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Posted - 28 Dec 2013 : 21:35:36
Foroyaa Editorial: Published on Saturday, 28 December 2013
Christians and Muslims in the Gambia and Senegal are coexisting in peace. However, in Central Africa Republic, Iraq, Pakistan and Syria, the Christian and Muslim communities are being pit against each other by extremists who use religion as a pretext to perpetrate crimes against religion and humanity. No religion could ever justify the murder of an innocent person who happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time that a bomb is detonated. History has now made it clear that diversity could only be judiciously managed under a secular Republic. An Atheist Republic would give rise to rebellions against public order. A state based on a particular religion would deprive those who do not subscribe to the religion their right to represent others. The Secularist republic acknowledges the equality of all citizens in rights and sovereignty. Each is free to worship as one pleases and has a duty to respect and tolerate the belief of others. In a genuinely secular Republic, one would not have the problem that now exist in some countries with regard to the way some women dress or the veil. In short, it is very common for men to say that women who dress in another way tempt men to rape them. There is no doubt that a normal human being should not want to have an affair with another who has no interest in reciprocating. Only a man with a rapist psyche would be tempted to fall on a person who has not shown any interest in developing any intimate relation with him. In the same vein, nothing could be more unjust than to deprive a woman of her right to put on veil under the pretext that it is in violation of the National values of a country. The only time that a practice could be challenged is if it is harmful. For example, one could get religious leaders to debate on the type of veil to be accepted since covering the whole face may deprive the state from knowing the identity of a suspect. A genuine secular Republic does not promote narrow nationalist values. It promotes republican values which tolerate the freedom of the individual to choose one’s beliefs and practice and respect the values and practices of others. As we come to another new year, the people of the world should come to realise that unless we embrace Republican and Democratic Instruments, Institutions, Values, practices or culture in general, peace on earth and goodwill towards men and women would still be elusive.
Source: Foroyaa
A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone |