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 Gambia Regions say no to EU demands
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United Kingdom
7765 Posts

Posted - 25 Jan 2013 :  02:03:44  Show Profile Send kobo a Private Message

Related Bantaba Topics;

Edited by - kobo on 25 Jan 2013 04:01:57


3485 Posts

Posted - 25 Jan 2013 :  18:35:04  Show Profile  Visit Dalton1's Homepage Send Dalton1 a Private Message
Mawdo Kobo,

Some of these ignorant retards cornered in their own corners seriously need to quit the nonsense. EU demands are infact for the many of them trapped in the shameful system that get victimized sooner or later. Some of these folks are given "cola" and paraded and fed with words.

Thanks for sharing and happy Jumah!


"There is no god but Allah (SWT); and Muhammad (SAW)is His last messenger." shahadah. Fear & Worship Allah (SWT) Alone! (:
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United Kingdom
7765 Posts

Posted - 25 Jan 2013 :  23:05:45  Show Profile Send kobo a Private Message
Dalton 1. Thanks for post. "You don't bite the finger that feeds you" and there are massive EU funded projects (summarised above) across the country; especially Rural Water Supply Project (RWSSP) that built boreholes, wells with pumps and solar systems for regions mobilised by opportunists to promote dictator Jammeh's agenda. They are brainwashed or hypnotised and spell not yet broken
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United Kingdom
7765 Posts

Posted - 28 Feb 2013 :  11:33:45  Show Profile Send kobo a Private Message

2. Another solidarity message for President Jammeh

Daily Observer News: Published on Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Written by MS Jacqueline Muhammad

"The president of the Republic, His Excellency Sheikh Professor Alhaji Dr. Yahya Jammeh continues to receive more solidarity messages for rejecting the proposed EU Article 8 Political Dialogue. The latest message came from Jacqueline Muhammed.

The message reads;

Dialogue or Dictate???

I write in regards to the propose EU Article 8 Political Dialogue.

Let’s start with some definitions from the:- Concise Oxford dictionary.

Dialogue:- (meaning)

• Discussion directed towards exploration of a subject or a resolution of a problem

• Talk about:- so as to reach a decision.

Dictate:- (meaning)

• State or order authoritatively

• Control or decisively affect:-determine

• An order or principle that must be obeyed.

Now I would like you to make your own decision of which one sounds more like that of which the EU has sent to the Gambian Government of the 17 points highlighted on the bases of article 8 political dialogue.

Well I would like to help- when someone has dialogue its about talking and coming to a resolution and an agreement which would work for both parties, the Roget thesaurus has described dialogue simply as:- Talk.

However the Roget thesaurus describes dictate as:- Command-law-dominate-dictatorship-mastership-government.

I do hope you are getting the point-there have been No talk just demands and orders and deadlines given to a Government who can Govern their own country and people –How dare a outside source such as the European Union come and dictate what our government should do and when- we are not a puppet nation awaiting for instructions from no one!!!!

I believe that slavery has been abolished? Unless someone can tell me any different… yes we know that Mental slavery still exist however the EU have chosen the wrong country to try to instill this slavery theory.

Our Gambian leader has every right to say hell no to dictatorship- The EU is not our father the only father we all have to adhere to is Allah/God Almighty himself- we have not got to answer to no other higher being.

We should all take a stance of strength and courage and not of weakness and submission, we may be small but we should not be in fear or frightened of any country or nation bigger than us- lets take the biblical story of David and Goliath- he took them on and he was the over comer!!!

There are so many issues that the EU should be focusing on such as the hungry people and people who are setting their selves alight with fire and the high suicidal levels in the European countries such as France and Greece and Spain due to lack of work and high inflation and based on the problems of the single currency and many have nowhere to live.

Why are they so interested in Africa… why do they not invest their time and efforts in achieving compensation for all the Africans who was uprooted and killed and hanged during slavery, we had no compensation for all of our pain and losses and free labour, have they at least said sorry or apologized for their wrongs??? Believe it or not they have not yet officially apologized although we have pushed just for a simple apology but they are afraid that if they apology they are placing their selves n a delicate position where they are admitting officially and then compensation could finally be recovered.

34 People are being shot daily in the USA- there is no focus on cutting down on the amount of deaths- why are they not focus on the drugs on the streets which are on the increase, why are they not concern about that?... no they are concern at discrediting our President- H.E. Sheikh Professor Alhaji Dr AJJ Jammeh so they can move into our country and Rule- and steal away what they want from our rich lands NO WAY!!!

Why are they interested in the Prisons???.. Do they want to turn the inmates and their families against the Nation to create chaos and anarchy and unruliness and disarray to create an uprising?

Why are they harping on the Death Penalty in “The Gambia” The death penalty is happing and has happened all over the world especially in USA they have executed (Electric Chair) thousands of innocent people without giving them a second chance or retrial even when new evidence had been presented.

“Freedom of Expression” is also quite hilarious and hypocritical as in the Europe you are not allow TRUE freedom of expression if you are found doing so you are arrested- Beaten in the cells and have dogs set against you… You are not even allowed to write anything against the Queen via email and if you are found out you can face criminal charges Actual fact is that most NEWS is never reported especially if it is sensitive news which concerns their Civil Servants or their Religious Figures they choose to protect those who have taken part in rapes and killings, so many news have been instructed NTO to be aired on Television / radio or placed in the papers by the higher forces….. So let’s speak about Freedom of speech in “The Gambia”.

Again now let’s re-look at the words definitions:-

Dialogue:- Discussion Directed towards exploration – (E.U. have not explored anything but instead given instructions and orders and deadlines)

Dialogue:- Resolution of a problem (instead of resolving they have been a thorn in “The Gambia’s” Affairs)

Dictate:- Control or decisively affect:- determine (this is exactly what the EU has impinge on and also demanding to stylish and decide on- something which is not their business)

Dictate:- An order or principle that must be obeyed (they have ordered and structured out that what they want “The Gambia Government” to follow – Giving clear instructions within their time frames)

European Union we will respect if you can leave this small and peaceful “Gambia” alone and deal with more pertinent and more important issues and STOP dictating and making orders to a sovereign and independent state.

“The Gambia” can stand for itself without interferences…

The Gambia wishes to move Forward Ever and Backward Never."

Edited by - kobo on 28 Feb 2013 11:40:03
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