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 Politics: Gambian politics
 Moral decadence!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 12 Feb 2025 : 21:57:39
Moral decadence!
By Mustapha-Swandi K Darboe

There is something vicious about the Gambian reality. A betrayal the likes of which is rare. Even for a people so outwardly godly and inwardly empty, barren of all sorts of mercy. Since 2016, the politicians have marched to positions of authority. And as they arrive, they share knives and apportion themselves a fat, succulent part of the national beef. Left the bones for the people who praise, dance and sing them to grace.

Such that the salary of the Gambian president D170, 000 in 2016— according to public records— now shoots up to D500, 000. A man paid to preside over a tax system is untaxed! The lawmakers have increased theirs the same way and even added onto it free Toyota Parados. The ministers would not be left out in this rat race— a primitive accumulation and pursuit of unquenchable desires. You wonder what we are rewarding, considering, we are told, poverty has increased within the same period by 5%— from 48% to 53%. To visualise that, is to say 5 in every 10 Gambian you meet, lives below 2 dollars a day. Enough to buy you 4 ‘attaya’ and four pots of sugar.

There is some cruelty to this that it gives you some sense that we are— as a collective— a large band of spineless people! A government of the people, by the people and for a few! A pseudo democracy where the poor survives on the benevolence of the folks on the wheel.

I am ashamed! Are you?

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