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United Kingdom
7765 Posts |
Posted - 15 May 2013 : 16:19:19
1. The Point News: Published Tuesday, May 14, 2013
GNOC presidential aspirant Sheriff Jammeh writes to IOC
"Sheriff Jammeh, a presidential aspirant of the Gambia National Olympic Committee (GNOC), has written to the International Olympic Committee calling for a GNOC fact-finding mission in the country.
The letter, dated May 7, 2013, is addressed to the Director of International Relations of the IOC Pere Miro.
Below is the letter….."
Read full report
2. RELATED BANTABA TOPIC New GNOC Presidency Elections March 23, 2013
Edited by - kobo on 15 May 2013 16:27:43 |

United Kingdom
7765 Posts |
Posted - 27 May 2013 : 19:45:47
1. Three associations take another court action over GNOC matters
"Sheriff Jammeh, Johnny Gomez and Alieu Jallow, the leaders of Lawn tennis, Boxing and cricket, have taken another court action to block the GNOC extra-ordinary Annual General Meeting, slated for today Monday 27 May.
The AGM was advised by the International Olympic Committee, as a road map to discuss and settle disputes between the camps within the Olympic family, and in accordance with the GNOC constitution and the Olympic Charter.
The IOC had condemned the initial court action taken by the trio against holding of elections last March. But a copy of the a high court order seeking to restrain members of the GNOC bureau members from holding the extraordinary congress Monday was received at the Point over the weekend.
There has not been immediate reaction from any quarters yet, but a legal expert yesterday informed this paper that it means that the court is ordering the GNOC from holding AGM until the case is heard on June 8."
"A court order has been granted by the High Court barring the Olympic Committee from staging an extra-ordinary session, Foroyaa Sport has gathered.
The interim injunction, granted after the third plaintiff, Mr Jonny Gomez through their attorney, Mr C E Mene filed an ex-parte motion before Justice E. F. M’Bai, asking for an ionterim order to bar the Gambia National Olympic Committee (GNOSC) from holding an extra-ordinary session pending the determination and hearing of the motion on notice. An affidavit dated 23rd May was attached to the exparte-motion. The order also orders the trio defendants [Momodou Dibba, Beatrice Allen and Peter Prom] from posing as president,1st vice president and secretarygeneral respectively of the GNOC pending the determination of the motion on notice.
This is the second time an injunction has been issued against the aforementioned trio –the first was on the 23rd March barring the holding of presidential elections. The second court decision comes after the GNOC decided to exclude plaintiffs’ associations claiming violation of the Committee’s Constitution by instituting a court action.
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) and ANNOCA have warned of meddling into the affairs of the GNOC, recommending for the matter to be resolved at in-house level.
The organizations urged the NOC to erect a three-man independent panel to oversee the body’s elective congress. The case is adjourned till Monday,10th June at 10:00am."
SOURCE: FOROYAA NEWS EDITORIAL(Full information here) |

United Kingdom
7765 Posts |
Posted - 03 Jun 2013 : 01:47:59
Integrity in sport, please stand up
"As we write this petition, we note with grave concern that Interpol is currently carrying out investigations on Integrity in Sports, as the Gambia Government under the leadership of His Excellency Sheikh Professor Alhaji Dr Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh and his Government are steadfast on the principles of Accountability, Transparency and Probity.
A timely article in one of The Gambia’s premier newspapers reads: “The GNOC cannot be allowed to be Judge and Jury, Candidate and Independent Electoral Commissioner, Player and Referee. We insist on checks and balances, Fair Play, Please Stand Up and be counted.
Fact Sheet
The fiasco of the GNOC has been ongoing for 4 years now, and the IOC has yet to send a fact-finding mission to The Gambia, contrary to their fielding a mission to Ghana and Nigeria in our sub-region and further afield in India and Libya when those countries were in similar imbroglio and their disputes were immediately settled. Why not tiny Gambia. Suffice it to mention that the parties signed a St Kitts Declaration to the effect that prominent and highly respected African Sports Personality should visit The Gambia and agree a Road Map, that effort was thwarted??
The voter list is determined by the GNOC Executive, who are contesting parties and IEC officials, what a travesty?!
The voter list fluctuates based on the whims and caprices of the GNOC officials, the first voter list this time around excluded Football, Weightlifting, Rugby and Cycling.
Football was restored when it was realised that Football had nominated Mr Sheriff Jammeh, and the GNOC then wrote to nominate Football as a member of their team, luckily the football Association is composed of Men of Integrity....."
SOURCE: THE POINT SPORTS NEWS(More full information here) |
Edited by - kobo on 03 Jun 2013 01:53:03 |
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