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 Weekend's Humor: Momodou Aduu Boogol.
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Posted - 30 Dec 2013 :  02:36:20  Show Profile  Visit Dalton1's Homepage Send Dalton1 a Private Message
The Weekend’s Humor: The Fulas & the Jahankas
Folks –
Let us do the weekend’s humor as usual. Part of why ours in culture is cherished is because we have jovial relationships across tribes. It helps to mend bonds in communities. Diversity and tolerance is an important component of our lives. We cannot celebrate humanity in its entirety without being a little flexible and accommodating. Since I am not a politician and I wasn’t created one, I love my humor. For a minute, I am asking the politicos to give me a little bit of space while I wallow in my humor.
I contemplated sharing this story because I know my Jahanka cousins will have something to hang onto and who knows for another year.
Momodou Aduu-Boogol
The story goes that three (3) Jahaa (Jahanka) men had a tussle with many of their Fulbe cousins. The three overpowered their cousins and tied all the Fulbe with a single rope.
One of my personal friends always teases me with, “Momodou Aduu-bogol.” Hmm…This story didn’t sound right to me. How can t-h-r-e-e Jahankas overpower about thirty-three Fulbe? If you are just wondering like I am, you must conclude that it must have been the ones we had around then. The ones we have now can’t do it.
Best wishes for the holiday,

"There is no god but Allah (SWT); and Muhammad (SAW)is His last messenger." shahadah. Fear & Worship Allah (SWT) Alone! (:
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