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 Politics: Gambian politics
 Christmas greetings from Essa M. Faal

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 25 Dec 2023 : 18:45:36
Fellow Gambians,
It is Christmas time again-a time that many of us look forward to for many reasons. Some do so for the merriment, others for the ‘semester’ activities and many more for religious reasons. Each reason is quite important for the relevant segment of the population. One thing that is common though is the exchange of wishes among family and friends and even enemy and foe. It is also that period when we forgive each other- an attempt to bury the hatchet.

I, like many others take this opportunity to wish a Merry Christmas to our Christian brothers and sisters and everybody else and ask all and sundry for forgiveness of all wrongs or errors by me or in my name as I also forgive all wrongs against me.

I convey special wishes to those lying sick and wish them good health. I also pray for those incarcerated that they may get reformed and enjoy liberty soonest possible.

Our country is going through a difficult patch. I encourage everyone to cross the boundaries of division and engender unity; to abandon bigotry and embrace inclusivity; to imbibe the values of service and selflessness-of country first above all else. With this, our beloved Gambia would be a much better place.

Once again Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.

Essa M. Faal

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