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 Latest death of Jammeh victim renews calls for

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 23 Aug 2023 : 12:49:03
Latest death of Jammeh victim renews calls for speedy repatriations
The Standard - August 23, 2023

Sukai Darboe, one of the most prominent women in the resistance against former dictator Jammeh, died last week. She is mourned by thousands of people including members of the United Democratic Party where she worked tirelessly mobilising resistance against Jammeh’s tyranny as well as galvanishing support to her party leader and officials incarcerated by the dictator.

Sukai was also very well known in the victim community having suffered torture and illegal detention by the notorious NIA.

She was among the witnesses who testified at the truth commission where she narrated the horrendous inhumane treatment meted out to her and others for expressing their opposition to the government of Yahya Jammeh.

Her death has now raised questions as to how long shall surviving victims wait to be satisfactorily compensated. “It has proven too late for Sukai and half dozen others before her. Government should do everything possible to expedite the compensation process,” a mourner told The Standard at her funeral.

“Yet another casualty of the 22-year-long oppressive regime has passed away. Sukai Dahaba, a courageous survivor of the peaceful demonstration on May 9, 2016, was an integral part of the #Kalama revolution alongside other resolute women in 2016. The enduring victims are still grappling with the dire consequences of the brutal torture inflicted upon them, leading to suffering and even death. The Gambian government, under the purview of the Attorney General’s Chambers and Ministry of Justice, leaves us wondering about the current status of the reparations bill and the crucial medical assistance intended for those undergoing intensive medical care,” commented Ayesha Haruna Jammeh, a prominent member of the victim society.

According to the Minister of Justice in an earlier interview, a victim compensation bill has already been drawn up and given to cabinet after which it will be presented to the National Assembly. He said already government has embarked D155M for compensation and will seek more funds from partners for the commission to use as compensation as well as register other possible victims not covered by the TRRC.

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