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 IGP Abdoulie Sanyang MUST appear before Judge.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 28 Jun 2022 : 13:18:56


By Binta A Bah on JUNE 28th 2022

A high court judge has made an order for the Inspector General of Police, Abdoulie Sanyang to physically appear in his court to show cause why he should not be held for contempt of court order.
Justice Bakre had made an order for the IGP to provide the requisite police escort to execute a judgement that was ruled in favour of one Bernd George Diedrich, a German businessman against the late alkalo of Bijilo in Kombo North, West Coast Region.
The order followed a mandamus filed by Bernd’s lawyer, Sheriff Kumba Jobe for the judge to compel the Inspector General of Police and the Attorney General to provide escort.
In yesterday’s ruling, the judge also granted Bernd’s lawyer to bring contempt proceedings against the IGP for his willful and continued refusal to obey the order of the court compelling him to provide security.
Mr Diedrich in 2012 won a civil suit against Yankuba Jatta regarding a land situated in Bijilo, which he acquired in 1991. The then judge Amadi had ordered for the eviction of Jatta from the said property.

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