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 MALI, rejects funds to development organizations

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 29 Jul 2023 : 13:22:58


Mali has decided to change the status of the French language, which had been the official language of the country in a significant constitutional reform.
The new constitution, adopted by referendum with an overwhelming approval rating of 96.91%, will elevate national languages to official status, reducing the status of French to a language for specific purposes.
The Moroccan News Agency reported that the new Malian constitution, which was approved after several court appeals were rejected, particularly regarding the cancellation of the referendum due to incomplete nationwide participation, now recognises the official status of the national languages.
The Constitutional Court stated that the voter turnout in the referendum amounted to 38.23% of the voters registered in the electoral lists.
It is worth noting that in November, Mali’s transitional government announced the suspension of all activities of French-funded NGOs.
This decision came amid escalating tensions in relations between the two countries.
The Malian government issued an immediate ban on activities of all non-governmental organisations operating in Mali, which receive funding or material or technical support from France, including those working in the humanitarian field.
The government further stated that it had learned of France’s decision, taken on November 16, to suspend its assistance to development organizations due to unsubstantiated allegations of military cooperation between Mali and Russia.

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