Put your money where your mouth is and go home and do something positive instead of continually repeating yourself as you've been doing for the past 6 years. Rather than being part of the solution to Gambia's challenges small minded people like you would have Gambia returning to colonial rule. You karamba are stuck in a time warp time stopped for you 18 years ago didn't it? What happened did you fall down from a high PPP position or something. Get over it and give us all a break. Didn't you know a whole generations have grown up in Gambia in that time. They are Gambia's future and will determine what shape it will take not some ill tuned wannabe.
You have no clue what anyone is contributing towards national welfare of Gambians. Stop your purely speculative blinding. You have no idea who is doing what. Hold it there Sister Omega.
Get to recognise CRIME and CRIMINALITY. Thugs and tyrants have no place in civil society.
You have piled up more than enough thrash all the time. Genuine Gambians love the country and will never abandone it just because bandits in control of guns stand the way.
Hmmmmmmmmmm.................Who is in the lead in this slanging match? sorry, discussion or put another way, which one would you vote for if they were in politics in the Gambia ?
"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.