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 Politics: Gambian politics
 NAMS on Holiday for a month.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 13 Jul 2023 : 17:51:50



National Assembly to go on month-long recess

Jul 13, 2023, 11:25 AM | Article By: Ali Jaw

The National Assembly of The Gambia will go on month-long recess, according to an announcement on Tuesday by the Office of the Clerk.

The month-long break will be effective from 1 to 31 August.

“During this period, all businesses, and activities (Plenary & Committee Sessions) of the National Assembly will be suspended to allow Honourable Members proceed on vacation,” a statement from Clerk’s office says.

Assembly businesses and other engagements, such as the tabling of bills, performing of oversight functions over state bodies and debating issues, among others, shall resume on 1 September 2023.

“Accordingly, the Office of the Clerk shall not consider any official engagement with NAMs during the said period,” it says.

Amidst rising uncertainties, such as corruption, inflation, high cost of goods and services and insecurity, the lawmakers are faced with a huge task, as Gambians yearn for stricter reforms and more pragmatic solutions to their plights and predicaments.

Meanwhile, amidst these uncertainties, Gambians anticipate the passing of the 2019 Anti-Corruption Bill, a bill which still lingers at the consideration stage, although it has been tabled twice before lawmakers.

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