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 Classify racism as terrorism
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Posted - 21 Feb 2006 :  20:32:29  Show Profile Send bamba a Private Message
The kind of terrorisms the entire world is made to loathe and fight against, no matter the cost, are the horrendous and diabolical terrorisms perpetrated by ruthless suicide bombers. Almost all suicide bombers are Muslims, or allow me to call them empty headed, fake Islamists. A common denominator with all suicide bombers is their similar family and social backgrounds, backgrounds that render them very vulnerable to indoctrination. Those that recruit suicide bombers never choose their own kids or near relatives to perform such horrible deeds. Suicide bombers blow themselves up in public places killing themselves together with many other kids, women and men, old and young. Undoubtedly, almost all victims of suicide bombers are innocent people. Suicide bombings are terrible terrorist acts that eliminate victims on the spot instantaneously. Suicide bombings are not terrorist acts that dog their victims from the cradle to the grave. The kind of terrorism that specializes in persecuting victims from the womb to the grave, the kind of terrorism worse than suicide bombings is, let’s call it, the terrorism of racial discrimination against blacks. Perpetrators of such terrorism against blacks are whites in connivance with other light skin races. The discrimination of Bantu blacks by mixed race blacks will be to slip in this piece; many pieces on this issue will follow in due course.
Within some black circles, it’s highly suspected that HIV/aids virus is devised to pursue blacks from sperm and egg stages to their dead corpse’s later in life. One can therefore see racist terrorisms as structures that destroy from the beginning to the end. Racist terrorism has gadgets to destroy from generation to generation and for many centuries ahead. Frankly, racist terrorism- the racial discrimination of blacks is unbeatable. The endless discrimination of black people has totally rendered the black race dysfunctional. The life conditions of blacks as victims of perpetual racism can provide thorough study cases of the horrible effects racism can have on its victims.
The terrorism of suicide bombings destroys indiscriminately all races. The terrorism of racism destroys its particular target and can destroy it, if not redressed, for ever. Racist terrorism is potentially equipped, though without explosives, to debilitate and decimate victims eternally. Suicide bombers normally choose their spots, mostly at random, to carry out their horrible, heartless deeds. Racist terrorists use adaptable methods, mostly methods beyond the comprehension of their victims, to destroy undetected. There are though many blatant destructive methods used by racist terrorists.
This comparative piece, for many reasons, will surely be revisited many times in the future. In the mean time, let’s look into a racist terror method that is beginning to weaken entirely its black victims, namely---the harassment of top black footballers in and around Europe. All black footballers in Europe are amongst the best footballers in the whole world. A point to note here, many black footballers in Europe are from sub-Saharan Africa. A growing number of black players from South America are also present in Europe. It’s also important to note that the collective skills of black players have promoted European football to be one of the best in the world. Normally, good deeds and hard work are supposed to have proportionate reward, but sadly, not the good deeds and hard work exerted by blacks. As everyone knows, all ill-treatment of black today replicates America’s ill- treatment of its black population. Black Americans of today are descendants of slaves that helped to build super power America of today. White America, from the toils of black slaves, had helped to rebuild Europe its ancestral home. White America of today discriminates its blacks and is reluctant to help black Africa, the ancestral home of its black population.
Black footballers are now battling racial harassment from both their white opponents in the field and from white spectators in football arenas around Europe. Racial harassment of black players is rampant and escalating in Europe to the extent where football matches are, due to racial harassment, being interrupted. Racial terrorism in and around the football fields are driving black players crazy and making them loose their concentrations on their performances. A solution to such a racial terror, directed exclusively towards black players in Europe, should have been a very strong unity of black players. Unfortunately, black people as usual will never unite to solve common problems. The black race is in complete disarray. Blacks have been made to loose their common identity. Black players from South America, especially those from Brazil, don’t realize their common origin with black Africans. Most black players from South America are completely out of touch with their brothers/sisters in Africa, very sad indeed. It’s the same tragic story with blacks all around the globe. Racial terrorisms have completely destroyed blacks and have made black unity and solidarity unimaginable.
To sum up, I’ll leave it to the wisdom of list members to weigh and balance the effects of the terrorisms of suicide bombers against racial terrorisms the black race suffers. Personally, I think structures of terrorisms that destroy victims all through life top them all. Bamba.

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