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Posted - 09 Sep 2006 :  15:48:28  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message

By Gibairu Janneh

The people of Africa who are scattered in our 113 countries acquire the same capacities, values, and dignities as any other human beings. They cherish liberty, justice, development and peace just like any other people. Just like all societies and people, African people have in great measure, contributed and are contributing to the advancement of civilisation and humanity. However Africa of today is engulfed in tragedy of mental, economic, political and social exploitation and oppression to the point that out lot has become to constitute the wretched of the earth. But we are aware of the fact that no condition is permanent more so if human beings are prepared to consciously improve their conditions.

The tragedy of not only Africa but the whole world is the emergence of capitalism, which grace birth to slavery, colonialism, neo-colonialism, racism and imperialism. Capitalism therefore is the basic for ignorance, poverty, oppression and exploitation of man by man and the insecurity that surrounded the globe today. Thus African people being one of hardest hit by capitalism inevitably have to unite for the distraction of capitalism and the building of socialism which will ensure our liberty, dignity and prosperity.

Pan-Africanism therefore is the results of the trials and tribulations of Africans in their struggle for freedom, equality, self-determination and prosperity. We are conscious of the fact that as a result of our experiences in slavery and colonialisms, Africans have been deprived of their culture and identity and human dignity and worth. These unfortunate conditions further culminated into decadence and degeneration, which have ever since characterised our communities. Leading to our alienation from our very own self and anything African. This really transformed the African both at home and abroad into a mass of poor, oppressed, miserable, ignorant and extremely backward and divided people of the world. It has put the African at the mercy of both nature and other people of the world, including an African minority of collaborators and stooges who continue up to this day to exploit the African continent and her people at tremendous cost to our lives liberty and development.

Pan-Africanism recognises that all black people whether born in India, Russia, England, America, Haiti, Brazil, South Africa, Kenya or Gambia are Africans and they all belong to the African nation. We all share the same reality. We suffer the same conditions. We have the same destiny. We need to organise and unite if we want to reverse that undesirable condition in which we are so that we will be the controllers of our destiny and resources.

Pan-Africanism recognises that where there is no struggle there is no progress. It recognises that where there is oppression there is resistance. It recognises that where there is poverty and ignorance there is no dignity and prosperity. It recognises that where there is no equality and respect for rights there is no liberty and peace. Pan-Africanism upholds these to be self-evident truths and the pursuit of which are ideals that form the comestone of the struggle for we are vindicated by history that only unity in the permanent reality. Africans therefore owe a debt to their generation and the ones yet unborn and the only way to settle that debt to the society is to strive towards true Pan-Africanism.

Source: Foroyaa Newspaper Burning Issue
Issue No. 75/2006, 8-10 September, 2006
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