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 Imam Leigh Says Journalists Dodge Him
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Posted - 08 Sep 2010 :  19:28:02  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message
Imam Leigh Says Journalists Dodge Him
By Saikou Jammeh

A renowned Imam, Baba Leigh of Kanifing Estate has taken a snipe at Gambian journalists for dodging him after the president’s remarks against him.

The outspoken Imam, who was addressing over 30 senior journalists on Friday, said journalists used to rush to cover his sermons, but now gripped with fear.

Last year President Jammeh threatened to close any radio station where Imam Leigh peaches after the controversial Imam spoke against the president of the Supreme Islamic Council Momodou Lamin Touray for his denunciation of “Gammo”.  

Although the president did not mention his name, it was widely known that he was referring to Imam Leigh, especially after he made reference to the Imam’s daughter, who won a beauty contest.   

                    Saying this and that

Imam Leigh said since then he has been denied a medium to preach and at some radio stations where he was running sponsored programmes called him to say ‘this and that.’ 

“In as much as there is someone who does not want to listen to me, there are millions of others who want to listen to me,” Leigh charged.

“Imamship is a responsibility. There are very good things to enjoy about it. When we [scholars] go to recite Qur’an, each is given D200, but we [Imams] are given envelopes. If I did not tell you how much there was in the envelop you would never know.

“There you will see all [scholars] claiming to be Imams. But I would tell them that when the truth is supressed none of you would stand up to speak. Imams have something to enjoy but an honest Imam must be ready to suffer. Even if you are taken to jail they need you there.”

Leigh said the president was politicking when he made that statement.

                                ‘My sister died of FGM”

Meanwhile Imam Leigh has re-iterated that Female Genital Mutilation has been related to the Islamic religion because people are ignorant of their religion, saying that his own sister died as a result of FGM.  “This is why Baba is so involved in this campaign,” he revealed. “Those very close to me always tell me Baba why are so entangled in this women’s affairs, but whatever affects a woman affects a man.”

He added: “FGM is never found in any Islamic book, not in any authentic Hadith (traditions of the prophet) and no religious leader will encourage it.

“To my surprise, those who were against the campaign are not subjecting their girl children to the practice now.  But the problem is they made statements and feel too good to swallow their pride,” Leigh revealed. 

“God created sex for both men and women to like it and love it, and it is the bond of marriage,” he added. “That is why the Holy Quran says we should respect it and prepare for it and do some warm-up for it. Why should we mutilate women to reduce their sexual desires?

“The claim that it [FGM] is a deeply rooted culture, which is related to Islam it is not true; for it would have been mentioned if one of the Prophet’s family members had practised it,” he said.  

Source: Dailynews

A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone
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