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 A Gambian & Senegalest risk 7 years in jail.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 15 Jun 2022 : 18:23:26
Only just seen this today.
Spain – Gambian Migrants Boat Captain Risks 7 Years in Jail

By Mam Tala Jaw On Oct 25, 2021

A Prosecutor in Spain has made a preliminary request to a court in Granada to sentence Sarjo S., a Gambian, and Youssoupha S., a Senegalese, to a prison term of seven years, each. The Spanish coast guards arrested the two men sailing a boat full of migrants from The Gambia, via Senegal, on September 13, 2018, off the coast of Motril (Granada).

According to the Grenada court file, the two boat captains were intercepted with 80 immigrants, ten of whom were minors.

Youssoupha S., a 39-year-old Senegalese, and Sarjo S., a 32-year-old native of Gambia, are accused by the Spanish Public Ministry of “Committing a crime against the foreign citizens they illegally sailed to Spain.”

According to the indictment sheet, “At about 3:30 p.m. on September 13, 2018, both defendants were surprised by forces of the Maritime Service of the Civil Guard, 47 miles south of Motril (Granada), each of the defendants skipping the boat that lacked any security measure.”

“With the evident risk to the physical integrity of the occupants, they transported 80 people, 53 men, 17 women, and 10 minors, of Bangladesh, Guinea, Ivory Coast, and Senegal.”

“The migrants intended to enter Spanish territory with the help of the accused without possessing the necessary documentation to do so,” the prosecutor explained.

According to the prosecutor, the boat’s characteristics that lacked any security measure, the distance of the journey carried out without water or food, and the number of passengers on board seriously endangered the life and physical integrity of the migrants.

Sarjo and Youssoupha will stand trial on November 16 in the First Section of the Granada Court.

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