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United Kingdom
3091 Posts

Posted - 07 Jan 2006 :  19:37:30  Show Profile Send gambiabev a Private Message
WHO says I am OLD???!!!

and he is JUST my guide!!!!
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Posted - 07 Jan 2006 :  22:51:02  Show Profile Send sunshine a Private Message
Yeah right! By the look of your postings, somehow Iīm not convinced.

You sound too desperate.

I think you one of them many old white ladies going to Gambia just

to get laid! Then you think you can save Africa just because youīve

been laid by an African brother. why donīt you just keep your flat

ass in the UK and donīt come bothering us africans with your ****!
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76 Posts

Posted - 08 Jan 2006 :  06:37:49  Show Profile Send Amna a Private Message

We dont know if GambiaBev is an old lady and old ladies are not easy to fool...U must be young for the young think the old ones are naive, but we are not...there is an old saying back home..what an old person can see sitting down, a young person may not see standing up even though the made me laugh.

GambiaBev, you are right and I dont suppose so, but I have done that before and it is just a reality. Going back home is nice but humen dignity, liberty and freedom is universal and once one gets to a certain level of human consciousness, it is difficult if not impossible to crawl back.

I have almost 30 years international and national presence. I have been in and out of The Gambia and I have organized and set up multiple ventures and projects, which if I talk about will blow my cover but I assure, I have been there. The fact is that "ALUTA CONTINUA" the struggle for freedom, justice and human dignity continues the world over..whether in Bwiam or Bedford, or the French surburbs or Baghdad or Jiddah or Aswan, or Rangoon, Myanmar. And it takes all of the risk of sounding pessimist, our dear Eye Doctor will be okay as I was until, the forces of darkness want something you have, or want a piece of the action or you see them committing atrocities, the last time I left The Gambia again was after the cold and broad day light shooting, maiming and killing of Gambians on 10th and 11th April 2001 [or was it 2000], I was at the Gambia Technical Training Institute, I wanted to start teaching/lecturing at the pittance they pay but i can afford it and teaching keeps you informed and fresh [keeps Alzheimer away], anyway I witnessed first hand what these thugs did..the so called security forces, first I noted that the lecture halls did not have emergency exits, a design flaw and safety hazard failure and when the students who were marching from GTTI to Banjul to present a petition to the Vice President protesting the lack of arrest and action of two cases..the beating and later death of a student in Brikama by Firemen and the rape of an student from Brikamaba alleged by a PIU officer, the security forces first attacked the peaceful marchers, then invaded the GTTI where some other students were taking their exams, they invaded the lecture halls, beating and heating with batons and gun butts at random and worse I saw them tear the uniforms of female students completely off, a savagery and animal hate I have never seen in The Gambia..students in exams halls, girls in uniforms are a threat to Junkung. So my lady, my advice to anyone, stay out of the politics, but yes, while freedom of movement is a fundamental human right, if one day, the world can guarantee the basic human rights for all, I will be among the first to return home. In the mean time, Aluta Continua...

God Bless.

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United Kingdom
3091 Posts

Posted - 08 Jan 2006 :  09:19:57  Show Profile Send gambiabev a Private Message

You are SO rude!! But you make me laugh too!!!

I DONT have a Gambia boyfriend at the moment. Before I came to Gambia I had NO idea about sex tourism......I was a naive person. Now I have seen it. It is sad that people willl sell themselves for cash...but understandable when poverty is making life hard. It is the same the world over. My advice to any Gambian thinking of it is dont sell your soul in this way. You will regret it emotionally and it is dangerous with all the STIs about. To tourists I would say....look at your age.....look at their you look foolish? would you want your child or grandchild to do this? would you do this at home? If they stop and really think MOST wouldnt do it!

I am 45.....a very young 45! I would want a boyfriend between 30 and 55........ There IS a Gambian guy I am good friends with...but NOT going out with YET. I am very cautious!!!! IT ISNOT MY GUIDE. (He is a good Muslim who is 'old fashioned' and is waiting to marry his girlfriend to have sex).

What I want to know from all you Gambians out there is IS IT POSSIBLE FOR A GAMBIAN MAN AND A WHITE WOMEN TO HAVE AN HONEST EQUAL RELATIONSHIP. Or does poverty have to get in the way? How do I know if it is me or my money he is interested in?

Ok everyone let me know your honest answers please!!!! NOT TOO RUDE SUNSHINE!!!!
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United Kingdom
3091 Posts

Posted - 08 Jan 2006 :  09:33:30  Show Profile Send gambiabev a Private Message

I would be really interested to hear more about your projects and which things have been a success. It is a shame you cant say more.
I understand you need your cover.

Is there anyway i can give you my email on this site without everyone seeing it? We could talk directly?!

What you witnessed in Gambia is shocking. Sometimes in England protests are prevented or handled roughly by the police. But not with bullets!!! (in northern ireland it was sometimes the case). One of the corner stones of democracy is freedom of speech. The right to march is fundamental. We should be able to express dissent.

Without that you have a dictatorship, not a democracy.

Try to keep optimistic. I hope Gambia achieves a true democracy without anymore bloodshed. We can but HOPE!

Bev. (gambiabev is my msn name when I talk to my gambian friends......much cheaper than phoning!)
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76 Posts

Posted - 08 Jan 2006 :  14:58:43  Show Profile Send Amna a Private Message
Dear Bev,

Actually I luv da GambiaBev..and appreciate your candour and sense of humour as evidenced by your response to Sunshine and actually for an elder Muslim male, I do hold some unorthodox views on sex.

While I frown upon any form of exploitation and as a Muslim must disavow prostitution, but I believe that at the end people have a right to choose /decide for themselves. We as a society must strive to create the environment and educate our people to the extent possible to ensure that as litte exploitation is possible.

Anyway from a historical point of view, men have been the primary percussors of sexual exploitation, if women, for a change are the perpetrators, there is a genuine sense of fair enough..anyway this is and always remains a sensitive and volatile subject, but that is why we are interested in this forum.

On can a white woman have an equal relationship with a black man in general and a Gambian in particular, the answer is an unquivocal yes, why relation is always exactly equal. But the two parties, if mutually consenting adults have and reserve the right to the kind/type of relation they want. Who am I to comment or disagree? Sometimes the differences in culture, perspective, race or whatever are the spice in the relationship.

Older men know the thrill in just thinking of getting a young woman and why not older women. Beside nature is a cruel teaser, men peak sexually early between late teens and mid twenties while women peak in mid thirties to early forties..seems to me a right mix.

Young-young and old-old may work well after all the mind is the most potent sexual organ but natures adds to the thrill of illicit or forbidden sex..old-young and young-old.

Lastly studies in the US showed that bi-racial relations tend to have stronger bonds. In particular, the relation of black men and white women who were the two groups most dominated by the white man [at least in the US historical context] while the black woman/white man had always some "somewhat" specaial relation, despite the historical power differential but women have operated despite the power differentiation [excuse the broad generalizations which I am a prime advocate against].

Having said this all, GambiaBev or Bev, if you wish, I have an email for my alter ego, which is listed on this forum but I am not sure I can reveal myself, at least until the Junkung Jahanama regime is gone and by the way, Junkung is Yaya Jammeh's father's name and means literally in Mandinka [to hit something Junku] and Jahanama is Arabic for Hell, so the appellation is a pun.

Cheers and God Bless.

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8 Posts

Posted - 08 Jan 2006 :  15:13:36  Show Profile Send sunshine a Private Message
Originally posted by gambiabev


You are SO rude!! But you make me laugh too!!!

I DONT have a Gambia boyfriend at the moment. Before I came to Gambia I had NO idea about sex tourism......I was a naive person. Now I have seen it. It is sad that people willl sell themselves for cash...but understandable when poverty is making life hard. It is the same the world over. My advice to any Gambian thinking of it is dont sell your soul in this way. You will regret it emotionally and it is dangerous with all the STIs about. To tourists I would say....look at your age.....look at their you look foolish? would you want your child or grandchild to do this? would you do this at home? If they stop and really think MOST wouldnt do it!

I am 45.....a very young 45! I would want a boyfriend between 30 and 55........ There IS a Gambian guy I am good friends with...but NOT going out with YET. I am very cautious!!!! IT ISNOT MY GUIDE. (He is a good Muslim who is 'old fashioned' and is waiting to marry his girlfriend to have sex).

What I want to know from all you Gambians out there is IS IT POSSIBLE FOR A GAMBIAN MAN AND A WHITE WOMEN TO HAVE AN HONEST EQUAL RELATIONSHIP. Or does poverty have to get in the way? How do I know if it is me or my money he is interested in?

Ok everyone let me know your honest answers please!!!! NOT TOO RUDE SUNSHINE!!!!

The answer is: you are too old for any guy who is 30, that does indeed look very foolish.

Sertainly a guy that age would not marry an old cow like you for other reasons than papers.

You are too old to give any man a children, so why would a young man marry you. Donīt be so stupid!

And what are you here for, looking for a guy? This is not a place for you to place personals. There are other sites for desperate old women like yourself.

And one thing is for sure: we africans do not like easy white women like you who **** with anybody on the first date even. You are very very nasty! You make me sick!

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8 Posts

Posted - 08 Jan 2006 :  15:21:38  Show Profile Send sunshine a Private Message
Amna here already says he loves you, so why not give the old dude some of that flat ass he seem to be craving for? i know you would not say no you ho!
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United Kingdom
3091 Posts

Posted - 08 Jan 2006 :  15:59:59  Show Profile Send gambiabev a Private Message
I am not here looking for a guy!!!

I am here trying to learn more about Gambia and Gambian way of life and attitudes to life.

You are very rude and judgemental. You dont know me at all!

Is the only reason for marriage to have children? Why do people bother with second marriages then? I have my children already. One day I hope to have grandchildren. I dont want any more children.
Does that mean I have to live a lonely life???? A sex less life????

I am NOT a 'desperate' old women. i am a recently divorced, now single women. I have a job, a daughter living at home, a family, friends, pets, an ex husband I am still friends with, hobbies etc...
I am NOT desperate for a man!

I am not placing an advert...... I know the man I have in mind. I have been friends with him for 2 years already. I was just asking if people think it is possible or stupid.

You have answered me. You think it is ridiculous and the man would just be after papers. You dont have a very high opinion of your fellow man!
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United Kingdom
3091 Posts

Posted - 08 Jan 2006 :  16:04:49  Show Profile Send gambiabev a Private Message
Amna, I have a misunderstanding...I thought you were a woman!!! Like Anna in English!!
Sunshine seems to think I have been flirting eith you I think. SORRY, but I haven' I say, until your last reply I thought you were female.
Sunshine is certainly VERY judgemental, which I try NOT to be!
I am trying to make an important decison and I dont want to make a fool of myself. Thought you Gambians could help me out with your opinions.
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8 Posts

Posted - 08 Jan 2006 :  16:10:50  Show Profile Send sunshine a Private Message
Poor you if you have to live a sexless life huh? That is all you Western women have in mind, sex!
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United Kingdom
3091 Posts

Posted - 08 Jan 2006 :  16:11:56  Show Profile Send gambiabev a Private Message
Don't Gambians have a notion of romantic love? Is all marriage about convenience and needs?

What about the simple idea of meeting someone, finding them attractive, getting along well and wanting to spend time together?

Is that possible? Or will the need for money or papers always get in the way??????
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United Kingdom
3091 Posts

Posted - 08 Jan 2006 :  16:15:08  Show Profile Send gambiabev a Private Message
Sex isnt a bad thing! It makes the world go round! If I live as long as my grand parents I will be 95 at least....thats 50 years with no sex...... A long time.....

I would like to meet someone to share my life with, but if I don't so be is not the end of the world....... I have plenty of other things in my life to keep me busy!
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76 Posts

Posted - 08 Jan 2006 :  16:28:18  Show Profile Send Amna a Private Message

U seem to have a major problem with etiquette or netiquette and only you seem to be reading what you are reading. The corruption is in your mind and imagination.

I have had numerous exchanges on this forum since 2001 and noone has come across so personal or rude. It is pointless and repugnant.

Whatever Bev chooses to do is her problem and you seem to have a hang up or obsession with her "flat ass" - your words..but that again is in your imagination because you have no clue about her physical attributes.

About me, you know next to ack, I write on economics, race and politics. This seemed like an chance to learn and teach but you have ignobly reduced it to a perverted discussions and that my dear we cannot allow. If you choose to indulge yourself in lowly pursuits, do it on your own.

Dear Bev, please ignore this guy and dont even bother to acknowledge him/her or dignify his/her remarks with a reply. His or her own disgusting words suffices.

AMNA is an Acronym..ALI MAZRUI NEW AFRICAN, which discusses what he called Africans triple heritage, African, Arab Islamc and Western Christian. I find it so apt because of my history and experience.

Some of my projects were water and sanitation, low cost housing and schooling however micro credit I aborted in the aftermath of the student massacres. I try to do these without the usual fanfare. I work with chosen people in the communities I chose randomly. I also believe in "dignity in labour" and I pay market rates for all work even where the communities are the beneficiaries. As a Muslim, I believe both in profitable commerce without exorbitant profiteering called "riba" and forbidden by Islam and also work. The Prophet Muhammad started life as a merchant. I can share alot of experience and expertise on these and I am thinking of putting them online or send me private mail at, BUT I dont promise to reveal my true identity. Sorry for that.

Thanks and God Bless you and keep the discourse going and all your good work and humanity. I hope you find someone worthy and deserving of a lady like you.


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691 Posts

Posted - 08 Jan 2006 :  16:41:56  Show Profile Send Babylon a Private Message
Sunshine, what is your problem? Your comments about white women are very racist and judgemental. Who are you, male or female? And how can you disrespect Amna like that? Shame on you, you ignorant fool!
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