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Name: rene
Country: the netherlands |
Date: Mon Sep 29
19:56:37 2003 |
Comment: great site, looked for school of the
deaf couldn't find recent info but it's ok. will visit the gambia
again and hope to win the heart of my gambian girlfriend

Name: ngoneh
jobe (Homepage)
Country: united kingdom |
Date: Fri Sep 26
16:56:40 2003 |
Comment: i am happy to see a gambian in the
internet and it up with good work thank you |

ABUBAKAR (Homepage)
Country: Guinea |
Date: Sat Sep 13
02:15:02 2003 |
Comment: i love the website and i want an auto
reply yours faithful.

Name: Rozetta
Country: U.S |
Date: Thu Sep 4
18:32:57 2003 |
Comment: I just wanted to say that i think the
site is very informative. I am an American but I lived in the Gambia
for a year with the Ceesay Family. Just one street over from the
market. The pictures brought back good memories. I know that in my
life time I will only be able to experience the Gambia like a
Gambian. Again I just wanted to say that i love the site Thank you

Name: Omar
Sallah (Homepage)
Country: USA |
Date: Tue Sep 2
06:16:25 2003 |
Comment: Your web Page rock! I am proud of you.
I also have my website and I would like you and I to twin our site.
http://www.omarsallah.com Omar |

Name: paul (Homepage) |
Country: UK |
Date: Mon Aug 25
23:15:15 2003 |
Comment: Sites like this are so necesary to
educate those of us who can't make the trip across the ocean. thank
you. |

Name: jim (Homepage) |
Country: usa |
Date: Mon Aug 25
23:12:05 2003 |
Comment: Intriguing information, I never knew!!
Keep updating please. |

Name: pascal francis
mendy (Homepage)
Country: uk |
Date: Sat Aug 23
21:35:25 2003 |
Comment: Blessing to my mother land Gambia.As
the saying goes "every gernation revolts agains it's father and make
friends with it's grandfather.President Jammeh and his cabinet are
great. Who is blind? If you say they are wrong,then why not you
describe the effects.Thanks to President Jammeh and Isatou for their
great work and developments. |

Name: rasmus
Country: Greenland |
Date: Thu Aug 21
16:10:27 2003 |
Comment: Hi Momodou, it’s an impressing web
site you have made! And welcome to Greenland, and to the
company, hope that you will like it here, at "the coolest place on
earth" ;-)

Name: Mamfatou
Fanneh. |
Country: United States. |
Date: Thu Aug 21
03:11:56 2003 |
Comment: Well done Mr.Camara,you did a very
good job.Keep it up. |
