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United Kingdom
556 Posts

Posted - 11 Sep 2010 :  17:28:15  Show Profile
Two more quranic books burned. I spare them the ham and wine this time. Aren't I nice?
Just becaused the Americans have chickened out, does not mean this Serere is going to follow their move.


Serere heritage. Serere religion. Serere to the end.

Roog a fa ha.
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3356 Posts

Posted - 11 Sep 2010 :  17:57:36  Show Profile  Visit turk's Homepage Send turk a Private Message
Serere animists only chicken out from Senegalese/Gambian Muslims. They can't do anything against my Senegalese/Gambians brothers and sisters. Only cowards speak on the internet. lol. The cowards burns Quran in UK in its cave. I dare you to burn Quran in Dakar or Banjul, coward.

At least Americans have a gut to do this in the public, unlike our sub-human coward, hiding in another country in private home.

diaspora! Too many Chiefs and Very Few Indians.

Halifa Salah: PDOIS is however realistic. It is fully aware that the Gambian voters are yet to reach a level of political consciousness that they rely on to vote on the basis of Principles, policies and programmes and practices.

Edited by - turk on 11 Sep 2010 18:06:41
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Sister Omega

United Kingdom
2085 Posts

Posted - 11 Sep 2010 :  18:27:28  Show Profile  Visit Sister Omega's Homepage Send Sister Omega a Private Message
Tamiser are you for real did you really go to the trouble to buy Qu'rans and go and burn them?

Bwoy, your brave cause the amount of curses that will fall on your head is going to be unbelievable!

Why didn't you just give them away?

Even that mad preacher in America came to his senses after all when he thought about the consequences of his actions were going to be, and will be having noghmeres for the foreseeable future when he contemplates what could of happened.

Phew Tamsier you need to be praying hard to the spirit world forgiveness Bro.


Sister Omega

Sister Omega

Edited by - Sister Omega on 11 Sep 2010 18:31:41
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United Kingdom
556 Posts

Posted - 11 Sep 2010 :  19:24:10  Show Profile
The Mamluk of Bantaba surely hasn't been to Sine. Surely he also never had about the Battle of Naodourou and Ngaye. LMAO! By the way, the Senegambian muslims are not your brothers. You only share the same religion with them. The same goes for African muslims throughout the Continent. Brother my foot! Only pathetic African muslims would consider you a brother. Didn’t you arabs enslaved the African tribes of North and East Africa? They were muslims too. You muslim ‘brothers’. LMFAO! Don’t make me puke! By the way, if the Sereres are so unimportant, how come they make up the elite of Senegal where they gather in numbers? How come the first and second Presidents of Senegal were both Sereres? How come the Senegambian muslims use the names of our ancient ceremonies and festivals to describe their muslim ceremonies? How come the biggest superstar of Senegambia is of Serere origin? How come Serere culture and tradition such as the mbalax etc etc is practiced throughout Senegambia? How come the people who fought for Senegal independence where mostly of Serere origin and are today referred to as the fathers of Senegal? Even in the Gambia, the Sereres played a huge role in freeing Gambia from Britain's tentacles. Don’t make me laugh! I can go on for ages and ages. LMAO! You are a pathetic individual and a coward just like your arab brethrens. You people are well known for not entering open battles. LMAO! You also have no honour. How many times have I told you never to directly address my post again yet you still continue to do? The internet surely is a great medium as it enable you arab cowards to come out of the woodwork. Pathetic!


Serere heritage. Serere religion. Serere to the end.

Roog a fa ha.
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2978 Posts

Posted - 12 Sep 2010 :  05:39:56  Show Profile Send kayjatta a Private Message
Originally posted by Sister Omega

Tamiser are you for real did you really go to the trouble to buy Qu'rans and go and burn them?

Bwoy, your brave cause the amount of curses that will fall on your head is going to be unbelievable!

Why didn't you just give them away?

Even that mad preacher in America came to his senses after all when he thought about the consequences of his actions were going to be, and will be having noghmeres for the foreseeable future when he contemplates what could of happened.

Phew Tamsier you need to be praying hard to the spirit world forgiveness Bro.


Sister Omega

While I believe Tamsier's action of burning the Quran is too drastic and futile, Sister Omega's statements above are mere scare tactics used for centuries to preserve long-held traditions and interests.
Abraham, if I recall currectly, destroyed the idols of the pagans in Mecca, the Taliban recently destroyed the statues of Budha, Chinese have buldozed Tibetan temples and destroyed their religious paraphanalia, and American troops have flushed the Quran down the toilet...
Religious propagandists who routinely sent (offending) mass emails of religious text demanding reciepients to forward the message to everyone in their contact list or to ten other people otherwise calamity will befall them are using the tactic.
Besides the question of burning,burying, shredding and deleting religious material has become a perceptive and interpretative issue. For example, does deleting and email account of religious material equivalent to flushing it down the toilet? If no, why not?
These are questions of believe. If you do not believe in these 'books', burning them or flushing them down the toilet does not mean much.
There is a more practical reason why destroying (disposing off) the text of the Quran was barred in the past. Modern print technology has since changed that.
Furthermore, if you truly believe in God, you should pray for your enemies and not curse them. May be I am sounding more Christian now...

Edited by - kayjatta on 12 Sep 2010 09:04:51
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United Kingdom
541 Posts

Posted - 12 Sep 2010 :  10:55:05  Show Profile Send MeMe a Private Message
Originally posted by turk

Oh. I thought, your country has freedom of religious expression. Apparently, we can be selective when we apply freedoms in certain situations. And building mosque in New York as offensive as Jones's burning Quran.

Reason 1 : Jones wants to burn Quran. It is offensive. It is negative. It is promoting hate.
Reason 2 : Muslims want to build mosque. That is also offensive???????? Building mosque is a right that has no NEGATIVITY, it is not promoting hate.

This is the most ridiculous, illogical you ever made in Bantaba.


By that logic then, imagine three planes are highjacked and flown into some buildings in Saudi Arabia killing say 2000+ people. It is then reported that the highjackers were members of a Christian group called the Crusaders. People are rightly horrified and tensions are frayed between various religious groups which results in continued acts of violence, etc.

Now fast forward 9 years and these Christian Crusaders are planning to build a church beside the Kaaba .... no worries ... no negativity .... that's not promoting hate as it's their right.

Yeah ... WTF kinda logic is that??!!

It is better to die standing than to live on your knees - Ernesto Guevara de la Serna
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730 Posts

Posted - 12 Sep 2010 :  11:56:15  Show Profile Send anna a Private Message
Indeed MeMe, that's how it is (and so glad it suddenly dawned on me what WTF means, i was really wondering..).
Kay, i don't know about 'Christian' but to me you sound level-headed and non hysterical - quite a relief!

When an old African dies, it is as if a whole library has burnt down.
Amadou Hampate Ba (Mali)
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11645 Posts

Posted - 12 Sep 2010 :  13:35:15  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message

A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone
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3356 Posts

Posted - 12 Sep 2010 :  13:43:19  Show Profile  Visit turk's Homepage Send turk a Private Message
Originally posted by MeMe

By that logic then, imagine three planes are highjacked and flown into some buildings in Saudi Arabia killing say 2000+ people. It is then reported that the highjackers were members of a Christian group called the Crusaders. People are rightly horrified and tensions are frayed between various religious groups which results in continued acts of violence, etc.

Now fast forward 9 years and these Christian Crusaders are planning to build a church beside the Kaaba .... no worries ... no negativity .... that's not promoting hate as it's their right.

Yeah ... WTF kinda logic is that??!!

No negativity whatsoever. I would not worry. Based on my liberal secular logic/principle, Christians or any other religion has a 'right' to build religious building, therefore they should build their church. This is exercising basic freedom of religious expression. Based on Kays's logic however, freedom of religious expression can be applied selectively.

Saudi Arabia is wrong example. They have no religious of freedom. USA claims to be secular country. Meme, you need to be careful when giving example. Provide example that makes sense. Saudi Arabia has no secularism. They are one of the most devilish regime on the earth, how you end up giving them example, i have no clue.

Tom's burning Quran is negative while still is a right of expression.
Building mosque has no negativity.

It is very disappointing there are those who would put Quran Burning and building mosque in the same category. Very disappointing. Quran Burning action is a protest. It is generalizing that whole Muslims are guilty of 911. Building Church however, two blocks far away from twin towers is NOT offensive. It is not like we are building mosque on the site or across from site. The building is not going to be huge and spectacular, a small building. Actually it is a test for real secular people. Obviously this test partially failed exposing there are people claim to be secular but they are not genuine.

p.s. If you are implying/being sarcastic my being radical muslim by giving saudi example. That is mistaken. My spirituality is limited with my individual space. I believe 'liberal' secularism. I am very liberal when it comes to religion.

diaspora! Too many Chiefs and Very Few Indians.

Halifa Salah: PDOIS is however realistic. It is fully aware that the Gambian voters are yet to reach a level of political consciousness that they rely on to vote on the basis of Principles, policies and programmes and practices.

Edited by - turk on 12 Sep 2010 14:43:08
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3356 Posts

Posted - 12 Sep 2010 :  14:30:05  Show Profile  Visit turk's Homepage Send turk a Private Message
Regardless of these battles, majority of Senegambians are Muslims. And many sereres are also becoming Muslims. So you lost the war in the long run. The trend is more and more becoming Muslims, not only in Senegambia, in the world too. One of every 4 persons on this planet are Muslims.

It is not up to you to decide Senegambians are my brothers or not. The basic principle of Islam is based on brotherhood. Muslims brotherhood is ordered in Quran and the words of our prophet. Senegalese muslim will not listen to you.

Quran says:

"O Mankind, We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is he who is the most righteous of you" (Quran 49:13).

In the last sermon, our prophet ask us:

You know that every Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. YOU ARE ALL EQUAL. NOBODY HAS SUPERIORITY OVER OTHER EXCEPT BY PIETY AND GOOD ACTION.

Any african muslims who claim to be a muslim must feel another muslims regardless of race, ethnicity as brothers. That is an order given by God.

Yes, serere may take a leading role in Senegal. That is itself evidence that sereres are equal parts of Senegale society while Muslims are majority. The names of Islamic celebration and concepts can be in local language. It is same in Senegal, Turkey, China too.

Biggest superstar of Senegal is Yossou Ndour is devoted Muslim , not serere animist. The local culture is practiced in Senegal, yeah, local culture is practiced in Bosnia too. What is your point?

diaspora! Too many Chiefs and Very Few Indians.

Halifa Salah: PDOIS is however realistic. It is fully aware that the Gambian voters are yet to reach a level of political consciousness that they rely on to vote on the basis of Principles, policies and programmes and practices.

Edited by - turk on 12 Sep 2010 14:38:56
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United Kingdom
127 Posts

Posted - 12 Sep 2010 :  14:50:50  Show Profile Send fee_sweetie a Private Message
Originally posted by turk

One of every 4 persons on this planet are Muslims.

Where did you get this information from??

I could only see it in and that was taken from 1996 so not really relavent when its now 2010.

"Religion is an insult to human dignity. Without it you'd have good people doing good things + evil people doing evil things but for good people to do evil things it takes religion"- Richard Dawkins
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365 Posts

Posted - 12 Sep 2010 :  14:55:46  Show Profile Send concort a Private Message

Turk, have you ever seen the documentary called "Fabled Enemies Full Length"? Have you ever heard about "Able Danger", who is able danger? Watch the video and find out for yourself. Now the whole world will eventually know the truth behind the most heinous crime ever committed on U.S soil.

We have been pressing our two state senators for answers but the vaque responses have been "we don't have access to classified documents pertaining to the intelligence obtained leading to the 911 attacks. Nice try, Mr. Senators. We will make it our duty to inform the American people about the truth behind the 911 attacks. Our next step is to bring this documentary along with pertinent info obtained to the attention of Mr. Jones, then ABC news. So, please remember us in your prayers as we pursuit for the truth and nothing but the truth.

As Salamu Alaikum Waramatullah Wabarakatu
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3356 Posts

Posted - 12 Sep 2010 :  15:03:03  Show Profile  Visit turk's Homepage Send turk a Private Message
Originally posted by fee_sweetie

Originally posted by turk

One of every 4 persons on this planet are Muslims.

Where did you get this information from??

I could only see it in and that was taken from 1996 so not really relavent when its now 2010.

There was a recent figures i read. But your link confirms my numbers are correct.

Percentage of Muslims (1996) 26%.

in 14 years percentage would not change significantly, or mostly raise. Considering the high population growth of Muslims.

diaspora! Too many Chiefs and Very Few Indians.

Halifa Salah: PDOIS is however realistic. It is fully aware that the Gambian voters are yet to reach a level of political consciousness that they rely on to vote on the basis of Principles, policies and programmes and practices.
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3356 Posts

Posted - 12 Sep 2010 :  15:12:05  Show Profile  Visit turk's Homepage Send turk a Private Message

I have seen this one. I have seen several others. I have lots of doubts about 911. There is no court process for 911. Why? Why there is no legal procedure to evaluate the evidences? Why there was a censorship in 911 investigation/report? We don't even know the truth about JFK assassination either. I suspect, some under-ground, political group, i.e. neo-cons involvement with 911 attack. Or they knew about the hijack they just allowed it. 911 attack was an help/benefit to most USA neo-con agenda.

diaspora! Too many Chiefs and Very Few Indians.

Halifa Salah: PDOIS is however realistic. It is fully aware that the Gambian voters are yet to reach a level of political consciousness that they rely on to vote on the basis of Principles, policies and programmes and practices.

Edited by - turk on 12 Sep 2010 15:15:33
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365 Posts

Posted - 12 Sep 2010 :  15:23:59  Show Profile Send concort a Private Message
Actually, there was a committee set up to enquire about the events leading to the 911 attacks. Bush hand picked those he wanted to be on the committee and had all of them signed a gag order. The members on the committe were not allowed to speak to any lawmakers or the media about their findings. Congressman Kussenich pressed the Bush White House to have the report published so that the American people can find out the truth. What happened next, Bush utilized his presidential privilege and have the docs sealed. We might be lucky to have access to the documents in 30 years. Pathetic, isn't it? The Bushes, Chaneys and Rumfelds all profited financially from these attacks. Bush Senior had a business established with the Bin Ladens a few weeks leading to the attacks. They went public right after the attacks. Also, Dick Chaney and Hillaburden...does that ring a bell? These monkeys preyed on and fooled not only the American people, but the whole world.

As Salamu Alaikum Waramatullah Wabarakatu

Edited by - concort on 12 Sep 2010 15:26:03
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