Kobo,I clicked on your link to the Freedom Newspaper,this is the same newspaper that had a lead article quoted by Karamba "Breaking News: Gambia: President Jammeh Has Pancreatic Cancer! " This scoop has not been seized upon by any other news media that I have found,it makes me wonder if this new story will be the same ? Again let's wait and watch developments.
"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.
Thanks Brother Kobo, I only hope the truth comes to light because Gambians deserved to know who killed Dayda and much more the family of uncle Dayda have every right to know who killed their loved one.x
Toubab, please do help yourself with food from Freedom basket. All lights are off at Kanilai. In the absence of Jammeh telling the truth, most people will buy what comes from other sources. Freedom may not be all that you may want to take, they still generate some information better than Jammeh does.
While I am not trying to rush with the news, something is just interesting about some of the names that are coming to light. Take an example Solo Bojang who is Yaya Jammeh's uncle is the same person that lead the witch hunters during the whole time that they were rounding up innocent men and women for the witch craft nonsense.
"There is no god but Allah (SWT); and Muhammad (SAW)is His last messenger." shahadah. Fear & Worship Allah (SWT) Alone! (:
Not knowing if the self confessed killer is true to his words. What we know is that Deyda Hydara was killed people and Jammeh appears happy that Deyda is killed.
Jammeh has to know that Deyda remains a loving father and well respected member of Gambian society. Killing him has not taken that away. Jammeh should think about the last days of his mentor Gaddafi.