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1051 Posts

Posted - 27 Sep 2006 :  21:35:09  Show Profile Send Cornelius a Private Message
Al Hassan,

Ramadan Karim. I regard myself as serving the Almighty ( there is only ONE) and I hope that is alright with you.

I have just joined this Forum:
so I will be sparing you that which causes you such pain - my honest opinions which you would prefer to silence. I will be tightening up this my first posting to it - a response to some discussion item that I received. See if you can find any religious content therein and any helpful suggestions from you would be most welcome:

Here is the draft – I wrote it when I was almost falling asleep.

If UN Resolution 1559 of 2004 had been taken very seriously and implemented, the Hezbollah war against Israel would not have happened.

“No army in the world will be able to make us drop the weapons from our hands." crows Nasrallah at his "Victory Festival 2006"

Nasrallah kicked Kofi Annan and UN resolution 1559 of 2004 squarely in the face. ( UN Resolution has a clause calling for “the disbanding and disarmament of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias”).
The UN patiently turned the other cheek with Resolution 1680 which “Reiterates its call for the full implementation of all requirements of resolution 1559 (2004) for Nasrallah to deliver the other boot with a boast that Hezbollah is now in possession of more than 20,000 rockets and what is anyone going to do about it ? His challenge is “No army in the world will be able to make us drop the weapons from our hands " and that "Within days, and (despite) emerging from a ferocious war, (Hezbollah) has recovered all its organisational and military capabilities … it is stronger than it was before July 12,"

This is not merely taunting Israel as the Guardian reports, nor is it only open defiance of what must not turn out to be a toothless UN., EU and the rest of what is a called “The International Community” It is a bold confirmation of the serious threat that Hezbollah poses to Israel, especially now that the UN peacekeepers are not empowered as peace enforcers .Their mandate is not clear. And the will does not appear in the less than robust mini force ( far less than the strength and numbers required ) that is there ostensibly to implement UN Resolution 1701 which includes this clause: “Full implementation of the relevant provisions of the Taif Accords, and of resolutions 1559 (2004) and 1680 (2006), that require the disarmament of all armed groups in Lebanon, so that, pursuant to the Lebanese cabinet decision of July 27, 2006, there will be no weapons or authority in Lebanon other than that of the Lebanese state;”

So Israel did not finish the job of removing the threat of a Hezbollah which can fire from Lebanon and not be held responsible for its atrocities.

In the current issue of the Swedish MENORAH, Gunnar Hökmark a Swedish EU parliamentarian and Chairman of the Sweden-Israel Association has expressed the dilemma we face, very clearly and concisely. My unprofessional and wholly unauthorised paraphrase/translation of his Reflections on page 9 of Menorah nr.3, September 2006 follow and you have heard some the gist of it before:

“ The empty space/void which Lebanon and the international community left in Southern Lebanon was claimed by Hezbollah who established a state within the state. That (Hezbollah )state under the aegis of Islamic fundamentalism has had the obliteration of Israel as its foremost aim. Hence the great arsenal of rockets and missiles which they have received from Iran and Syria. It’s not an ammunition store that they have built up for the purpose of securing peace; they have done so to empower their own politics. That they were able to do so with promises of war and martyrdom is the mistake that has led to the present catastrophe for civilians in both Lebanon and Israel and for Israel as a state and a community.

It’s quite obvious that Israel is not going to accept this vacant space which has once more been created with increased space (possibilities) for Hizbollah - with Iranian and Syrian help to continue to be able to shell and bombard Israel’s cities and towns without any state being held responsible for such acts of war. Either there’s going to be a robust international force or Lebanon’s government must show that their own forces can act for the good of Lebanon and not merely as a buffer for Hizbollah. It is no solution to merely station military troops there – troops which instead of disarming Hizbollah in effect provide protection for the terror organisation’s firing/launching ramps. The overall/dominant pattern is that(sufficient )military forces that can be made available are not there and in spite of the presence of such a force being decisive, Europe has not yet done the more ( that is required) so as to make its own foreign and Security policy credible.”

I’ll skip his paragraph about the consequences of the third alternative ( Israel continuing the offensive.)He concludes,
“ Another important conclusion is that if the free world’s democracies had realised the responsibility they had for avoiding the situation that has now come up, much more would/could have been done ( to avoid it). This mistake must not now be repeated ”

The following article in today’s New York times is not very reassuring.

U.N. Force Is Treading Lightly on Lebanese Soil

Edited by - Cornelius on 27 Sep 2006 22:32:28


United Kingdom
7765 Posts

Posted - 28 Oct 2006 :  10:11:26  Show Profile Send kobo a Private Message
Robert Fisk: Mystery of Israel's secret uranium bomb
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1051 Posts

Posted - 28 Oct 2006 :  14:06:36  Show Profile Send Cornelius a Private Message
Originally posted by kobo

Robert Fisk: Mystery of Israel's secret uranium bomb

This is MY introduction , MY response to Bantaba ( not addressed to Fisk) I'll will deal with him in another manner if the same article turns up in Mathaba. I hope it does. I will do my duty as best I can and happily too. ( YOU want to respond for me, as ME?) Please read my short note at the end.


Whenever they talk of bombs, or wiping out or final solutions, then I feel that I am on a life-saving mission and I’ll paraphrase that English saying “ A stitch in time saves nine” and make it “ A word in time can save nine.” That’s why I’m sometimes here on rainy cyberdays.

I have come to respect you, not that we always agree – and we do agree that God is one and we ( you and me) are equally mortals.

We cannot talk about Israel and leave out the Torah. For it is God’s Torah that is Israel’s guide. WE must adhere to that perspective. The history of the Jewish people still unfolding towards redemption and the age of the Messiah which will bring heaven here on earth.
Last night I read the Torah portion and Haphtarah. It is about Noah.
My Chumash stone edition introduces this week's portion ( teaching) with this paragraph:

“ 9-10.NOAH. The ten generations from Adam to Noah had ended in failure; mankind had stumbled into a downward spiral until God resolved that the inhabitants of the earth would be wiped out, with the exception of Noah and his family, and enough animals to replenish the earth after the destruction. Like Adam, the father of the entire human race, Noah would become the father of mankind after the flood. Therefore, although the Torah had listed him previously as the last link in the genealogy of his predecessors, it mentions him again now, since he and his children were4 to become the new ancestors of mankind. (Abarbanel)

9.- “Noah was a righteous man” . The verse began to introduce the list of Noah’s offspring, but once he was mentioned, Scripture praised him as a righteous man. According to the Midrash, the Torah means to teach that the primary “offspring” of the righteous are their good deeds, for the worthwhile things that a person does are his primary legacy.”

What did the Romans do? It is claimed that they crucified Jesus, a Jew.
What did the Nazis do? They murdered six million Jews.

It has been said that since the Jews are “God’s Chosen People” it was the Jews ( not Jesus) that was standing in the way of the new world order that the stay on top Nazi mentality wanted to impose, namely “ Aryan White Supremacy.” – know your history.

As Lemon Time once closed his posting about the Holocaust: “Freedom of speech”

The full posting was, “ Pro Cornelius, are your holocaust Jewish surviving friends forgiven the Racist Germans for the evil things they done to them? Freedom of speech”

Who would contenance - in the least degree, a regime which annihilated SIX MILLION MANDINKA OR WOLLOF OR FOULLAH?

When the Nazis started targeting the German Jews, their own citizens by racist and discriminatory government legislation, when a country , be it Germany or lets say Sweden, decides to embark on the final solution and starts killing all the Jews in their country, unarmed civilians who are not at war with them, that is evil.

There are one million Arabs living in Israel today who would not like to change their place of residence or how they are governed to emigrate and live in any Arab democracy or dictatorship, they are alive and well, go to some of the best schools in the Middle East, in Israel, though unfortunately there are many in Israeli prisons, some with blood on their hands, some for non-political crimes. Perhaps you or Robert Frisk or Sheikh Nasrallah or the chief Sheikh in Ramallah or the Justice department of Israeli government would like to give us more accurate information about that

I have come to respect you not only as the African I believe that you are ( and in the Nazi era and I don’t think that that lot would say that even, if your Grandfather was wholly from the Rhineland or saluted the maxim “All men are equal” – and even today not all of the Germans believe that you are equal to them, even as we come to discussing the enemy of the Nazis now mostly domiciled in Israel, the present enemy of Hezbollah- despite a ceasefire peace treaty. Or is there indeed a peace treaty in effect when Hezbollah now has free reign in Southern Lebanon?

During my four months in Bantaba, especially during the war that Hezbollah imposed on Israel on the 12th of July, killing eight Israeli soldiers and abducting two ( so recently after seeing the reactions to the kidnapping of Gilead Shalit in Gaza, but now claiming innocence and surprise at Israel’s reaction to their act – towards their act of war from Lebanese territory) and firing 4,000 rockets mostly Iranian-made into the civilian populations in northern Israel.

There are many differences between Hezbollah and the Nazis…………Robert Fisk is also aware of these differences….I am quite familiar with Fisk’s monumental output and the responses to his sometimes anti-Semitic diatribes are also even more familiar.

( This is the beginning of my response. I will continue with it by editing ( i.e. correcting whatever mistakes and continuing with what I am saying either here, or in a new posting.
I should have thought that it would be better to continue here, to give direct continuity to what I started, not to be on top of any list, not even the top of the pops. I’m not a fan of pop music.)

and most importantly,

I have just read Fisk's article which you posted and regret to say that two wrongs don't make a right and that I have nothing to add to the above, at least not for now.

Edited by - Cornelius on 28 Oct 2006 20:44:31
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1295 Posts

Posted - 28 Oct 2006 :  21:42:12  Show Profile Send LEMON TIME a Private Message
Leave Hezbollah alone.

There is no god but Allah
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United Kingdom
7765 Posts

Posted - 29 Oct 2006 :  00:53:50  Show Profile Send kobo a Private Message
For Cornelius. Gambia: International Law-Relevance? under

Please note scenarios highlighted are on world politics and not typically Gambia!
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1051 Posts

Posted - 29 Oct 2006 :  12:50:24  Show Profile Send Cornelius a Private Message
Originally posted by LEMON TIME

Leave Hezbollah alone.

Yes-O Obi-Wan Kenobi & the FORCE

Edited by - Cornelius on 29 Oct 2006 12:52:23
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1295 Posts

Posted - 30 Oct 2006 :  01:51:57  Show Profile Send LEMON TIME a Private Message
NO more fighing cornelius,peace and love to you.

There is no god but Allah
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