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 IEC chairman set for retirement

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 10 Feb 2025 : 12:26:09
IEC chairman set for retirement
The Point: Feb 7, 2025
By: Bekai Njie

The long-serving chairman of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), Alhagie Alieu Momarr Njai, is set for retirement in March 2025.

“As I far as I know, the chairman is currently in the office, but he will retire in March 2025,” IEC’s spokesperson Pa Khan confirmed.

Alieu Momar Njai was appointed chairman of IEC in April 2016, replacing Alhaji Mustapha L. Carayol, who was appointed in 2006.

The Electoral Commission is yet to announce a successor for Njai as the appointment process will follow constitutional dictates, such as nominations and confirmation procedures by the parliament.

His son Momodou Alieu Njai hailed his father for the service to the nation, while expressing gratitude. He highlighted his role in fostering a democratic environment and empowering youth participation in the political process.

“As today February 6th, 2025 marks the end of your term at the Independent Electoral Commission as Chairman, we thank you Alhagie Alieu Momarr Njai for your service to country,” his son Momodou Alieu Njai said in a statement.

“It was under your leadership that on-the-spot counting was implemented. It was under your leadership that change happened in 2016 paving the way for a more democratic atmosphere. It's also true that when an error was detected, you were honest enough to call all stakeholders to rectify it rather than just sweep it under the carpet. It's also under your leadership that the youth trust the process to contest, and hold elected offices like never before.

“I know your conscience is clear knowing you have done your best to safeguard the will of the people, and put The Gambia on a path that will benefit generations to come.

“The rest is now up to Gambians to make sure that public officials have integrity, and not be swayed or intimidated by anyone to do his/her job.”

Alieu Momar Njai was born 15 August 1934, and appointed Chairman of IEC on 10 April 2016.

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