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3460 Posts

Posted - 08 Apr 2008 :  09:48:31  Show Profile  Visit Santanfara's Homepage Send Santanfara a Private Message
i am doing my best here to trap the elusive kondorong. as a man from the other side of basse river, we have some distinct culture of dressing the the kankurans. one type of kankurang is known as JAMBAH JABALE. kondorong what is a jambah jabale? what does he do? what mode of dance does he dance to? what time of the day does he comes out? now a man from yero bawol should have a glue as to what jambah jabale is . janko any idea? this is a disticnt basse area culture. heee nfansun julo manna.

Surah- Ar-Rum 30-22
"And among His signs is the creation of heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge." Qu'ran


3460 Posts

Posted - 10 Apr 2008 :  16:01:08  Show Profile  Visit Santanfara's Homepage Send Santanfara a Private Message
As the name indicate, jambah jabale is a myhtical form of decorating a kankuran with leafs all round the body from head to toe. the strange thing about a jambah jabale is that ,it dance to a form of redem that is unique only to him. the jambo (leaf) that is use to decorate him is the jalo tree. jambah jabale only dance with fresh green leafs on ,meaning the leaf must be fresh and not dried (jambah jabale) the leaf cannot be dry.
jambah jabale was once dancing to its tune in a village call Jemde in the wulli-sandou border urd. a young would-be kankuran enjoyed the tune so much,he started dancing to the tune unique to jambah jabale. jambah jabale's don't speak when in ceremonial custumes. but when one violate their rules, that is dancing to their tune especially a kankuran, they get upset. this time the jambah jabale was very crossed. he quietly told the new kankuran hee fansu juloma (dance to your own tune) but the kankuran being new never understood what the jambah jabale was on about.
jambah jabale repeated this warning several times but the new kankuran continue to enjoy himself with jambah's tune, suddenly a scamish ensued. the men of jambah jabale and the men of the kankuran engaged each other in a slanging match. but the new kankuran was at fault. no one dance to jambah jabale's tune. he was strip of his kankaran custumes and send parking. funny.

jambah jabale's are a rear entertainers now a days, they can sing when night fall,their voice are very melodious and encapturing ,.only at night they sing. one of their famous song is fito yee malamala jabalee la fito yee malamala han nim nmanyinya danko nnaa fito yemalamala. (let the leafs shine ,jabale's leafs must shine,even if he looks ugly ,the important thing is that ,my leafs are shining) .i thought kondorong would remember those days but him being a young man, he is forgiven for not recalling the wulli/sandu traditions.

Surah- Ar-Rum 30-22
"And among His signs is the creation of heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge." Qu'ran
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4380 Posts

Posted - 10 Apr 2008 :  17:43:42  Show Profile Send kondorong a Private Message

Yes you will forgive me. I must admit, i was never a fan of the night traditions of kankurangs, and the myths that surround them.

I have seen the one with green leaves all over, another with the bark of a FARA tree all over thebod. Red from head to toe. There is another, only found in Sami District called KOSSEH which rolls and dances like a snake.

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.”
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United Kingdom
1169 Posts

Posted - 10 Apr 2008 :  22:01:59  Show Profile Send kaanibaa a Private Message
Santa what about the tale of commandang and the kankurang, did it happen and who won the day?Inimbara baakeh
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3460 Posts

Posted - 11 Apr 2008 :  15:55:01  Show Profile  Visit Santanfara's Homepage Send Santanfara a Private Message
thanks kondo, i was just tessing you. kaaniba, please elaborate on the kankuran and commander story. never heard of it. i am keenly waiting for the fun story. hee faanan ninbara bakee.

Surah- Ar-Rum 30-22
"And among His signs is the creation of heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge." Qu'ran
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United Kingdom
1169 Posts

Posted - 11 Apr 2008 :  17:01:16  Show Profile Send kaanibaa a Private Message
There was a story about a kankurang that appears at night in McCarthy Island Jangjanbureh during the colonial period and it was so awesome and so feared by the citizens, Reports had it that no one dresses this particular kankurang thus it's name efangbondi. Well according pupolar folklore this kankurang was on a nightly rampage against the night revelers and evil spirits which were disturbing the citizens. It comes out at midnight and people could hear it walking on their roof tops and trees all night long. Now this also coincided with the arrival of the new commissioner called (commandang) by the locals.He discovered that at sunset hardly any one is seen loitering around and as he had reports that jangjanbureh was a vibrant settlement especially at night he asked his workers why the unusual silence. He was told about the efangbondi and he rubbished it as mambo jumbo bull**** .Additionally he asked that people should go out as of that night daring any one to challenge him and those who dares venture out. That night he went out on a walk but encountered the kankurang which displayed such fantastic feats only existing in the domain of fairy tales. The Commandang scurried back to his residence when he got there he went straight to bed. He did not discuss what happened between him and the kankurang. What the people noticed is that commandang was so silent about the issue so people went about saying the commandang and the kankurang met but what happened was a mystery. What ever happened people just said the commandang issued an edict and the kankurang was there for a mission , the question is who of the two withdrew from his stance , as for me I have no idea . Though as reported ,the kankurang kept on appearing even after meeting the commandang but the commandang never went out after this event at night. Woto komandang leya baayi deh!This is the version i heard may be other versions exist and are welcome
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4380 Posts

Posted - 11 Apr 2008 :  17:43:43  Show Profile Send kondorong a Private Message

Thats the sasme version i heard. I think the commissioner in the end was the looser. I have heard of kankurangs on roof tops and flying kankurangs. This is a type of kanakurang called Ifanbondi; which means the one who dresses himself and comes out in traditional attire without help.

Maccarthy was well known for kankurangs.

I have seen some very complex happenings during our initiation ceremonies years back that i cant talk about here. Seriously there were people who had some "magical" powers. But that was when innitiates spent 3 months in the forest without coming home, to learn the way of survival.

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.”
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3460 Posts

Posted - 12 Apr 2008 :  10:49:32  Show Profile  Visit Santanfara's Homepage Send Santanfara a Private Message
thanks kaaniba, i never heard of the said story. it is just like our area ifanbondi, as kondorong said, i will not expose what the ifanbondi does .but some of his actions are very strange. what about the story between AFAN SANA AND THE CHICKEN .any one know what the story is about?

Surah- Ar-Rum 30-22
"And among His signs is the creation of heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge." Qu'ran
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United Kingdom
1169 Posts

Posted - 16 Apr 2008 :  01:04:32  Show Profile Send kaanibaa a Private Message
Bro santa why tickle and hide please give us the story . I am waiting to read about afang sana and chicken.Though I give you the story of an old Jola man who whilst chasing a rat got knocked down by a truck. The witnesses said that whilst his family were crying for his life he was crying for the rat that he lost.ei! Funkunanfoumboom! he was continuously crying, 'My rat' as the kids and other family were crying 'woi paapaa'.He cried because he failed to catch the rat which was to be bush meat of the day for him. Bantaba guys should not poke fun at us Jolas because boys and girls in the kombos do eat dicks bil lahi walay talai! I dare say that the same goes for many other regions in the Gambia; its 2rue deh!If you don't believe me ask Ogah
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3460 Posts

Posted - 16 Apr 2008 :  14:03:53  Show Profile  Visit Santanfara's Homepage Send Santanfara a Private Message
kaaniba, you are right. my inlaws the gunjure youngsters do chase drimo and it is cooked nicely. i never eat it though but the chids enjoy it. drimoo is a bigger rat that has lots of beef, ouch. i am told many kamara kunda enjoy it too.
when i was young, there was a malian in our village who is a touray kunda like me. it is not allowed for us touray's to eat reptiles (KUTO and Kana). so one fine day, when the village boys catch a massive reptile (kana) from the bush, they cooked it nicely and it was indeed mouth watering for the non-touray kunda. unfortunately our malian brother became tempted. my aunt who knew the boys are cooking a kana reptile, bought some cow meat for us young tourays to stop us being tempted. after the kana was finished cooking, the boys bought lots of bread and mayo.
my malian mbading (co-surname) became even more tempted. he said to the boys, nbuka kana doomo bari nka giyo min nnee ( i don't eat a reptile but i drink the soup it is cooked into) .he was taged with that name for our his stay.

Surah- Ar-Rum 30-22
"And among His signs is the creation of heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge." Qu'ran
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United Kingdom
1169 Posts

Posted - 16 Apr 2008 :  15:08:22  Show Profile Send kaanibaa a Private Message
hahaa nice story and what about afang sana I am still waiting for that one coz am tickled. Some interesting lines that one about people who ordinarily would claim not eating a certain meat or fish but would indulge in the consumption in other homes when challenged they simply find an escape by saying; well I only do not eat say Bonga but I enjoy the broth which actually contains parts of the fish wow , you can't beat them can ya!
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3460 Posts

Posted - 16 Apr 2008 :  16:40:49  Show Profile  Visit Santanfara's Homepage Send Santanfara a Private Message
kaaniba, the fan sana story is in the humour section and on my blog.

Surah- Ar-Rum 30-22
"And among His signs is the creation of heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge." Qu'ran
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