanfara on 23 Jul 2006 20:30:14
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334 Posts

Posted - 24 Jul 2006 :  01:13:30  Show Profile Send kassma a Private Message
i remember my family saying something about in 1981, bodies everywhere and hearing shots everywhere, but what started, what's the cause, somebody was trying to throw a coup right???
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1131 Posts

Posted - 24 Jul 2006 :  11:26:46  Show Profile Send njucks a Private Message
Originally posted by kassma

i remember my family saying something about in 1981, bodies everywhere and hearing shots everywhere, but what started, what's the cause, somebody was trying to throw a coup right???

i was too young. i dont know anything about it. but it has been discussed extensively here before.Try the Jawara Vs Jammeh thread (read from Kaniibaa). Kobo was almost killed. maybe you can more search for it.,1981,1981
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1295 Posts

Posted - 24 Jul 2006 :  15:04:21  Show Profile Send LEMON TIME a Private Message
Was Kobo really shot at in 1981 Coup?That was very bad indeed.

There is no god but Allah
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