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United Kingdom
3091 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2006 : 19:44:05
I have noticed over and over on this site that Gambians abroad seem very anti people from other countries helping in their country.
If help is given with compassion and has no strings attached I dont see any problem with that.
If someone needs help with education or with feeding the family where is the harm in one human being helping out another? You suggest 'go and help in glasgow'...but the truth is that although we do have incredible social problems, our children DO get a free education and we get child benefit which is SUPPOSED to ensure that even in the poorest families children get fed.
The bottom line of hardship in Gambia is alot lower and is not self inflicted. In Britain we have the safety net of the welfare state.
If one western person wants to help a Gambian on a personal level, where is the harm in that?
I understand it is not going to solve the countries long term problems, but if it helps someone have a slightly easier life how can it be bad?
Long term the Gambian government and Western governments need to have the will to change things. Make poverty history and campaigns like it help raise awareness..........long term change in the attitudes and actions of governments is needed. |
United Kingdom
3091 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2006 : 19:55:43
Obviously villages are political places. You need to make sure you speak to the arkala (sorry not sure of spelling). Also if you have any money over you must do it in a public forum where everyone is aware of it.
Action Aid has a head office in Banjul. They have worked in alot of villages and will generally be able to advise if the village is well organised and if it has had problems with corruption.
Are the villages you go to Mandinka? If so, the politics you are sensing may be something to do with Sulas and Nyamalos. These are the two groups in the society and as I have been told one group (Sulas) were that masters and Nyamalos were their servants. This system has broken down, but the attitude still needs breaking down.
At one of the villages we went to the Sulas greeted us and sat listening to the speeches, they also took control of the 'aid' we took. The Nyamalos werent welcome at the meeting. As outsiders we were not aware of this at all. Until I asked the nursery teacher why he wasnt at the formal meeting and he very bravely told me.
The reason they kept quiet about these divisions was because they were frightened we would leave their village altogther.
I would say hang on in there. Give money or help etc....then check back the next time see if it has been followed through. The more regular you visit you wil make genuine friends who will trust you and confide in you. That is how to learn more about the village life.
I hope this helps. |
United Kingdom
3091 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2006 : 19:57:47
Can any Mandinka Gambian tell me more about Nyamalos and Sulas, the origins and if it is irradicated now?
11641 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2006 : 21:48:46
quote: Originally posted by gambiabev
Can any Mandinka Gambian tell me more about Nyamalos and Sulas, the origins and if it is irradicated now?.
I don't know any social class in Mandinka called "Sula". A Moore from North Africa is usually called "Sulaa" though.
Gambiabev, Can you please elaborate more on your assertion in the quote below? As the site owner, I am interested to know how you came to that conclusion and would like you to quote the messages.
quote: Originally posted by gambiabev
I have noticed over and over on this site that Gambians abroad seem very anti people from other countries helping in their country.
A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone |
United Kingdom
3091 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2006 : 22:22:44
Just read Tairema and Sister Omega above! |
11641 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2006 : 22:57:32
quote: Originally posted by gambiabev
Just read Tairema and Sister Omega above!
Are you assuming that Gambians should be gullible and accept everything without questioning? I see, you seem to be an expert on Gambia after 4 visits. |
A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone |
24 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2006 : 22:59:25
Gambiabev, you clearly have a problem with comprehensive reading. I never said that foreigners are not welcome to help our people, I have met very sicere and beautiful people offering and implementing aid. Aid that came from their good heart with no surprise strings attached. And we are forever in their debt fr this regardless of their religion.Foreign aid is so much needed and welcome! This fanatic religous group that is mentioned at the beginning of this topic however extends their help only to convert souls to their belief and claim it is the only religion. If they are so selfless in their help then why don't they offer help to whomever needs it, regardless of religion? If you want to help then respect the Gambians for all that they are and respect that Islam is the biggest religion in The Gambia and stop trying to convert kids in sneaky ways by getting to them under the pretence of sports. I have never seen a mosque in The Gambia which needed basketballs to convert people. people become Muslim out of their own free will.Who are they to call us "lost" because we have another belief then they do? Isn't freedom of religion a precious good that we also have a right to? Appearently they think their religion is the greatest and they want to spread it at all costs with all kinds of wicked tactics. That, my dear, is close to Al'Quida's beliefs and practices. So don't put words in my posting that are not there. I respect the Christian belief and any other belief that preaches love and compassion for ALL and people are free to choose whatever they want to believe but don't pressure people with false pretenses into a belief and call someone who beliefs something else lost! That is disrespectfull and narrowminded. Now I would appreciate it very much if you would actually read what it says before you shoot you mouth off and draw conclusions that are not there.This is not a site to teach gambiabev how to read. |
78 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2006 : 23:00:09
bev I think you are missing the point.Gambians are not the type of people who will reject a helping hand which is genuine. But despite our poverty, If anyone wants to stratigically make us believe or do something which is inconsistent with our values, we reject you.
Action aid is a good example you pointed out, But have you ever heard them talking about islam or christianity when they come to the villages? They see all the people as gambians not christians and muslims. That's why they succeed. Well since you prentend you know more about the mandinka ethnic hierachy, then tell us more about the sulas( which is knew to me) and the nyamalos.PEACE! |
United Kingdom
3091 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2006 : 23:29:45
I am asking Gambians to tell me more about Nyamalos and Sulas.My guide who is a Dibba..says he is Sula..another guide with surname Fatta says his family is Nyamalos. This is what THEY have told me. In Kolior my best friend is Nyamalos.
After 4 visits to Gambia I dont feel an expert. I have been suporting action Aids work in Gambia for more than 20 years, but was only recently in the position to be able to travel to Gambia.
I am learning all the time..that is what life is about.
I dont think Gambians should be guilible at all. Action aid supports many womens groups and encourages the empowerment of women.
It is my view that Muslims try to convert people to Islam much more than Christians try to do the opposite. Likewise Muslims think their religion is the only true relgion whereas most christians think there are many routes to god.......a case of the pot calling the kettle .......At SOME point in the past Islam was bought to Africa........and then African people were indoctrinated......
As a humanist I am a free thinker..... I dont think much of any religion..... I dont think there is an after life and I think we all need to focus on making this life as full and happy and useful as possible. |
691 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jan 2006 : 00:04:44
Sula? Did you mean Fula? I´ve never heard of a tribe called Sula before and neither has my African friends over here in my kitchen. |
9 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jan 2006 : 00:27:56
i think in the gambia the people have no problem in beliving in god |
Sister Omega
United Kingdom
2085 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jan 2006 : 00:33:18
It is better to support someone than to help them. By helping it seems as though you are expecting something in return and in this case this group is expecting for people to sale their souls for sport!
WAKO started off as an unmonitored group of zealots whose leader twisted the minds of its followers enticing them to commit mass suicide. It is down to individuals if they wish to convert to another religion, spirtual belief or be athiest. It is not for foreigners to come with the deliberate intention of brainwashing people into their way off thinking. Poverty does not equal spiritual impoverishment and therefore this group's mission statement is offensive and by its nature promotes intolerance. Just imagine in this sensitive international political climate, if a mosque opened up in the UK or USA with the opposite statement saying they wanted to save US or British from Christ to Mohammad. I'm sure it would be raided for insighting terrorism as a terrorist threat.
Gambia is a tolerant country and Muslims and Christains live peacefully side by side. So why do these people want to rock the boat with such an offensive mission statement?
Peace Sister Omega
Peace Sister Omega |
Sister Omega
United Kingdom
2085 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jan 2006 : 00:44:18
By the way Bev if these people are supposed to be "nice" and "misguided" how do they propose to save peoples souls maybe they should concerntrate on saving their own. This is why its good to know history because people wouldn't keep making the same mistakes over and over again!
Sister Omega |
Peace Sister Omega |
691 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jan 2006 : 03:22:02
I just like to add that one should be very, very careful of religious fanatics and their ways of seducing people to join their homemade religious movements, usually lead by some christian nutcase like the self declared Jesus Christ, David Koresh(Branch Davidians in Waco) and the even more scary Jim Jones (People´s Temple or Jonestown, about 900 dead in Guyana -78). Only in the U.S there are about 5000 different cults at this moment! And why shouldn´t some of these cult members find their way to Africa as well to gain more members who they can brainwash? That is a perfect place for them to find new members! How do you recognise a cult? Well, they usually try and convince you about how perfect their way of life is, they have all the answers to your questions and because they seem so smart soon you will find yourself under their control and beliefs if you don´t mind. They will be more than happy to do all the thinking and talking for you!And in time they will get you to do exactly what they want. They are so very good at manipulating people, especially those vournable people living a life in poverty (material or emotional poverty). Manipulation is the key word. That is what psychopaths learn to do because of their lack of empathy, they learn how to behave like normal people while their minds are very twisted. That is why you cant see on the surface who is mad and who´s not. Psychos look like normal people. I really believe that there are plenty of more mad men like Jim Jones out there and that is why whenever someone try to convince you in a religious way, you should be careful and not let yourself be swept away by their tactics. They know exactly what they are doing and how to charm and manipulate people who are weak. I am not saying that this specific group in the Gambia IS a cult, but it COULD very well be. Keep your eyes on these kind of people to try and avoid maybe another mass suicide in the future. As history has a tendency to repeat itself every now and then...
United Kingdom
3091 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jan 2006 : 09:01:58
Just to clarify the Nyamalos and Sulas are class groups or castes WITHIN Mandinkas. Higher and Lower was how they described it to me, based on a history of Master and Slave. It could possibly be the spelling Sulaa that someone earlier my guide wrote it down in my notebook. Its POSSIBLE he spelt it wrong..though he is usually fairly precise.
I am very interested in this because in some villages it MAY still have a part in how things are run.
As a Westerner if you go to a village, you want to help the whole commnity. But also certain things you would like to target the very poorest people. It COULD be n some Mandinka villages we dont get to see the very poorest people.
A bit like the Queen visiting somewhere and its had a new lick of paint and the police are keeping the troublemakers well back. She sees the nicely dressed children from the private school and a few well chosen middle class people and thinks she has seen the real place.
I dont want to over state the case for this. The village I go to has changed alot in 3 years by a change in committee and attitude from the arkala. So its NOT set in stone. But it is a factor in village life, and under current. |
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