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 State appeals release of trio selling Jesus’s land

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 17 Jul 2023 : 18:33:10

The case was adjourned to the 28th July.


By Bruce Asemota on July 17th 2023

The State has filed a notice of appeal challenging the decision of the Banjul Magistrate’s Court to release three persons over a land sale.
The trio were charged with seven counts of criminal offences, including conspiracy to defraud, obtaining goods by false pretence amongst others.
It is alleged that the trio in 2014 conspired among themselves to fraudulently obtain money from one Kutubo Ceesay totalling D200.000.00 for the sale of a plot of land belonging to Ensa Badjie, former IGP better known as Jesus at Old Yundum.
The accused persons went through a full trial and were acquitted and discharged by the Banjul Magistrate’s Court, but the state is dissatisfied and had filed a notice of appeal challenging the decision at the High Court.
Meanwhile, during court sitting at the last adjourned date, state counsel Jobarteh informed the court that the record of proceedings from the Magistrate’s Court was not available and made an application for the court to order the registrar to furnish the High Court with the records.
The presiding Judge, Justice Ebrima Jaiteh accordingly directed the Registrar of Banjul Magistrate’s Court to produce the records of proceedings before the court.
The case was adjourned to the 28t July.

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