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 Gambia may hold referendum on new constitution

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 28 Jun 2024 : 14:56:53
Gambia may hold referendum on new constitution in December

FROM THE POINT Newspaper Jun 28, 2024, 11:34 AM

Article By: Jankey Ceesay

President Adama Barrow, giving the 2024 State of the Nation Address (SoNA) at the National Assembly yesterday, disclosed that a referendum on the new constitution would hopefully be held in December 2024.

Since 2017, the president said, his administration had embarked on significant legal reforms.

“Our efforts include introducing a new Constitution, and we remain committed to pursuing it this year. It is hoped that a referendum on the new Constitution will be held in December 2024,” he said.

He also stated that the Ministry of Justice has been acting on the TRRC recommendations, particularly through the drafting of the Special Accountability Mechanisms Bill and the Special Prosecutor’s Office Bill.

“These Bills,” he explained, “are part of a broader strategy to establish a Hybrid Court, in collaboration with ECOWAS. The Court will apply both domestic and international law to TRRC cases.”

He stated that the establishment of the Special Criminal Division of the High Court, staffed by distinguished Gambian judges, marks a huge step towards presiding over TRRC-related cases “impartially and effectively”.

Among items of legislation enacted in 2023 was the Anti-Corruption Bill, he said, adding: “Apart from robust frameworks to criminalise corrupt practices, specialised anti-corruption agencies have been strengthened to effectively enforce the law on corruption.”

He also said the Victims Reparations Act, aimed at providing reparations to victims of human rights violations from the past regime, has been enacted.

To ensure integrity and accountability in government, the Ban from Public Office Act had been enacted to prevent individuals convicted of corruption or related offences from holding public office, Barrow highlighted.

He said: “The Former Presidents Act, also enacted, acknowledges the services of the nation’s former leaders. It provides for their dignified post-presidential life, while balancing it with the interests of the Gambian people.

“Another piece of legislation is the Commission of Inquiry (Amendment) Act, 2023 to conduct thorough investigations and ensure justice and accountability within Government.”

Several other bills have been under consideration, the president further stated, saying: “Among them are The Criminal Offences Bill and The Criminal Procedure Code Bill; both are vital in building a more transparent and accountable society.”

He also reaffirmed to the nation: “As we continue to strengthen our legal and judicial systems, my government remains resolute in its commitment to upholding the rule of law and ensure justice for all Gambians.”

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