In an unprovoked gun attack, a student gunman left seven dead including the high school headmistress. He finally shot himself and now in hospital under tight police custody.
"I am the law, judge and executioner. There is no higher authority than me." Eric
I find a lot of similarities of the two. Could it it be that he immitated Cho? Was he mentally imbalance? How did he acquire that revolver? It goes back to the gun-control laws of any particular nation. When Africans are crying about monstrous leaders, the western world is suspended on similar killer-type serials, like gangs, individuals loaded with such messages as hate or some other crap.
Our society has truly lost innocence; starting from leaders to the lowest of societal class.
The storm spirit as he called himself in native German is yet another shame and an indication that morality is at decay.
Thanks for sharing Karamba
"There is no god but Allah (SWT); and Muhammad (SAW)is His last messenger." shahadah. Fear & Worship Allah (SWT) Alone! (:
and i just heard from radio that he has leave a farewell letter where the police don't what bring much about it, at list by now but clear from him that he was even ready for the worst because they had find a patrol from him which they believes his intentions was to blowing the whole school/building up! Man is coming more&more callous. We most asks the experts how it comes and what is driving a man i such lunatic, are we a derelict?
What else but lunatics like this so-called 'Sturmgeist' do we expect in a 'culture' where violence and crime is an every day entertainment? Switch on the TV, and you are looking into a muzzle. Really, maybe we should be more surprised about the fact that at least in Europe the majority of people behaves peacefully.