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 Politics: Gambian politics
 The security sector reform is a donor money hunt

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 15 Aug 2023 : 22:28:25
By Mustapha-Swandi Darboe

The security sector reform is a donor money hunt, project-proposal-intellectualism scam. There will be no reform in the conduct of the security forces unless there is a reform in the conduct of their civilian handlers. We must reform our governance system and stop politicising justice and law enforcement institutions.

From independence to date, all abuse of the security officials in the country are on the orders or to the pleasure of their civilian handlers. The political and civilian handlers reward loyalty which in their warped mindsets means loyalty to them and their political survival.

But like the indomitable Junkunda Daffeh said “...Competent men do oppose cronies”. Thus, the incompetent folks in the civil and security forces rush to please to get a reward. Ultimately, the abuse becomes the system.

Critically analyze the abuse of our security sector, and you will come to realise that it has always been at the pleasure of their civilian handlers. Until we work to make everyone feel safe, no one will feel safe.

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