The Gambia can always do with more hard currencies,the summer in The Gambia is virtually ignored by the tour operators as a destination for holidays,have a read of this from Daily News newspaper from a person who obviously knows what she is talking about and is fond of The Gambia.
Yes She is knowledgeable - she is chair of the Green Party and a lecturer in tourism. Writes a lot about the Gambia where she did VSO work. An articulate writer with interesting point of view.
Lily,that's good,maybe she could get an audience with "the first lady" (or write/contact State house ?) who seems to have her finger on the pulse of things,maybe that way things might just happen ? I looked up the price of a flight only in the summer,it was just not affordable !!
"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.