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 Missing a court hearing could cost you D10,000

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 04 Aug 2023 : 13:07:43


By Amadou Jadama on August 4th, 2023

Bakary Mankajang, a famous social media communicator and face on Gambian affairs has been dragged to court by one Landing Jarju, a real estate dealer over a video he posted on tik tok alleging fraudulent dealings by Jarju and his company.

In the video, Mankajang claimed that he purchased a land from Mr Jarju in 2020 for D300,000 which was never delivered. Mankajang further claimed that after his video was released other people raised similar accusations against Jarju.

Unhappy with these allegations, Jarju sued Mankajang for spreading false information and sought for the court to compel the defendant (Mankajang) to refrain from spreading false and unjustified news about him.

Jarju asserted in his suit that his business is legally registered and has conducted legitimate transactions and he believes that Mankajang’s actions in the tik tok video undermined his credibility and the trustworthiness of his real estate company.

When the case was announced before Principal Magistrate Jabang yesterday at the Kanifing court, Mankajang was present with his lawyer but Jarju or his representative were nowhere to be found compelling the court to adjourn the case to next Tuesday. However the court has awarded a cost of D10,000 to Mr Mankajang and ordered that if Mr Jarju fails to appear before the court, the matter will be struck out.

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