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 Melvin Snowe Jr, Ecowas advises BARROW

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 06 Jul 2023 : 12:13:46


By Omar Bah on July 6, 2023

The chairman of the Ecowas parliament’s committee on political affairs Melvin Snowe Jr, has advised President Adama Barrow not to consider running for a third term using constitutional technicalities. Mr Snowe was speaking in the wake of Senegalese president Macky Sall’s decision not to go for a third term.

Mr Snowe who was talking to myecowasnewsonline added:”The Ecowas Commission is headed by a Gambian, and that speaks a lot for The Gambia and President Barrow, whose office has commended the recent decision of Senegalese president Macky Sall. I hope Barrow will follow and not consider running for a third term based on constitutional technicalities”.

Chairman Snowe added that President Barrow had the opportunity to amend the country’s constitution but failed to do so.

“The blame can be shifted on the parliament and the executive, but the end justifies the means; we are praying that he will be magnanimous even if he changes the constitution, and agree that he is in his final term,” he said.

Commenting on the sustainability of democracy in The Gambia, Snowe said: “We need to promote democracy in its true meaning, not by ambushing the constitution. We still have the Ecowas peacekeeping force in The Gambia.”

Mr Snowe further disclosed that three countries are opposed to the Ecowas Treaty on Good Governance but felt shorthanded in naming them.

He went on to reveal that the issue of “not tampering with constitutions for presidents to seek a third term mandate will come up for discussion on 9 July 2023, in Guinea-Bissau during the Ecowas Heads of State Meeting.”

Macky Sall

Commenting on Macky Sall’s decision to quit, Mr Snowe said President Sall’s decision is “a relief to the West African sub-region”.

“This decision, largely anticipated, puts an end to several months, even years, of speculation on its possibility,” he said.

Senator Snowe commended Sall’s and expressed hope that the likes of President Barrow would follow his example.

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