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Posted - 06 Oct 2008 :  08:14:17  Show Profile  Visit Santanfara's Homepage Send Santanfara a Private Message

I was with the view that Western Kiang’s favourite son BB Darboe was in politics before Sahou Sabally of Sabach Sanjal. BB a venerated figure in Kiang is well respected. I have not yet come across a single person from Kiang from the many known me who has anything bad to say against him. It is more like a messianic figure. I couldn’t believe it. What is it that made BB that unique?
Is it humility? Is it caring and being a good MP for the Kiang folks? Or was it that, the Kiangkas just wanted someone of their own they can emulate and use as an example when the talk is about powerful figures in Gambian politics?
For me from little Sandou district, criticising our MP’s is another pass time. In-fact, there is hardly anything positive I could say about the new generation MP’s. Is BB too good to be true?
I don’t know anything about Sahou Sabally. Nothing at all. Just that he was a vice-president once after persuading DK Jawara to stay on whilst BB urged him to leave. Many Kiangkas querry that all the good of BB has limitations. He was more inward looking, he never induce sustainable development towards Kiang
BB entered Real politics in 1982. He was an ambassador in Senegal during 1981 coup, he coordinated the Senegalese government involvement in reinstating Dk Jawara.
Governance is the key issue for all politicans. Sahou sabally was alleged to be openly corrupt, power hungry, and manipulative. Whilst BB is more self-centred and inward looking. The talk that BB was of help to many Mandinkas is more than bogus. Like other big wigs in Jawara’s cabinet, BB was little different from other selfish politicians who only have eyes for their immediate families and children of their buddies. The Terikafo talk is also nothing but petty gang culture; just like the other narrow cliques existing buttering the bread of their close members and masonic style favouritism.
There were many intelligent young Mandingo men and women who could have benefited from the favouritism of BB and co if there was any such thing taking place. But in reality, intelligent poor folks from all ethnic divide hustle for themselves to gain accesses to higher education.
The Man from Dunbuto can be praise for some few issues, that his lack of involvement in corruptible activities detrimental to the people of the Gambia. On another levels, he was no mandingocentric at all. That is identifiable from his spouse.
Sahou Sabally on the other hand entered politics well before BB. His records indicate that, he first contested in an election in 1972 which he won with a result of 2000 votes exactly. He continues to contest in Sabach sanjally until the coup in 1994. BB on the other first contested in an election in 1982 general elections. The famous Dunbuto son was not a match for Boto Camara NCP, he scored a total of 3,676 votes against Boto’s meagre 966 votes in 1982 elections. BB too kept wining ever since then until the 1994 coup.
What was the difference between BB and Sahou? Some will say their different levels of integrity and professionalism. One uses power to achieve his desired goal, the other due process. Politicians in the third world defer a little. They offset each other on different levels. Does the argument against BB hold water? He was inward looking in terms help and favours and that he should have extend much needed assistance to his folks back in Kiang, after all MP’s are meant to do the bidding for their electorates. BB was indeed ready to replace Jawara but experience Sahou knew how melt the bread of BB. Sahou knew how reach out the Banjul king makers, he uses such connections to side line BB, thus he became the natural successor. BB and Sahou are two contrasting individual, a good case study can be conducted on them.
BB’s record in Kiang is remarkable; he won in 1987 by 3,653 votes, again in 1992, he won by 3,511 votes. The guy could have been wining so long as he contested, I bit even today. Fame is addictive!!
To the family and supporters of BB and Sahou, the intention of this small work of mine is not castigate the two gentle men old enough to be my Dad but an academic exercise on former public officials. Feel free to debunk my assumptions and claims.

Surah- Ar-Rum 30-22
"And among His signs is the creation of heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge." Qu'ran
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