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 Drive towards self Sufficiency
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Posted - 10 Dec 2008 :  02:28:34  Show Profile Send Moe a Private Message
Now that it seems like Gambians from all walks of life including institutions are playing a role in the drive for self sufficiency, I think we have started a trend of solving our own problems.

Personally i feel that this might be the solution to our problems since everyone is fully involved and all hands are on deck.

I am Jebel Musa better yet rock of Gibraltar,either or,still a stronghold and a Pillar commanding direction

The GPU wants Me Hunted Down for what I don't know .....

Edited by - Moe on 10 Dec 2008 02:40:34


507 Posts

Posted - 10 Dec 2008 :  16:44:40  Show Profile Send Prince a Private Message
Moe, the concept of self-sufficiency sounds great. BUT it is hard to understand how hauling everyone into agriculture(full time or PT) would result to self-sufficiency. Sometimes, concepts like "self-sufficiency" are too grandiose for little minds like mine to understand. What do they mean, when they say self-sufficiency

Economist often claim that the division of labor and trade makes everyone better off. Which implies that, if the whole civil service starts farming, we'll have less variety to trade and thus be worse off.

We already have too many people in agriculture, those people should be encouraged/supported to mechanize. NO self-sufficient-what ever that means- country has more than 90 percent of their population practicing manual agriculture.

Plowing civil servants volunteers into a sector they are clearly less productive in, will only clog that sector while weakening others.

Specialization and variety is always good...Jacks of all trades, always cause disasters.

If Oga professor carefully listened to his christian educators; he'd have heard bible say, "man shall not live on bread alone."

"When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty."
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