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 KMC,target in the next 100 days. Will it be met ?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 06 Jun 2023 : 12:55:01


The Kanifing Municipal Council is scheduled to meet today. This is their first meeting since the day of inauguration. Meetings of councils are supposed to be open to the public in accordance with section 30 of the Local Government Act.

It is not known whether the following will be included in the agenda of today’s meeting:

freeing the roads to the Serrekunda Health Centre so that ambulances will not be blocked by street vendors; provision of markets for the vendors in the area and urinals and public taps so that they will not block gates of compounds or doors of shops or invade people’s residences and transform private utilities into public utilities; unblocking all the drains before the rainy season and transporting all the debris as they unblock the drains and not leave them around to be washed into them again; ensuring that all the car parks at street corners are relocated and provided with sheds, urinals and water; sealing all the potholes in the streets before the rainy season; ensuring there is pedestal mapping and proper zoning of land use; finalising all the street names and compound numbers and making sure that the numbers are put on each gate and the street names and compound numbers to prevent identification of areas through land marks.

Will they make this their target in the next 100 days?

Foroyaa will cover the meeting and report on it.

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
toubab1020 Posted - 14 Jul 2023 : 18:03:43


Witness raises red flag on procurement modalities at KMC

Jul 14, 2023, 12:46 PM | Article By: Pa Modou Cham

Mr. Samba J.B Tambura, Director of Compliance and Procurement Practices, has raised a red flag to the Commission of Inquiry into the financial dealing of the local councils, revealing some inappropriate procurement modalities at the Kanifing Municipal Council (KMC).

Dwelling on the 2019 compliance review, Mr Tambura told the Lead Counsel that procurement units should be under the Department of the accounting officer, saying that wasn’t the case for KMC. He said the procurement office was answerable to the administration department.

He further explained that procurement is a sensitive department and that anyone involved should be independent and ensure is not answerable to different heads of departments.

He said being answerable to other heads of department might lead to a conflict of interest and affect independence in decision-making.

Confirming that he observed the involvement of non-members of the SPU in conducting procurement, he narrated the implication of having the wrong people conduct such transactions.

“Members who are not part of the procurement unit took part in procurements and there were specific references for the environment and sanitation unit,” he said. “This has implications because the understanding is that once you have members outside the procurement unit conducting procurement, it raises eyebrows and the issues of transparency can also be compromised and the whole procurement process.”

He further stated that they don’t expect non-experts in the procurement process, adding that having people outside of the procurement unit doing procurement “raises potential conflicts of interest”. This, he added, could really compromise the whole situation, emphasising that it would lead to violation of the Act and value for money might not be attained.

On transparency and non-compliance issues in procurement, he said transparency is one of the fundament principles of procurement and it is one of the objectives of the procurement law.

“Therefore, depending on the amount involved in the procurement transaction, you are expected to bring that planned procurement to the attention of all potential economic operators either by advertisement or other means, so that people are fully aware that this is a plan for procurement that is about to happen. If these things are not done, it raises some concerns because the law requires that you have to observe transparency,” he stated.

In 2019, the witness said he found out that some of the files at the KMC didn’t have goods receive notes, a notice of award and evaluation reports among others.

He said the goods receive notes are the supporting evidence of receipt of goods, saying if this was absent, it meant there is no evidence that goods were delivered. Per their review, he continued that they couldn’t trace or be presented with anything to suggest that the goods were delivered.

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