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3300 Posts

Posted - 10 Aug 2006 :  16:32:38  Show Profile Send jambo a Private Message
Can we all take a moment to look at the news regarding the situation in Heathrow, if any of these people(bombers, fanatics whatever succeded) we will be living in a different world.
Lets pray they do not succeed. violence is not the answer.


United Kingdom
1275 Posts

Posted - 10 Aug 2006 :  17:45:04  Show Profile Send MADIBA a Private Message

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United Kingdom
3091 Posts

Posted - 10 Aug 2006 :  17:50:25  Show Profile Send gambiabev a Private Message
It seems as if they are 'home grown' bombers. This is what I find difficult to understand. Why would someone decide to turn against the people they have grown up amongst? IF it is Muslim extremists ( they havent stated that yet as far as I am aware) Then serious questions need to be asked about the education of these (presumably) young men. Why are they so alienated in their local communities? Why arent the leaders of the mosque picking up on these disaffected people? Where are they being trained? Is it Pakistan again?

It is very sad that young people are being manipulating and their religion is being distorted in this way. We need to look at deeply for the causes otherwise this situation will continue to happen.
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United Kingdom
3091 Posts

Posted - 10 Aug 2006 :  17:52:17  Show Profile Send gambiabev a Private Message
Terrorists shouldnt dictate government policy! But I do agree it seems that Blairs close relationship with Bush and the USA is what has bought this trouble to the UK.
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United Kingdom
1275 Posts

Posted - 10 Aug 2006 :  18:06:29  Show Profile Send MADIBA a Private Message
Originally posted by gambiabev

Terrorists shouldnt dictate government policy! But I do agree it seems that Blairs close relationship with Bush and the USA is what has bought this trouble to the UK.



Edited by - MADIBA on 10 Aug 2006 18:08:57
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1131 Posts

Posted - 10 Aug 2006 :  23:38:35  Show Profile Send njucks a Private Message
gambiabev, these people dont want to blow up people they grew up with its more than that. they feel distant from the country they call home because they see their airforce,army and country killing people in their ancestral homeland.

it is the same feeling that Blair & Co feel when they see White farmers being killed in zimbabwe. why do you think there is a travel ban on Robert Mugabe. if you remove the black/white issue Mugabe has not done anything that other African leaders have done. yet they get a different reaction.

it is the double standards that is driving the world mad. its simply a matter of time until these people get lucky.
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1295 Posts

Posted - 11 Aug 2006 :  04:35:25  Show Profile Send LEMON TIME a Private Message
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Western Samoa
462 Posts

Posted - 11 Aug 2006 :  04:39:30  Show Profile Send Newfy a Private Message
Im not a fan of Bush at all. I didn't vote for him ever. I don't understand how a whole country shifts in its perspective and way of doing things once a new administration comes in.

Im with you Lemontime. We slander human beings anytime we disrespect them, and killing another person is unimaginable. It must be stopped. It is not right on either sides to take a human life.
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3485 Posts

Posted - 11 Aug 2006 :  05:00:09  Show Profile  Visit Dalton1's Homepage Send Dalton1 a Private Message
Terror of all sorts be condemned. The new phase of the world is confusing. I was following up the Evengelists christians celebrating the end of the world. Also, from some islamic teachings, the coming of the Dajjal/anti-christ is scary. I pray that God take my life peacefully before such trials on humanity arrive.

Humanity is so important, but it looks like our 'fives' are no more, since we cannot live together peacefully. terror from al-qaida equals terror from washinton, equals terror from israel, equals terror from lebanon, equals terror from any where. can't we see it now ? The current world leaders are a curse to our generation.It is all mere hypocrities, tyrants and devils.

My sympathy to any innocent victim of terror.

"There is no god but Allah (SWT); and Muhammad (SAW)is His last messenger." shahadah. Fear & Worship Allah (SWT) Alone! (:
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United Kingdom
3091 Posts

Posted - 11 Aug 2006 :  08:36:57  Show Profile Send gambiabev a Private Message
njucks I THINK you will find that those arrested will have a pakistani connection, not lebonese. These are people who have lived in the uk for several generations peacefully. The question our society has to deal with is why are these young men suddenly becoming militant? If we dont understand and deal with that, then as fast as we catch one group another one will step up in its place.
If you are born in a country and live there all your life I dont understand why you would turn against it in such a violent way. No one is forced to live in the UK. If someone REALLY hates it that much they can go and live somewhere else! They dont have to BOMB innocent people!
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United Kingdom
3091 Posts

Posted - 11 Aug 2006 :  08:48:09  Show Profile Send gambiabev a Private Message
njucks I dont consider Zimbabwe a homeland AT ALL!?!

Whilst it is sad that white farmers have been murdered, it is a badly handled situation that has resulted in this. Clearly black people in Zimbabwe deserve to own their own land and do with it what they wish. How this handover is achieved peacefully is the difficult question.

I have no time for any white superiorists in Zimbabwe or South Africa. But many have lived in Africa all of their lives, they have no other home to go to and know no other life. Somehow they need to be accommodated too.

The world is a complicated place. It is split by race, colour, religion, politics, gender, history and so on. We have a BIG challenge ahead of us to try to find peaceful solutions to all these issues. I dont envy our world leaders. How do they sleep at night?

It seems at the moment that historical decisions, such as the making of Israel, are coming back to haunt us. We cant change the past. With hindsight perhaps different decisions would have been made. But we hae to work with what we have and make the best decisions for the future.
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1131 Posts

Posted - 11 Aug 2006 :  09:49:24  Show Profile Send njucks a Private Message
well paskistani or lebanese i think its seems logical to conclude that there is a 'policy'or 'pattern' to destroy islamic states. thats what motivates these people.

we are heading for a major confrontation. its just a matter of time unless US & Co change their bais.

take the nuclear issue. the IAEA monitors the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty by inspecting nuclear facilties. in UK , Russia and the US not all facilities are inspected because they fall under 'military' use. this is where they make their own weapons.

India, Pakistan and Israel all have nuclear bombs and are not even members and never inspected. Iran is a member but it has not done anything wrong, but the IAEA is being manipulated to end the Iranian Program. why?? for what?? Under apartheid the South African government had nuclear weapons (6 big ones) and made more open racist and controversial statements where was the IAEA then.

everyday in the islamic world innncent people are killed by the western armies using language that no one understands. word like 'militants' or 'insurgents' are used daily in Afganistan and Iraq.


this open unfairness is just one of many that is wrong.
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1051 Posts

Posted - 11 Aug 2006 :  10:05:15  Show Profile Send Cornelius a Private Message
History in the making:

Why jump on a hornet’s nest?

To ignore C. Hamelberg’s postings rather than to confront him is a good policy. Sound tactic so that the donkey’s ass doesn’t get kicked and then you don’t have to start crying for a ceasefire in which act one scene one should be that C. Hamelberg should withdraw his troops from Bantaba in outer space. For cowards it’s the best way out of embar-ass-ment, such a public exchange of sense over nonsense.

I'm not here to teach anybody and

your profound comments are hardly material to be ignored or engaged.

It's a safe dictum that if you have nothing worthwhile saying, then stint thy gob........better that than give yourself away.
And you can step into the arena anytime. You are even cordially invited to the Palestine Chronicle Forum, where we don't play to say what's never been said etc.

"The only place you and I disagree . . . is with regard to the bombing. You're
so goddamned concerned about the civilians, and I (in contrast) don't give a
damn. I don't care.". . . "I'd rather use the nuclear bomb. . . Does that
bother you? I just want you to think big." : Richard Nixon to Secretary of
State Henry Kissinger on the Watergate tapes

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3300 Posts

Posted - 11 Aug 2006 :  14:31:32  Show Profile Send jambo a Private Message
Bev the British home grown terrorist are young men looking for something, They are targetted by the fundamentalists and used for the wrong purpose.
Not one of the home grown men was stupid, uneducated or poor, but spiritual they were lost.
in nearly all cases they travelled abroad, normally pakistan stayed a few months, attended a school and came home,
I truly believe they were brainwashed.
The change in the is unbelieavable.
It happened in the US in the 60's 70's, young impressionable young men and women train to kill, but not to be part of an army.
Think about it, these home grown bombers all fira certain type.

Britain and the government needs to stop this and stop it fast otherwise it will be a staging post for more attacks.
France dealt with it at source, they saw the situation and addressed the problem.
Britian was lenient, becasue that is the british way, france said not on our soil, in france be french and be moslem, but do not be militant.
think about it.
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813 Posts

Posted - 11 Aug 2006 :  14:45:10  Show Profile Send Alhassan a Private Message
Before you blame any mosque, you must try to find out why people are angry and commit sucide. As live is great, only if you are pushed to the dead end , then you could think of taking your own life. Most of us on the forum have different symphaties with different people. Reading the history that the British people wrote would not give you the correct information. This is because the British have looked very low upo people who are not Europeans, they have no respect for other peoples religion eigther. They do not show it open but we come across them in different ways. The Christian world is very nervous because of the number of people converting to Islam. Muslims have no problems with the Christians or Jews. Reading through the Qu-ran, one will never come across any phrase where it tells you that a Christian or Jewis an enemy. You would read also that both Christians and Jews are our brothers. We can eat and drink (non alkoholic)them. I belive the creation of Israel was very wrong. The British could have left the Jews to live where ever they want. It is only in Israel that all Jews can migrate to without problem. There is no other country or religion like it. If you want to deport Muslims to Saudi , they will point it to you that only citizens can stay without permits. They will not allow you as Israel does. Israel, Britain and America. According to history the Arabs ahd protested from the first time when the British wanted to create Israel, both after world war1 and 11. The Arabs too are peacful people if treated the way one wants to be treated. Italy would surely say no to all Christians migration. The blame put on the Libanese is nonsens. Only the so called curropted America and Britain with allies do so.
The leaders of the mosques have no connection with what happens in the society. They can talk about the mosque and Islam as the Christian prists do , but outside they cannot decide for anybody.
Non of the people here elaborate upon the Christian fundamentlists in Britain and USA. George Bush is one of them. They were responsible for the murders in Rwanda because of their support from the Christian international. Are you not awear of these things?
The Christian fundamentalists and the Jews in Europe and the US are responsible for the most hurrible folk murders in the world today. Even in Uganda they are there with the socalled lords army.

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United Kingdom
3091 Posts

Posted - 11 Aug 2006 :  15:12:34  Show Profile Send gambiabev a Private Message
I am not in favour of any particular religion, and certainly completely anti fundamentalism of any kind.

The local Muslim communities that are sending these young men to Pakistan should be aware of what is happening to them there. Perhaps the practice should be stopped. If they choose to go to Pakistan for extended periods perhaps they should have to reapply for a Britsih passport?

What are they taught in Pakistan that cant be taught by the local Mosque in the UK?

I am not sure what the answer is, but the problem needs addressing at source.

Why cant we all live and let live? That is what I like about the Gambia. It is peaceful and people coexist. Is there any extremists in Gambia? I havent met people that are openly so.
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