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 G20 adds African Union as member

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 09 Sep 2023 : 13:04:37

NEW DELHI (AP) — The Group of 20 top world economies welcomed the African Union as a member, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said Saturday, adding momentum to his drive to give a greater voice to the Global South as host of this year’s annual summit.

Modi announced the membership during his opening speech for the weekend summit of the G20. Growing global rifts and the absence of key players threatened to make reaching consensus on the thorniest issues elusive.

There was widespread support, however, for adding the AU to the G20, making it the second regional bloc to become a permanent member after the European Union.

Modi rapped his gavel three times before announcing the move to applause in the room.

He shook hands with the current AU chair, Comoros President Azali Assoumani, and embraced him warmly before inviting him to sit at the table.

“I invite the representative of the African Union to take his place as a permanent member of the G20,” Modi said.

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