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 Africans are Parasites in the West
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Posted - 03 Oct 2011 :  14:55:48  Show Profile  Visit Santanfara's Homepage Send Santanfara a Private Message
They Say we’re Parasites
By Suntou Touray

Of course because we drove, flown and canoed
To the heavens on earth, if there is such a place
Yet, we who made the journey wallow in our achievements
To the United States , “here I come’
Down in Deutschland, the streets greets us with frowns

In London , the cocktails of humanity litter every corner of the East End
Whilst Sweden swallow our offspring in de-Africanisation
With all the congested invisible souls from far away nations
Our people are proud for us to be Invisibles in the West
The tag ‘parasites’ lingers behind us
What about the crimes against our ancestors, the thieving of our gold and silver
The stealing of mortal men???

They say we are parasites
Africans are parasites in the West
They go unnoticed to work places created by the Westerners
They enjoy the supermarkets, the cheap food, beer, and meat, chicken
They even depend on the social services
They get houses, income support, and many other benefit packages

Africans ignore African problems
Africans look up to Western achievements for comfort
But Africans are parasites even in spirituality
They pay to Evangelist pastors to Prophesies for them
They belabor Marabous to seek successes for them
What is that, we’re not parasite of???
We announce our victimizations but forget our responsibilities

Will the West ever mirrors our future Africa
Where our hopes and aspirations will depend
And passive inactivity will turn into a machine of
Ever ready activist for the common cause
For now ‘let’s make do with our parasital tendencies’ whilst we ponder

Surah- Ar-Rum 30-22
"And among His signs is the creation of heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge." Qu'ran


12306 Posts

Posted - 03 Oct 2011 :  15:16:55  Show Profile Send toubab1020 a Private Message
Santa,this poem is a very deep pool of reality of today's time,personally I think that you have spent a great deal of effort isolating problems that relate to African peoples,many of which they are not responsible for,I am not an African so cannot comment from thinking in a way that Africans think,I am a toubab and can only relate to the way I think,there again I am an Englishman and not a Swede or a Dane,or an American who doubtless think differently.People are People from wherever and all think differently, some good ,some bad, I find this poem moving and truthful but also very difficult to discuss.Thanks.

Santa in the last line of your penultimate verse you write:

"We announce our victimizations but forget our responsibilities"

This is a major problem,together with the administration structures that have been established in MOST of Africa to run MOST African nations,that lead many of their peoples to search for greener pastures elswhere often in the western world.

"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.

Edited by - toubab1020 on 03 Oct 2011 15:22:41
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3460 Posts

Posted - 04 Oct 2011 :  20:56:17  Show Profile  Visit Santanfara's Homepage Send Santanfara a Private Message
I get your drift. Actually the poem is a difficult subject as you can see. The central message is not a support for the west neither an anger venge towards Africa.
The realities on the ground in Africa is appalling in many regards. To this day in the 21st Century, still Africans are suffering more than any other in our globe. And Africans are still largely mute to that effect.
Now many can say, since the larger section of society fear repression in the soil of Africa, what about when those same Africans migrated to the West, the promise land?
Again, if you take the Gambia as a sample, the estimated number of Gambians and their descendants in America and Europe is in the region 100,000. How many of this 100,000 say again about the plight of their people back home? Very few.
However, contrast that with an African who gets a European citizenship or An American passport. You will find this African fighting for every smallest rights he or she is aggrieved on.
Why is that so?
Now come to the political climates in the Gambia as case study. You will find out that, very few bother to get stuck in. Yet the West did not became a place where the rights of Europeans or those legally resident their took the form of utmost respect and protection. The people stood up to authority in making sure, no politician, however powerful he/she may be can abuse people's right and go to bed. When will Africans want to be uncomfortable and tackle this difficult issues.

Now coming to Parasital tendecy, some people express anger for my use that phrase and Scales even tries to assume that, I need some fresh air. This have nothing to do with personal odessy, its after years of social observations, i wrote this piece.
The Evangelist Pastors are getting richer by day, because people pay them 10% of their earning every week. And the Muslim Marabous are exploiting people thousands to pray for them. Try to rationalise why people pay for others to facilitate God's grace on them?
Thanks. Later

Surah- Ar-Rum 30-22
"And among His signs is the creation of heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge." Qu'ran
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12306 Posts

Posted - 04 Oct 2011 :  21:47:50  Show Profile Send toubab1020 a Private Message
Santa,I understand your points,yes, lets face it a long time ago the west had despots who were kings and they treated their subjects in the most terrible fashion,this system lasted into a time a few hundred years ago,very gradually things improved for the average citizen into the scheme of things that we in the west have today,during this improving time we in England had the industrial revolution where a great many people located to the towns which them became cities with factories, England (OK all the UK !) was blessed at that time with men who invented machines which made things far faster than they could be made by hand,consequently we were able to trade very effectively because MOST other nations did not have the machines that consumed vast quantities of raw materials and turned out finished good cheaply.
Africa has never had that period in their culture and has in the main remained a country where people farmed for their survival and the survival of their families,even 6 months ago i witnessed my friend using a cut down fork of a tree to dig a hole in the earth to plant his banana plants,a very ineffective way to dig a hole,this man was not without means and had his own heard of cattle and employed men to look after them,a television set and many acres of his own land,yet he dug a hole for his plants in the way I have written.
The Christian church also went through vast changes and yes even in my lifetime I was approached to give 10% of my earnings to the Church, the Christian church has gone into a decline in England in recent times losing much of its power and has suffered a drop in attendance.
America has adopted its own Churches and it does appear that the followers of some Evangelist ministers have been convinced to make very large donations.I know very little about Religion and try hard to stay away from the subject.I have written before that I think Religion is a very personal matter and everyone has the right to choose what religion he or she wishes to follow and providing that following that Religion does NO HARM to another ,then that's fine.ALL religions believe in some supreme being or thing that they hold Holy.

"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.
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3460 Posts

Posted - 05 Oct 2011 :  00:54:18  Show Profile  Visit Santanfara's Homepage Send Santanfara a Private Message
In many African countries, brain drain is a serious issue. The European and American embassies across Africa only issue Visas to Africans who have a certain aptitude in intelligence ie, they have competency in academic field.
To be able to study in America, England, Germany, etc, one most have a good credit in core subjects.
Now then, if the Africans abroad belongs to the intelligent category, why are we ineffective against tyrant and corrupt murderers? Yet when you question that lame dockness, some Africans will interpret that as neo-imperialism. What a buffonery accusation.

Anyhow, the intelligent Africans who are given Visas to travel to Europe or America later settle there, shouldn't they be able to further get organise and tackle their common problems? But people have become experts in making foolish remarks against people they don't know. In some platforms, I am accused of xenophobia, tribalism and what have you. Yet the main issue lies unresolve.
Attend any board meeting of the Asian community, you will find them very organise and purposeful (they have lawyers, accountants, estate agents, retailers and wholesalers, doctors, etc all keen to stand up for their community). Attend a similar meeting of Africans, you will find many unwilling to even come forward let alone voice a solution.

In doesn't matter whether this is journalistic groups, social group or political. Many of us have become too consume with our personal goal fulfilment to the detriment of our collective good. The west is not perfect, yet they were able to see the collective good above and over individual interest.
Only Africans can tackle the slow solution to the little problems we face. Imagine Africa have more lands to feed every Africans. yes, we live in Europe, but if only 20% of Africans living in the West should get involve in fighting injustices, the vibration will cause many things to change. Thanks

Surah- Ar-Rum 30-22
"And among His signs is the creation of heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge." Qu'ran
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12306 Posts

Posted - 05 Oct 2011 :  01:11:21  Show Profile Send toubab1020 a Private Message
Very good, agreed.Thanks.

"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.
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3460 Posts

Posted - 05 Oct 2011 :  12:42:51  Show Profile  Visit Santanfara's Homepage Send Santanfara a Private Message
Originally posted by toubab1020

Very good, agreed.Thanks.

As it happens, because Africans are lacking behind in organising and having a strong voice in the West, there is fears in Sweden, France and England that, the social services are taking children away from their parents. How many African groups are consulting local authorities on the performance of African children in schools?
We did it last year, and in fact, as for Gambia and Senegal, the West Midlands local authourities classify them according to ethnicity, not country...
If anyone wish to hide behind pen name to assume that, i am miseducated, I would like to see where your education have taken you that and mine havent. Right thinking readers will discern that, the 'WE' is inclusive of me. We failed to organise and be effective. Only in entertainment are any African group able to bring community members out.
Very few individuals create an avenue for African descendant children to have a place to socialise...This children will experience identity crisis and may potentially join bad crowds. In any case, those involve in community action will acknowledge that, because many (married or single parents) can run to the existing social buffer, not many are willing to get out of the booble and create an alternative avenue for their children to have access to something unique.
Worst of all, try to have a conversation bothering on African politics, you will be left talkning to yourself.

Surah- Ar-Rum 30-22
"And among His signs is the creation of heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge." Qu'ran
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12306 Posts

Posted - 05 Oct 2011 :  16:29:06  Show Profile Send toubab1020 a Private Message
I might be mistaken in interpreting what you have written Santa,surely if you intend to make another culture your way of life and the way of life of your children you should do your utmost to integrate with that culture ?
You should not abandon your origins of course you shouldn't such origins are part of you.Have clubs and functions specific to your roots certainly, if you have specific meeting places solely for African people ,Chinese people,
Indian people,or whoever you are not creating a unified society in the country that you have chosen to become part of,is that what you are advocating ? There are good people and bad people in all the human race so it matters not what social gathering you wish to join in,your words "potentially join bad crowds" maybe put in the wrong place in your post.
It is my understanding that there are Americans who like to be referred to as Black African Americans, do those who wish to be referred to in those terms really consider themselves to be a citizen of the nation of America?

"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.

Edited by - toubab1020 on 05 Oct 2011 16:30:38
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3460 Posts

Posted - 05 Oct 2011 :  17:01:18  Show Profile  Visit Santanfara's Homepage Send Santanfara a Private Message
I am not talking about segregation in any way. In fact you have Irish pubs, but they blend in. What standing up for yourself means is that, you are taken seriously and respected. And that is the way. It is similar to the different bodies respresenting the different groups. The New Community Forum caters for all minority community. It is not possible to assimilate in total, you can integrate but still what you are will remain.
If all other community form a body that looks after them, (Jewish groups, Indian, Chinise etc) it doesn't mean they don't blend in, but they also offer something different. remember the Chicken Tikka Masala statement of Robin Cook? If all Indians people say, let us abandon Indian food for English food, life will be boring for them.

How many African restaurant have you visited wherever you are? Africans don't need sugar-coated cuddly any more.. They most face the fact and get organise. You Toubab can enjoy Gambian food, Senegalese, Nigerian and be more English. But who knows African Food?

Surah- Ar-Rum 30-22
"And among His signs is the creation of heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge." Qu'ran
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12306 Posts

Posted - 05 Oct 2011 :  17:18:36  Show Profile Send toubab1020 a Private Message
Santa, there really isn't a tikka masala that is available in India to compare with a Chicken Tikka Masala that the Indian cooks have adapted to suit the English palette,good business and intigration,agreed,Goat curry from Jamaica, great, black beans (from wherever) that are available in Gambia ,super with mayonnaise and pepper sauce one of my favorites.

"They most face the fact and get organise." to do what engage in politics,to integrate,to speak the language of their adopted country because they have fled economic,political,religious problems in their own homeland ? To set themselves apart from the population? EVERYBODY want to do the best for themselves and families and the only way to do that is by having a job and working or making a profitable enterprise for yourself,the choice of food that is cooked at London's Notting Hill Carnival for instance is so varied it makes your head spin and now that the organisers have got the handle on violent disruptive criminal elements that existed in the past EVERYONE can have fun and a great day out.

"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.

Edited by - toubab1020 on 05 Oct 2011 17:24:21
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3460 Posts

Posted - 09 Oct 2011 :  22:13:47  Show Profile  Visit Santanfara's Homepage Send Santanfara a Private Message
A strong community can create jobs, open doors to prosperity (who you knows) been a bench mark. many accountancy firms, law firms, small businesses all started with community support. Therefore, for Africans to be lacking behind and allowing government patronising, it will not lead them much higher in society.
I know, the views in Europe about integration, however, a good law firm started by immigrants can help create jobs and can also act as a pressure group in standing up for vulnerable members of society.
The jewish lobby works wonders because they do not rely on government for everything, they open up doors for each other.

Surah- Ar-Rum 30-22
"And among His signs is the creation of heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge." Qu'ran
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12306 Posts

Posted - 09 Oct 2011 :  23:46:53  Show Profile Send toubab1020 a Private Message
"a good law firm started by immigrants can help create jobs and can also act as a pressure group in standing up for vulnerable members of society. "

Santa, very laudable I am sure but in Gambia how much better to be a farmer to grow food well and employ those who can learn your skills,or masioners who can build houses and teach others, electricians who can teach others,carpenters,mechanics,welders,plumbers, decorators,brick makers.
Taking people to law and through the courts in whichever country they may be is big business and very very well paid if you make it to the top,some are necessary obviously many have their specialities,lawyers have to be paid their heavy fees,who pays ? the client?not often because they don't have the money,the government ? in a way I suppose through legal aid funded by who ? the taxpayers.Sorry Santa,provide jobs that are needed by the majority of people not minority elites who are blessed with a better brain than most of us ! (O.K, me ).

"The jewish lobby works wonders because they do not rely on government for everything, they open up doors for each other." quite so but very many are lawyers ! and of course diamond dealers
The same can be said of the Indian community they believe in helping each other and not relying on outside help from the government.

"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.

Edited by - toubab1020 on 09 Oct 2011 23:53:45
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Posted - 09 Oct 2011 :  23:57:01  Show Profile  Visit Santanfara's Homepage Send Santanfara a Private Message
actually i am providing a sample. it can be any local base opportunity, not just lawyers or elites. African have to step up and for that, no government in the west will do that for them..
After centuries of living in the west, how many Africans are landlords in Europe? Without a strong voice, you are not taking seriously. Period, no amount of liberal pacifying will end a targetted victimisation of minority groups. And in Africa, good organisation will end tyranny and dictatorship with its baggage of sycophancy.

Surah- Ar-Rum 30-22
"And among His signs is the creation of heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge." Qu'ran
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12306 Posts

Posted - 10 Oct 2011 :  11:38:17  Show Profile Send toubab1020 a Private Message
Santa,do you not think that its about time that Africans took responsibility for their own shortcomings?if that's what they are and they enjoy living in the world of their grandfathers in 2011, the "former colonial masters" have gone.If Africans are not content it's up to them to change things into what they want,those Africans who have travelled and made a life in the west are often disappointed as to the life that they have that is far from the streets paved with gold and all good things that they had imagined,yes they have more money than their brothers in Africa,are they happier ?
are they content with their lot in the West ? Do they yearn for the Africa that they left?,how many return? Have Africans become rich in many occupations in the West?
This topic could go on and on,its time for the "colonial masters" blame game to end,if Africans want to do something let Africans do what they want themselves,the west should stop interfering in all ways.

"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.
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3460 Posts

Posted - 10 Oct 2011 :  20:23:26  Show Profile  Visit Santanfara's Homepage Send Santanfara a Private Message
Originally posted by toubab1020

Santa,do you not think that its about time that Africans took responsibility for their own shortcomings?if that's what they are and they enjoy living in the world of their grandfathers in 2011, the "former colonial masters" have gone.If Africans are not content it's up to them to change things into what they want,those Africans who have travelled and made a life in the west are often disappointed as to the life that they have that is far from the streets paved with gold and all good things that they had imagined,yes they have more money than their brothers in Africa,are they happier ?
are they content with their lot in the West ? Do they yearn for the Africa that they left?,how many return? Have Africans become rich in many occupations in the West?
This topic could go on and on,its time for the "colonial masters" blame game to end,if Africans want to do something let Africans do what they want themselves,the west should stop interfering in all ways.

Toubab, you are actually now comprehending my assertions. Whether it is in Africa, Europe or America. Africans should look internal for solutions to their problems. if you look at the poem closely, the stanza which touch on the West was a passing remark. That is to say, yes i admit colonialism has it effect on us, but it now time to banish anything we cry foul about. A man must take a stand and look ahead. This world is a dog eat dog world. Africans are swallowing each other each day, just like others are doing. Now is the time for to get organise whereve we are.

Surah- Ar-Rum 30-22
"And among His signs is the creation of heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge." Qu'ran
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12306 Posts

Posted - 10 Oct 2011 :  21:10:02  Show Profile Send toubab1020 a Private Message
"Toubab, you are actually now comprehending my assertions. Whether it is in Africa, Europe or America. Africans should look internal for solutions to their problems."

That's my point as well,do things yourself, as you write Santa,"This world is a dog eat dog world."

"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.
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