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Posted - 01 Dec 2019 :  18:16:09  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message  Reply with Quote
A New Dawn for Gambian Basketball

By Omar Jarju
The Chronicle: Dec 1, 2019 33

Newly elected Secretary General of The Gambia Basketball Association, Muhammed Njie envisions the day Gambian basketball players will be able to afford the superstar lifestyle of their American NBA counterparts and is devoting his term to a realization of that dream.

On Saturday, the association held its elective congress at the friendship hostel in Bakau after Abdoulie Jallow, the former Secretary General was forced to step down along with his entire executive.

The issue of congress has derailed the development of basketball in the country. The last National League was staged in 2018.

In an interview with The Chronicle, Njie outlined his plans for the growth of the game beginning with a homegrown policy to develop local talents.

Currently, Gambia has only one player, Maudo Sallah competing in the G-league of the NBA with Atalanta Hawks.

Maudo Sallah, Gambian Basketball Player in the G-League with Atalanta Hawks, USA
“My dream for Gambian basketball is to see the players excel and play in the NBA, “he says. Of course, this extends to the whole value chain including the coaches and referees.”

However, Njie has also laid down the ground rules on how he and executive intend to achieve his lofty dreams for the game. “Our mindset is what must change immediately, he tells The Chronicle. “It’s not about me versus you, but it’s about allowing the game of basketball to be played all over the country which must be the focus. We need to improve how the national leagues are structured, and evolve initiatives that will keep our players busy all-round the year.”

Meanwhile, the sport is now under the leadership of Geran Senghore as President with Ndongo Camara and Mulie Jammeh serving as our 1st and 2ndVice Presidents respectively.

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