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 A Mosque Dome is said to fly by itself in Nepal
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3460 Posts

Posted - 23 Aug 2010 :  18:48:27  Show Profile  Visit Santanfara's Homepage Send Santanfara a Private Message
A TV broadcast

A live youtube stream

Surah- Ar-Rum 30-22
"And among His signs is the creation of heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge." Qu'ran


11646 Posts

Posted - 24 Aug 2010 :  09:37:03  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message
Pictures can easily manipulated and this one is believed to be fake as stated by some of the comments on Youtube. It seems there is a crane on the side of the minerate.

A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone
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3485 Posts

Posted - 24 Aug 2010 :  16:11:02  Show Profile  Visit Dalton1's Homepage Send Dalton1 a Private Message
Hi Mawdo Momodou,

Jokingly, I was going to tease Suntou hard on this one. i realized that Ramadan is getting the good part of him....find below my response to the thread...thanks, yj

“...This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” [Quran 5: 3]

Koto Bailo,

Rightly quoted. This is one of the closing verses. After the versed was revealed, the Prophet used its wisdom to seek farewell to the Muslim Ummah on the 9th month of Dhul-Hijjah. For what it is worth, there are tons of miracles all over. I do not buy into the use of technology to invite certain "manufactures" for the sake of proving a true way. I know miracles happened, keep happening, and will always happen, because imagine the simplest miracle "A, L, M" & Allah (SWT) said these are verses and miracles and none but Him (Allah) knows the meaning. How about the un-lettered prophet reciting a voluminous Quran, that for 100 years and even after constant learning, others cannot even memorize one millionth of it? Personally, I see miracles every day. The miracle of sleeping and waking up, the miracle of walking on my feet, talking, seeing things, hearing, feeling the air, etc…indeed, I couldn’t think anything else more miraculous.

Regards to the flying dome Uncle Suntou, this is not is strictly a mockery of our religion to make Muslims look bad. Don’t be surprised, it might be those I termed ‘Yuse’s reporters’ and you know they are good at seeing ‘imams breastfeeding from their female partners.’ (Laugh!)The same dome was seen flying in Indonesia as well. I know technology is such that one can do many things, pretty much the same as magic. This is not your fault. I, myself had to look through it several times to conclude. This, alongside the suicide bombings in the name of religion is where Muslims needs to be careful. It is a form of extremism in religion. Islam is too beautiful. We need not add anything to that beauty, less we commit 'bidati Sunnah.'

Hang in there Suntou, and don't be too hard on yourself on things like these ones. Or is it the Ramadan choking the Touray-kundakas....ha ha ha ha. Bro Yuse, you better leave Suntou alone. :) I tell you…you guys are killing about the ‘flying dome.’

Thanks for sharing the video Suntou.


"There is no god but Allah (SWT); and Muhammad (SAW)is His last messenger." shahadah. Fear & Worship Allah (SWT) Alone! (:
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3460 Posts

Posted - 25 Aug 2010 :  01:35:32  Show Profile  Visit Santanfara's Homepage Send Santanfara a Private Message
Thanks for the tease. However, these are contemporary cracks we have to share and laugh over. I haven't remotely believe in the story. I stated it as it is bandit around. Of course, I am familiar with vedio maniulations, i come across it every day.
However, I believe, there are some people who hunt for miracles, whilst as I a Muslim who adheres to the Salaf places less
significnace in things like this.
Miracles happen every day in ordinary people's lives. But the sense of this clips are that, those who wish to misconstrue what i stated wish to raise the roof with something i am remotely not bothered with. Infact Yero, rewind to 2008, you will find my ealier writings in any forum was about spiritual mystery and myth. Hence, this clips are just an etxtension of how people might believe in things of this nature.
When the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lost his son Ibrahim, it coincided with a solar eclips. Some folks ran to him and say, You must be
a true Prophet, because your son passed away and there is a solar eclips. The Prophet responded by saying "the movement of the sun and moon does not have anything with the death of my son" This are things that follow a certain routine.
So, yes I believe in the higher powers of God. I believe that, he does wonderful things to peope each day, Muslim or none Muslims alike.
But if i share a video of this nature, the honours lies on people to see the things others are doing to convince themselves. I am convince about Islam from a very young age and nothing has shaken that and by Allah nothing will ever shake it. No education, wealth, friends, travel, reading can change my faith. Without boasting, I have read many book against religion, against Islam. I have
research the thinking of the secular enlightment brigade and their rasonale against organise religion. The key arguments against God etc. So when some people try to compartmentalise people they don't know, its borders on serious prejudice. But such is life, we under estimate each other for many reasons. It is human nature to assume less of others, this give folks a false sense of themselves, but when one observe carefully, you'll find out that, the person you wish to derogate is sounder than you remotely percieve.
This is why, when some try to use the clip to take a swipe at me, i knew there is something else bothering them, not a silly ordinary vidoe. Talk of prozy argument.
I deal with many different Muslims each day through various engagements. It was at one such meeting that, one man narrated this whole video story, he believed in the event. This is not a stupid individual, he own a business and runs it efficiently.
i checked out what he was talking about and decided, well let others have their opinions on it. Hence, it coming to forums i sometimes take part in. But for some to insuniuate that, i actuall believe in this story is fascinating. It made me laugh out loud.
Thanks Yero for the humour. But as you know, we original Marabous only smell food. When the Kamara Kunda, Manneh Kunda, Wally Kunda and many other Kundas join us on the Marabou Mat, things start to fall apart, the quality dropped. It became more about Money and less about the higher sipritual standard and concern for the people.
Al-Kamal (completeness) is only for Allah.

Surah- Ar-Rum 30-22
"And among His signs is the creation of heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge." Qu'ran
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