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 Imam slams NPP/APRC alliance

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 20 Sep 2021 : 13:43:11
Imam slams NPP/APRC alliance
Te Standard: SEPTEMBER 20, 2021

By Omar Bah

A US-based Gambian imam, Momodou Lamin Ceesay, has lambasted President Adama Barrow for forming an alliance with APRC.

Imam Ceesay, who lives in Michigan, said: “I cannot imagine what Barrow was thinking when deciding on working with the APRC. Where did he leave those who lost their families and loved ones and the women who lost their husbands and children? How could he easily forget the sacrifices done by Solo Sandeng and all those who lost their lives in the struggle against Yahya Jammeh?

Now those who suffered and died to ensure the change are no more important in this country. It is Jammeh, his people and those who went to the National Assembly and declared a state of emergency to keep Jammeh in power are now the ones we celebrate. We have never seen him [Barrow] invite the victims to the State House. He is only inviting tribes there but those who lost their husbands, wives, children and properties are not important,” he said.

The respected Imam called on Gambian elders to start talking against the alliance.

“Gambia has passed the stage where you should sit and watch the country perish. What is happening in this country is not right. It has to stop. If you are a good person, you should condemn bad things when they start happening and not when they go out of hand,” he said.

Imam Ceesay also blasted President Barrow for embracing Seedy Njie who he said deserves no respect after he attempted to suppress the will of the Gambian people in 2016.

“We were all together in the fight in 2016. We spent our resources to effect the change. We must not remain quiet and allow this country to fall back into darkness,’ he said.

The prominent Islamic cleric, who hails from Jarra Tonyataba and has been living in the United States since 1998, was one of the imams who used the pulpit to speak against dictatorship in The Gambia.

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